baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

copyright jennifer yu © 2004-2023 all rights reserved: no photos or content may be reproduced without prior written consent

archive for health

i’ll leave you with lovelies (lots of pics)

Wednesday, May 7th, 2008

Recipe: greek beef/chicken salad with tahini-yogurt dressing

My favorite weather to hike in is overcast and cool (50s F). That was the forecast for Boulder this morning, my last “good” morning before my body is overrun with side effects from: my primary drugs, my secondary drugs (to treat side-effects), and my tertiary drugs (to treat side-effects from the secondary drug side-effects). Even so, round #5 wasn’t quite done with me and I’ve gained 10 pounds of fluid in the form of swelling over the last 2 days. Uncomfortable, painful… annoying as hell.

But I wasn’t to be deterred because I knew if I didn’t go wildflower peeping, they might up and bloom and wither away before I am well enough to see them after chemo #6. Jeremy knows how important this is to me – to get out right before I go down for the count. He offered to spend the morning with me and chaperone the pup (deprived of her rightful hiking all winter and spring) while I got my fix.

signature boulder: the flatirons in clouds

**Jump for more butter**

torta di ricotta

Tuesday, May 6th, 2008

Recipe: torta di ricotta

Here’s a curious phenomenon revisited… One place I worked, which I affectionately refer to as Clusterfucks-R-Us, had a lot of questionable shenanigans going on. Like one of the married directors boinking his secretary and then moving her into my group for a job she wasn’t qualified to do. Anyway, when things got quite ugly, I decided they weren’t paying me enough to put up with all of their bullshit – so I tendered my letter of resignation with two weeks’ notice. Two weeks. Two weeks of me walking around the company with a big “fuck you” grin on my snarky face. It’s a good feeling. Teflon, I tell you.

crush the yolks like you would crush your enemies

**Jump for more butter**

cool it with tofu

Monday, May 5th, 2008

Recipe: cold tofu salad

I’ve received a lot of requests lately for foods I’ve posted pictures of without corresponding recipes. I will get on those in due time. There just happens to be a huge backlog of recipes I need to post and I’m cranking them out daily (have you noticed?) because I have another chemo on the horizon. But it’s my last frakking one! Can I get a w00t! ?? Hell Effingham yeah, people.

So just sit tight and keep your pants on.

I know some folks get that sour-lemon look on their face when they hear the word tofu. Those people can stick it. If you know how to prepare tofu properly it is teh delish. And yes, I know how to prepare it properly. I’m Chinese after all, and I wield a big knife.

tofu, green onions, preserved mustard green, pork floss

**Jump for more butter**