baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

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archive for off topic

a short road trip south

Monday, October 22nd, 2007

This past weekend we drove down to New Mexico to visit with my aunt, Elena. She’s my mom’s youngest sister and we are very close. My grandma was visiting and Elena had asked if I might want to drop in for the weekend. It’s a seven-hour drive from Boulder to Los Alamos. Seeing as the rest of my family is scattered all over the country, Elena is my nearest neighbor – just down the road (a few hundred miles) off I-25. Why not?

birthday tulips

**Jump for more butter**


Sunday, October 14th, 2007

We got our first real snowfall today! It’s about a month later than last year, but last year’s storm was most definitely an anomaly (albeit a good one).

at the house

**Jump for more butter**

food in ski resort towns

Saturday, September 29th, 2007

…sucks unless you pay out the nose (and then it’s still not worth what you paid).

We are in a ski resort town tonight. I dragged Jeremy and dog out for the weekend to shoot the fall colors. It’s beautiful out here. There is nothing to report food-wise other than I cannot wait to get home to a decently prepared meal again.

**Jump for more butter**