baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

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archive for fruit

on this day

Friday, August 1st, 2008

Recipe: cranberry oatmeal cookies

Four times a year, the first of the month is a special day for me. Of those four times, only one of those days is one that I had chosen and the rest were out of my control. March 1 is our wedding anniversary because MIL had wised up to the fact that although we had announced our engagement (as evidenced by my engagement mountain bike) mostly to appease the moms, we neglected to plan for the actual wedding. It was at 5 am in the ILs’ living room right before we were headed for the airport that we pulled out a calendar and I selected the earliest first of the month that fell on a Saturday for our wedding date. The first, so that we wouldn’t forget our anniversary as it would always coincide with when rent was due.

November 1 is our smoochiversary or “Happy I’m Glad I Met You Day” or the day that I “robbed the cradle”. Jeremy is my junior and when I was “pursuing” him in the dorms, my friend Ernie leaned over and said, “Jen, if you hit on Jeremy any harder, you’re going to knock him clear out of the cradle.” This date means more to us than our wedding anniversary.

May 1 is the anniversary of my sister’s death and August 1, today, is her birthday. Kris would have turned 42 on this day.


**Jump for more butter**


Friday, July 11th, 2008

Recipe: watermelon sorbet

Hoo boy, it’s hawt out again today! Yesterday in Boulder I was all like “ouch, my black steering wheel is burning my handsies” and had I had destructo death ray eye beams, I would have shot them at the sun and blowed it up, yo. Actually, I wouldn’t have. Because I only had eyes for one man yesterday.

Not Jeremy.

Another man.

he makes my heart go pitter patter

Henry is my little bud. He’s an Aussie (love the accent), a Sydneysider to be exact. His mum is my dear dear friend and we had a few wonderful hours together yesterday. The timing couldn’t have been better. Well, on second thought, not getting sick at all would have been ideal, but at least I was able to walk again in time for their visit!

**Jump for more butter**

for the fourth

Friday, July 4th, 2008

Recipe: mini pavlovas

I need to get to bed asap, so this is going to be big on pics and short on words…

A jam-packed, fun-filled day today! We hiked to the Continental Divide (Arapaho Pass and almost Caribou Pass) out of the Fourth of July trailhead – appropriately enough. We couldn’t cross the last snowfield to Caribou because it was too steep for Kaweah to cross safely, while Jeremy and I were perfectly fine with our ice axes. I got a lot of wildflower shots as this hike has just about the greatest variety locally, but haven’t had a chance to process any. I do want to toss up a handful of nice pics from the hike including my two favorite housemates:

the cascading streams are lovely right now

**Jump for more butter**