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candied orange peels

Recipe: candied orange peels

For many years we rented because we were in grad school, because post-docs are so short-term, because we lived in Southern California… All those years I cooked and produced vegetable and fruit scraps and bemoaned the fact that I didn’t have a compost pile of my own, in a yard of my own, to put on a garden of my own. Now that we’ve been in our own house for 2 years, I’ve been rejoicing in my own compost pile (well, compost bin – otherwise the winds would have my potato peels strewn across the next county) which sits in my own yard. I don’t have my own garden yet, but one day I will figure out what to grow in our 2-week growing season…

So it’s great that I have a composting system because I can reduce the amount of trash we take to the dump by half! Even so, I would prefer not to have to throw things away if possible. Since I was juicing oranges recently, a flash of brilliance hit me smack in the forehead and I decided to make candied orange peels. Mind you, I don’t dig on candied orange peels myself. I mean, I can stomach maybe one, or two – but that’s enough for the year. Jeremy on the other hand… he’ll sit there and eat one after another.

It’s a fairly simple process (but not a quick one) to make candied orange peels, but I never had a desire. In my pastry course, we did a massive candied orange peel campaign one night in a frenzy of garnishes and decorations. I loved that class, but it was fast-paced and because we divvied up the duties, I wasn’t able to get my hands on everything. All I ended up doing was peeling a dozen oranges and taking a ton of notes.

use almost every bit of the orange

Some recipes tell you to remove the pith, but without the pith you are left with not a lot of orange peel even though it may not technically be part of the peel. I think the concern is that the pith makes the peel bitter. You can remedy the bitterness by blanching the peels.

blanch the strips of peel three times

Simmering the peel in a sugar syrup is the next step. Some suggest 30 minutes, 45 minutes – basically simmering until translucent. I found I had to boil it for 75 minutes before I guessed it was translucent enough, but that could be my elevation (I’m sure it is).

translucent enough for ya?

What you get is a big gooey mess if you dilly dally too long. I set a few cooling racks over cookie sheets and lay the strips down one by one – not touching. Actually, I rolled several in sugar and then set them down to dry, but got tired of doing that and just let the rest dry as they were. I also think they are too sweet rolled in sugar, so drying as is was perfectly fine. The recipe says to dry for 4-5 hours, but I personally find drying for 2 days to be ideal (and I live in a rather dry environment, so humid climates will require more drying time or better controlled humidity).

Edit (December 7, 2011): Many folks have asked what to do with the remaining orange-flavored sugar syrup. KEEP IT! If it’s too thick, you can add a little water and thin it out, but put the stuff in a jar and keep it in your refrigerator.

orange sugar syrup

Use it as an orange simple syrup for fruity cocktails, fizzy drinks (just add fresh lime or lemon juice, seltzer water and ice), to add to tea, to soak a cake, whatever you like! But you can totally use this, so don’t throw it out. -jen End edit.

a cookie sheet is great for catching all of the drips

dry 4-5 hours

When the strips were done, I stored the sugar-coated (hell, they are ALL sugar coated – I mean the sugar-rolled) strips in a tupperware. I took the non-rolled strips and dipped them in tempered dark chocolate, which is one of Jeremy’s absolute favorite confections. Those require cooling/drying time on the racks. In hindsight, I probably should have set them directly on the baking sheet because I prefer the flush face to the rack marks. Good to know.


better than compost

Candied Orange (Citrus) Peel
[print recipe]

4 oranges, peel of (or any thick skinned orange)
3 cups sugar
1 cup water

1 cup sugar for rolling
8 oz. chocolate for dipping

You can harvest the peel in many ways. Here are two I recommend: 1) Cut the oranges in half and juice them. Cut each half in half again and take a spoon to scrape the pulp out, leaving a clean pith. 2) Lop off the top and bottom of each orange (think of removing the polar caps where the stem and opposite end are) just to the fruit. Score the orange peel like lines of longitude every 60 degrees. Peel the orange and clean the inside of the peel with a spoon. (I generally don’t like to remove too much pith.)

Cut peel into 1/4 inch strips. Place peels in a large saucepan and cover with cold water. Heat on high until water comes to a boil. Pour off the water. Repeat twice more. Combine sugar and water in the saucepan and bring to boil over high heat until temperature reaches 230°F. Add peel and reduce heat to simmer. Simmer until peels are translucent (30 minutes or longer – 75 minutes at my 8500 ft. elevation). Remove peels from syrup and roll in sugar if desired, and set on rack to dry for 4-5 hours (well, I dry for 2 days and more humid regions will require more time). Once the peel is dry, you can dip in tempered dark chocolate – shake off excess, and place on foil, wax paper, or baking sheet to dry. Store in a tupperware, or if not chocolate dipped, store in sugar or as is.

191 nibbles at “candied orange peels”

  1. Michael Natkin says:

    Wow, Jennifer, those look terrific! They totally remind me of the neighborhood candy shop where I grew up, I loved all the candied fruits. Mmm, and almond bark. Can you make that next!?! Thanks for the comment over at Herbivoracious too.

  2. peabody says:

    Yes, those do look better than composte.

  3. maria~ says:

    Hey Jen! Wonderful candied orange peels. Wish I could have some… *droolz*

    Neways, welcome to the DB club, girl! ;)

  4. HolyBasil says:

    Awesome! Thank you for the detailed shots of the process. Beautiful photos!

  5. HolyBasil says:

    okay, so now I’ve read 5 of your previous posts. I’m so glad I found your blog. Love your writing —thank you for keeping it real, sista-friend!

    Also, I agree with what you said about not buying a camera/lens just for food shots. While I have a great respect for those who specialize in food photography, I cringe at the thought that as bloggers, our only interest is to take nice pictures of food. ‘kay, my rant is over now.

  6. lindsay says:

    love love LOVE your blog.
    and from what i’ve gathered, you seem pretty awesome.

    that is all.

    (now i’ve got new recipes to try.. thanks for sharing!

  7. Hillary says:

    Haha I love your caption that says “better than compost.” Those look fantastic, and if you were curious, I’d have to go with the chocolate -covered over the sugar-coated.

  8. Sindy says:

    Those look absolutely gorgeous! I cannot wait to try to make them. I was wondering, I have also seen candied orange slices and I wonder if you know if the cooking process is basically the same?

    I came accross you site from Tastespotting (which I frequent oh at least 3 times a day) and I happened to notice the other day that gingerbread girl had posted a TON of pictures I thought she was the author and was mildly confused when the links took me to other blogs. I guess that clears THAT up!

    This does bring up a question for me though. I also write a food blog. I on a regular basis use recipes that I have found in other places. I do however, actually cook the food myself and take my own pictures. I then post the recipe as I made it (because I often make changes) but I always reference and give the link to the original recipe. In essence I guess I am sort of writing recipe reviews. My question is am I following proper “blogging ettiquette”?
    So, I guess what I am asking is may I use your recipe and post it on my blog in this way?

  9. jenyu says:

    Michael – thanks for dropping by and sure, one day i’ll be making almond bark… check back in December ;)

    Peabody – ;)

    Maria – thanks lady! I love being a DBer and the gang is so nice!

    HolyBasil – I really appreciate your comments! Your site is lovely – I like the design (I’m a sucker for simplicity and elegance).

    Lindsay – you’re sweet and I hope you’ll post your results.

    Hillary – you should see the compost bin now… and yes, both of us prefer the chocolate-covered too :)

    Sindy – by all means, you can use the recipes or else there would be no point in my posting them! The motivation of my food blogging is to share with other people who love food, love to cook, or want to give it a try. Half of my ideas come from other bloggers (it’s torture when you see something really good and you haven’t eaten in a while…) I just do my best to credit folks when I can – it’s like science… you reference your sources unless you came up with the original idea or data. I suppose my take on the whole blogging etiquette issue is to give credit where it is due, share with others, play nice, and don’t take things without getting permission (text and images, etc.) As for orange slices… I have never tried it with a whole slice, but I did “candy” some lemon slices for garnish to a cake in this post. I just boiled sugar and water until it reached soft crack stage and boiled 5 or so lemon slices in it until they became a little translucent. Then I took them out – cooled on a rack, and popped them on the cake. I probably didn’t simmer them long enough, but they were consumed rather quickly. Hope that helps and thanks for asking!

  10. Anh says:

    Perfect, just perfect! I just love your blog at first sight!

  11. jenyu says:

    Anh – thanks so much!

  12. Sunday Stars for the week of 10/7 - 10/13 | BABble says:

    […] real butter: candied orange peels – chocolate covered orange peel is a family favorite back in my neck of the woods… so […]

  13. Hande says:

    Hi Jen,

    I finally made these yesterday (turned out great) but had a little problem: I had a lot of leftover syrup. Did you also? What did you do with it? I came up with the idea to add chocolate to it and it turned out great, too! I have blogged about it (don’t know why it didn’t pingback), if you would like to see.

  14. jenyu says:

    Hande – Oh, you are such a clever girl! I think your idea is wonderful. I actually used the leftover syrup with seltzer water. Just a dash of the syrup with lemon juice and lots of seltzer water for a nice refreshing drink. I think I meant to include that in my post but didn’t get around to it (for some reason – I’m usually blogging late at night and things leak from my brain…) Thanks for your great idea!

  15. andreea says:

    these look fantastic! i wonder why i spend my money on them when i could actually make them? :)
    on my ‘to do’ list they go.
    another general questions: i don’t seem to be able to add you to my feed list (rss)? any tips on how to?

  16. jenyu says:

    Andreea – um, I don’t have the rss feed working at the moment. I’m not sure why, but haven’t had time to look at it (upgrading my server). Sorry! And the reason you might buy the orange peels instead of making them yourself might be because they are a pain to make? I just made a batch and didn’t temper my chocolate properly (my own fault) and the whole batch bloomed :( Unsightly, but delicious. I suppose we won’t be giving any of those away… (Jeremy is now overjoyed).

  17. Nancy Reardon says:

    After many years of using store-bought candied peel for my English plum puddings, I am thinking that this year I might make my own . . . in that case, would you suggest eliminating the dry sugar coating?

  18. jenyu says:

    Nancy – you know, I think you can safely omit the sugar coating. In fact, I don’t like it. I made another batch recently and the glaze alone, when it dries, is just fine. Plum puddings sound marvelous!!

  19. Theresa says:

    mmm, Im gonna makes these in 2 weeks for the holidays and beyond. They remind me of chocolate covered pretzels and peppermint candies :oj

  20. jenyu says:

    Theresa – they’re a lot of work, but people are crazy about these!

  21. jessy says:

    finally found a recipe for these! but just wondering if you could tell me how many grams in a cup of sugar? thank you

  22. jenyu says:

    Jessy – I googled this since I don’t know it off the top of my head… 200g in one cup for SUGAR. Volume to weight conversions are dependent on density, so beware of that if you switch to something else like… marshmallows ;)

  23. Irene says:

    Hi jenyu, what do you do with the juicy oranges? would like to make a lot but too much leftovers to eat. thanks. great photos!

  24. jenyu says:

    Irene – I usually wind up with orange peels because I had to juice a bunch of oranges. But we also eat a lot regularly and so I’ll save the peels and chuck them into a plastic ziploc and refrigerate (if I’m going to candy them soon) until I have enough to make a batch of candied peels.

  25. Paige says:

    Thank you so much for this recipe! I tried making these last year, from a different recipe, and they were TERRIBLE! I just tried these tonight, and they were FABULOUS! I made them two times, and I found that when I blanched the peels four times, they candied faster. (I also live at a high altitude, and the first time it took an hour and a half) I absolutely love your site, and will continue to try your wonderful recipes! Thank you so much!

  26. jenyu says:

    Paige – Wow, terrific! Thanks for the tip on the fourth blanching, I will give that a try. The second time I made this recipe the peels were great and all of the chocolate bloomed :( I think tempering is the sticking point for me here.

  27. Jillian says:

    I love this idea and i’m very fond of these treats. I’m about to be given a car load (yes i said a car load, 10 shopping bags!) of fresh grapefruits and am getting nervous. I planned on making marmalade, but this would also be a great way of using the fuit. Have you ever tried this recipe with other citrus fruits? How long do they keep for?

  28. jenyu says:

    Jillian – I haven’t tried it with other fruits, no. Since we live in a dry climate, my orange peels lasted about 3 weeks (well, they were eaten before they went bad…) Don’t forget you can juice the grapefruits and mix the juice with simple syrup and some lemon juice and seltzer water for a delightful cordial.

  29. Blair says:

    Oh, yum. I have a lot of oranges that are getting a little soft (I was just thinking they would make a wonderful snack, and I should hurry before they are TOO bad…), and since I’m out of cinnamon and can’t make potpourri, I was wondering what on earth to do with the peels. (I hate to waste.)

    This recipe is certainly going to be fun to make.

    But, I have a question; what type of camera do you use? I’m an aspiring photographer, and these photos are just delicious.

  30. Blair says:

    Ha, well, now that I’ve taken some more time to look around your site, I saw your rant about cameras and computers and whatnot. x] So, I do hope you won’t be angered by my question in the previous post. ^_^

  31. Angela says:

    Jennifer, this is exactly what I was looking for!!! Last time I cooked candied orange peel was about 20 years ago when my kids were small. The other day I bought some at Godiva (yum!) but I prefer them without chocolate… so I better make my own. I already pealed the oranges and cut them into strip when I realized that I needed to know how much sugar, water, and for how long…. well!!! THANK YOU!!

  32. jenyu says:

    Blair – No worries on the question. Folks ask all the time, so that is why I put it in the about page :) I hope it was at least helpful. I’ve saved orange peels and put them in a tupperware in the fridge for up to a week… I wonder if you can freeze them? I always get antsy when I have a ton of good fruit on the brink of turning overripe. I hope you were able to use your oranges!

    Angela – you’re so welcome! If you don’t plan to dip in chocolate, then these peels are super easy to make. It’s the chocolate dipping that makes me insane :)

  33. David says:

    Wonderful! Thanks for posting this great, straightforward method. My kids and I just made these with clementine orange peels. We ate a 5 lb. box of clementines over about a week, always just putting the peels into a ziplock bag in the refrigerator. A couple edges got a touch brown, but that was not apparent in the finished project. Thanks!

  34. jenyu says:

    David – wow, I never tried it with clementine peels. Glad it worked out!

  35. martha says:

    Thank you!! What a great site!!!! You have done a wonderful job explaining things clearly. Do you have any other ideas for chocolate covered ?????????? I wanted to make a gift for a friend that loves chocolate. These will work great. Thank you again for sharing your knowledge!!!

  36. jenyu says:

    Martha – well, I have dipped fresh strawberries, but that’s about it. I imagine you can chocolate dip just about anything :) Go for it!

  37. Denise says:

    I was wondering, I know that potatoes have poisons while raw…
    Is it safe to eat orange peel or do they have enzyme inhibitors and other things that make them inedible?
    Just wondering.

  38. jenyu says:

    Denise – I think orange peels are pretty safe. I try to use organic oranges in general. I use orange zest in a lot of cooking and have no problems with the safety issues. Just be sure to give the orange rind a good wash before you start using.

  39. maria says:

    For some pastry recipes my mom makes, you have to make a simple syrup whose flavor comes from boiled orange and lemon peels, honey, cinnamon and cloves. The peels aren’t part of the dessert, but they come out soft and sweet!

  40. jenyu says:

    Maria – yum! I use a similar syrup to make baklava and I like to nibble on the orange and lemon peel after it is removed from the syrup :)

  41. KayCee says:

    oh my gosh! This recipe was fantastic! I tried it and my orange peels camr out perfect! I also tried it with lemon peels! So yummy.

  42. jenyu says:

    KayCee – great!

  43. Boni says:

    Does the orange peel retain its benifical health ORAC points, and all its good phyto chemical etc… after all this cooking? Would love to know. I know the sugar is an off set for sure!

  44. Shirley says:

    Thank you! It sounds better than the one I lost years ago and have been looking for again recently. I also used it on grapefruit peel (with the pith off). Your photos are beautiful.

  45. Harmonia says:

    I was looking for a recipe just like this. Those look absolutely delicious.

  46. jenyu says:

    Boni – I doubt it, just because of the heat applied to it – it must destroy a lot of the vitamins and such. That’s my guess, but I don’t know for sure.

    Shirley – yum, grapefruit! thanks :)

    Harmonia – great, I hope it works for you!

  47. Tini says:

    Hi Jenyu,

    I am so glad I found your website. Last night I was craving candied orange peels and “voila” your web site appeared. I was in Paris just a month ago and bought some of them. Now I know why they are so expensive. It’s a very time consuming but it’s worth it!

    I can’t wait to make some more of these yummy candies. Thanks again.

  48. Tini says:

    I love it. Thanks so much Jennifer for posting this delicious treat!

  49. jenyu says:

    Tini – Great! I hope they don’t cause too much headache (they are a pain, but they are delicious!). I guess the large quantity makes it worth the trouble :)

  50. Candied Citrus Peel - Tangelo and Pomelo « Hot.Sour.Salty.Sweet. And Umami says:

    […] it’s not all doom and gloom, friends. Thanks to Jen, I had the inspiration and know-how to make candied citrus peels. Instant sunshine and a little […]

  51. pixen says:

    I love the photo of the ‘drips’ … and the vivid color of the orange plus the smell of oranges….sigh… c’est super bonne!

  52. Court says:

    What a great tutorial! I’ve always wanted/needed someone to explain this process to me s-l-o-w-l-y. Thanks, I think I’m going to try these as a garnish for a wedding rehearsal dessert I’ve got coming up…

  53. jenyu says:

    Pixen – thank you!

    Court – awesome, I hope this recipe works out for you :)

  54. Pomme says:

    came accross your blog yesterday (through the link from Fanny’s foodbeam blog). let’s say I didn’t get as much work done as I should have! I’ve put you in my favourites.
    I have been doing candied peels all year, ever since I came accross a recipe. I recommand trying it with grapefruit, it’s amazing (although my ultimate favourite is candied lemons, but you need a fair amount of lemons before you get a decent batch!)
    Thanks for that blog, it’s really great!!

  55. jenyu says:

    Pomme – thank you :)

  56. Pomme says:

    Hi Jen,
    just popping by to say, I’m on my third batch using your recipe. I’m visiting friends at the moment, and they’ve been commenting on how lovely the peels are… much nicer than usual actually! Your recipe seem to help keeping the peels nice and moist, the way I was doing before, they would end up drying up a bit, I brought a huge box a couple of days ago and they’re all gone!!
    Still in love with your blog, as you can see :-)

  57. jenyu says:

    Pomme – great! Thanks and I’m happy to hear you are such a pro at the peels now.

  58. Romina says:

    Thanks for that recepie, i’m doing it right now, on a rainy sunday afteroon here in Argentina! Hope i’ll enjoy them tomorrow. I’m doing them out of grapefruit which I had for breakfast. i’ll try I’m do them out of lemon and oranges next time I do something with those. What I like the most is the ecofriendly approach.
    Nice pictures!!

  59. jenyu says:

    Romina – I haven’t tried this with grapefruit, but I hope it works out. I know many people had some bad results when they tried to candy grapefruit peel. I hope yours works. Thanks!

  60. Hot Days, Cold Food « food vagabond says:

    […] Another great quick ice cream was fig ice cream. Boil a pound of figs with some brown sugar, grated lemon peel and some juice and a dash of homemade vanilla vodka. After it cools, mix it with 250 ml of cream, add some more lemon juice and freeze, as above, working it every once in a while with your stick blender. Serve with little pieces of candied orange peel! […]

  61. Orangette, Oranges & Grandma Lupe | Doña Lupe’s Kitchen says:

    […] tried Jennifer Yu’s method of blanching the peels three times to do away with the bitterness but I still got some that […]

  62. Home with Mandy says:

    I love this idea of using every bit of the orange. No waste! And it looks yummy to boot. I’m glad I found your blog, I can’t wait to read more of your recipes and ideas.

    Thanks! Mandy

  63. jenyu says:

    Home w/ Mandy – thank you!

  64. CharM says:

    Hi Jennifer…

    I’m so glad I found your site… I have been composting for some time to reduce the amount of garbage we’re taking to the landfill… But, I just love the idea of reducing my compostables, too… I made this recipe for the first time today and will be making it often! Thank you so much!

  65. jenyu says:

    Charm – yay! I’m so glad to hear it :)

  66. BrigMW says:

    Thanks for this recipe! They’re a perfect topping for chocolate orange cheesecake, and I always make extra to snack on while I work.

  67. jenyu says:

    BrigMW – great! That is a fantastic use for them :)

  68. gourmade says:


    Thanks a ton! I cater and was just browsing to find the best recipe for candied orange peel garnish for a martini. Yours is perfect! Simple, great photos and has all the elements I was looking for.

  69. jenyu says:

    Gourmade – thanks and I hope you like them as much as I do!

  70. courtney says:

    does anyone know if it would be plausible/smart to reuse the syrup to make them the next time around?? delicious, by the way!!!

  71. jenyu says:

    Courtney – I’ve never reused the syrup for candying the orange peels, but you can use the syrup in other baking.

  72. Nikki Mans says:

    I am about to make your gorgeous sounding candied orange peels. I am an army wife living in Belgium. The up side is the chocolate here. Neuhaus do a small pack of these yummy things and I have to say yours look better so you should start marketing them in the UK (you probably already do!) Thanks for the easy to read layout and hints throughout. Can’t wait ot taste them now! Nikki

  73. jenyu says:

    Nikki – thanks, but I think if I had to make these for a living I’d go nuts :)

  74. P.J. says:

    Hi Jen,

    I was surfing around for candied orange peel, & came accross your blog. A big WOW, made some this yr from a famous cook, but did not turn out so well, but i am anxious to try try this recipe listening to all the bloggers. I also notice a recipe using grapefruit. Jen is it possitble to candy grapefriut peel or is that something that could not be used?

    My next question was when I coat the orange peels, about how long will they keep in an airtight container. Because I had placed them in the frige. WRONG MOVE, they got horrible & had to throw them away.

    And as all the other bloggers, your pix shots are awesome. Keep up the good work. I now have you bookmarked for more goodies.

    Many thanks again!

  75. bookaholic_au says:

    thanks a bunch for this site. I candied orange peel years ago, but when I looked back for the recipe it had shrunk on me – one measly paragraph (and no quantities). Its really great to find such detailed instructions and pictures. I can’t thank you enough.

    Have a virtual chocolate coated candied orange peel

  76. Lori says:

    OMG. Made these today and OMG (have I said that already?)! They were fan——tastic. Oh it needs that superlative! I always thought they would be too bitter for me. I have to say they are like “sugared orange slices” on taste steroids. I just loved them.

  77. Hazera says:

    Lovely and some great instructions. I am going to be making these for Christmas hampers for my in-laws, they will love them!!! I love eating these whenever I’ve had a chance to buy them but I am not going to buy them from now on!!

    More, more!!

  78. jenyu says:

    PJ – uh, I have ever tried to candy grapefruit peel and I recall Deb of Smitten Kitchen had a batch that didn’t candy well. You may want to search around on the blogs for anyone who has done it successfully. The orangettes seem to keep at least a week in a tupperware at room temp. Definitely make sure to let the candied peels dry (it takes mine 24 hours).

    Bookaholic – thanks.

    Lori – hee hee, great!

    Hazera – good luck!

  79. The Way the Cookie Crumbles says:

    […] what possessed me to make five types of candy (in one day!) this year. I’m blaming Jen and all of her flawless […]

  80. Mirišljavi ekološki ukrasi | Škrabalica says:

    […] iznenađena činjenicom da se i kore citrusa mogu kadirati i jesti. Smitten kitchen i grejpfrut, Use real butter i narandže, i The Small Object Steno Pad i […]

  81. Candied orange peel « Cooking up memories says:

    […] out pretty good. Thanks to Deb at Smitten Kitchen for the detailed instructions and Jennifer at Use Real Butter for the written […]

  82. Birdie says:

    I got a box of oranges from my sister for Christmas! I went looking for THIS recipe while I was juicing some :^)
    Don’t have time to read all the comments, but I found that using a pizza cutter makes cutting those strips EASY. Gawd, it smells good in here!

  83. Lauren says:

    I have been wanting to make panettone for ages but I didn’t have any candied orange peels, which you’re supposed to chop up and put in the dough, nor did I know how to make any. Thankfully I stumbled upon your very helpful recipe and lovely photos. I’ll report back next week and tell you how the peels (I’m using tangerines) and the panettone turn out :)

  84. Hazera says:

    Quick question….

    I didn’t want to throw away the sugary, orangey syrup in the pan so I filtered out the remnants and I’ve kept it but just wondering what I could do with it. It’s very nice – reminds me of honey. Any suggestions?

    And how should I store it if I just want to keep it as it is? Should I reduce it down so that it’s totally syrupy? Thanks….

  85. Hazera says:

    Oh, I just realised, someone has already asked the same thing as my recent post…

    But suggestions would still be really welcome as I am not sure what Seltzer water is – I’m in the UK. Is it like carbonated mineral water?

  86. Elizabeth says:

    Hi! Just found your blog. Great! Thank you! So many recipes I can’t wait to try.
    You mentioned on these orangettes that the chocolate part was the biggest pain for you. Is that because the chocolate must be tempered? I have never tempered chocolate. Do you have any tips?
    I live at 6000 feet and my candy making here has not worked out at all. I tried toffee and maple fudge this year and they were horrible. I didn’t have any problems with toffee at sea level. I will try your caramel recipe soon to see how that works.

  87. jenyu says:

    Birdie – good tip! I don’t own a pizza cutter, but I have a lovely ceramic knife that is sharp as all get out – I LOVE to slice things with it :)

    Lauren – I hope you like it. I love panettone and didn’t even realize I should use these for that recipe. Yet one more to add to the list of recipes to try!

    Hazera – yes, folks have asked about that. You can use the syrup to flavor soda water (seltzer water is just carbonated water – sometimes flavored), add it to citrusy cocktails, use it to flavor chocolate mousse, syrup, desserts…, add it to hot cocoa, etc. I stored mine in the refrigerator in a sealed glass jar.

    Elizabeth – well, the chocolate doesn’t need to be tempered, and I don’t actually try very hard to temper it because it falls out of temper too quickly. Maybe if I set it over a warm water bath, but keeping it between 89 and 91 °F is quite a chore in my house which is typically 65°F. You can read about tempering chocolate on my truffles post: but there are much better resources for doing it right. Tempering is a very complex subject matter. If you’re at 6000 feet, then you need to adjust your candying temperatures. You will reach hard crack stage or caramelization stage earlier than someone at sea-level. Usually the rule of thumb is to subtract 1°F for every 500 feet. So for me at 8500 feet, I generally subtract 17°F, which is a lot, but it seems to work (whereas not following that tidbit seems to result in really hard or ruined candy and other things).

  88. paulo71 says:

    Loving your blog!! Going through that uncertain stage of ‘peel candying. Waiting for that elusive translucent moment…nearly there I think?

    Great photo’s & descriptive text.

    Here’s hoping?


  89. jenyu says:

    Paulo71 – thank you. I hope it worked out. I didn’t really like orangettes until I made them myself. Fresh is definitely better than any store-bought stuff (which tastes horribly chemically to me).

  90. Lauren says:

    I made these a few days ago and they were great! I haven’t gotten around to making the panettone I was planning to use them in, but I did dip some of the peels in semisweet chocolate and gave them to my boyfriend’s mother. She loved them!!! Thanks for the recipe.

  91. jenyu says:

    Lauren – you’re very welcome.

  92. susan wing says:

    Just discovered your site…wonderful in all aspects (food, thoughts, and images). Your candied orange rinds would be a nice complement to what I do with those tiny fresh sections of clementines..dip half in melted bittersweet chocolate. The contrast of bitter chocolate and the tiny burst of clementine juice…you can eat an embarassing amount of them. Again, lovely site. kudos from New Mexico

  93. jenyu says:

    Susan – thank you.

  94. 5 Uses For Citrus Peels | Listicles says:

    […] Make candied peels: Who says you can’t eat peels? Better to sweeten and soften a little beforehand though. Check out this terrific (and deliciously illustrated) candied orange peel recipe from foodie blog Use Real Butter. […]

  95. Ann says:

    I tried this recipes once already with tangerines… WAY too thin, on top of the fact I took ALL the pith out. If I ever get around to buying tangerines again, I will definitely try it without removing the pith at all…

    It was a bit crunchy but still delicious.

    This time I just got done making it with navel oranges…. I was hell bent on making these the right way… I get like that when it comes to cooking: relentless & a bit of a perfectionist. I don’t know what happened… maybe it was turned up too high but 45 minutes into simmering it, there was hardly any syrup left! I scrambled making more syrup in a seperate pot than added it to the almost frying peels…

    Hopefully it will turn out right! I plan on sending some to my family back home…. they have never even heard of candied oranges! Do you know how they might do with the postal service? My candied oranges are going from the midwest to southeast AK. I also got some chocolate to dip in a few of them. ->chocoholic!novice photographer<-

    Next on my list is the sandwich w/avacado, egg & whatnot. looks mouthwatering! (drool)

    PS i also could not find a cooler rack thingie so i improvised a little…. I felt like paula deen & maguiver’s love child LOL :D

    THANKS for this awesome site!!!

  96. H says:

    I just tried these for the first time and think they turned out great (they’re still drying, so can’t be positive, but all signs point to success). Regarding your January 2008 question — whether or not you can freeze the peels until you’re ready to candy them — I cut and froze orange peels periodically until I had a big batch/time to cook it. Used them frozen and it worked just fine. Thanks for a fabulous and fun-to-read blog!

  97. jenyu says:

    Ann – I hope they turned out for you. This is definitely one of those recipes that you need to keep an eye on. Sometimes the sugar will seize and become one giant solid mass of dry sugar and you don’t want that sitting on the burner for 45 minutes. Check it often and try not to disturb the syrup or introduce air into it. They are quite delicious. I didn’t used to like orange peels, but now I love them because homemade tastes so much better. Thanks for commenting!

    H – Nice to know, thanks! I hope yours are awesome :)

  98. randi says:

    well uumm i live in fresno california where we are in abundance in citrus mainly oranges and i simply was looking for the do’s and dont’s on freezing fresh squeezed oj and dreading the time its going to consume to do this but NOW……….NOW i find your blog and HAVE to make those candied peels as well!!!! Good BYe housework, good bye husband, good bye to life as i knew it cuz im making peels too!!!!!MMMMmmmmmmm hope i have the energy left to eat em all!!!! THANK YOU

  99. jenyu says:

    Randi – I’m so jealous of your fresh citrus (I used to live in So Cal and now I have to pay for my citrus in Colorado). The peels are time consuming, but everyone loves them. Hope you do too!

  100. Carmela says:

    How can you prevent the chocolate coating from being “pockmarked” after a week or 2. The chocolate coated orange peel looks great for a few days. Then light brown tiny specks appear all over. This does not affect the taste but looks terrible.

  101. jenyu says:

    Carmela – I don’t keep these for more than a week, but if the chocolate is tempered properly and your peels are dry, they don’t seem to develop any problems.

  102. Amy says:

    I finally got this one down – after three tries. Not as beautiful as yours, and I didn’t chocolate coat them. But yummy anyways.

  103. jenyu says:

    Amy – great job.

  104. tom says:

    so i googled candied orange peel and your site showed up second only to the food network (and they don’t have any amazing pictures). if i’ve only got x amount of hours in the kitchen, which i’d like to spend making cannolis instead of making candied orange peels, and my sicilian godmother isn’t around anymore to hook me up, where could i track some down in boulder? i spent some time searching in whole foods to no avail…

    i love your blog – great tips on where to eat locally as well as tasty recipes (recently made the pistachio ice cream, which turned out great). thanks and keep up the good work!

  105. jenyu says:

    Tom – I don’t actually know where you can find candied orange peels around town. I’ve never looked, but you might try asking Peppercorn on Pearl St.? Thanks for dropping by!

  106. Candied Orange Peel « Sweet Melissa Sundays says:

    […] Check out Jen of Use Real Butter’s post. […]

  107. Hot Cross Buns « Savour Fare says:

    […] 1/3 c. finely chopped candied orange peel (this is available from King Arthur Flour or you can make your own 1/3 c. golden raisins 3 1/4 – 3 3/4 cups unbleached all-purpose […]

  108. Ruth says:

    I love your photos and the way you make this looks so simple, can’t wait to try this beautiful recipe!!!

  109. Jan says:

    Those look so good, can not wait to try. The left over syrup would be good over a bread pudding or over a plain carrot cake, I make a orange glaze for mine. Thanks for the recipe.

  110. jenyu says:

    Ruth – thank you!

    Jan – yes, definitely save the syrup! It’s great on so many things.

  111. Kirsa says:

    would you have any ideas on packaging those little buggers effectively ? I dont want them to melt and stick everywhere… especially since I was planning on chocolate covering them…. I’ll most likely make half moon slices too… they would be for a wedding gift :) and most likely to stay at room temperature for a while… you’d save my life !

  112. jenyu says:

    Kirsa – chocolate in summer is tricky. Your best bet is to make sure the chocolate is tempered (a whole headache in and of itself), but even then, they could still melt if you don’t monitor the temperature carefully. If you’re transporting them by hand, perhaps put them in a cooler with ice packs to keep them cool until you’re ready to hand them over. Good luck!

  113. Tuquynh says:

    Hi Jen! Haunting your site again. I tried chocolate covered orange peels for the first time this summer in France and was sooooo in love! I got really excited when I noticed you had a recipe on here and finally am getting around to trying it tonight. Thanks so much for sharing your recipes, photos and cooking love with us. :)

  114. tag says:

    I made these as a garnish for a Thanksgiving cheesecake last year and they were great. I used the syrup to make a fresh cranberry sauce, topped the cheesecake with that and and sprinkled the orange peels on just before serving. Did another one for Christmas with chocolate ganache instead of cranberry. Thanks Jen for sparking up my holiday baking.

  115. person says:

    If I dont have a candy thermometer, so is there a way I can know when to stop the sugar and water from boiling without it?

  116. Ginger says:

    I am in the process of making these as I type and if nothing else, my kitchen smells great. Can’t wait to try them.

  117. Krystal says:

    Ah, I found you again at last! Following a disasterous pc mishap, I lost you and was freaking out trying to locate this recipe. It has become a family favorite since we first made it a couple of years ago. Your site is both entertaining and filled with great food. What more could one ask for? Thanks a million!

  118. Maddalena says:

    I really like your blog. In fact, I have had many friends pressuring me to have one with my recipes. The thing is I love cooking and baking but I simply do not have the skill to take pictures or even post them on the web…lol You are MULTI-TALENTED and I’m jealous! I would like to ask you, if it is at all possible to re-use the syrup for another batch of candied orange peels. If not, no worries it is being put to good use. I use the syrup to to make other desserts, iced tea and even my flatmate uses it to make some of her recipes! Another way to save than waste since sugar can get expensive at times. Thanks a million and keep up the fabulous work!

  119. Andrea says:

    I am so glad I found you! I’ve been making candied orange peel for years as a Christmas treat. Most of the time it comes out a sticky mess, sometimes it doesn;t, but it’s been hit or miss, since I’ve never known what I was doing right or wrong. This year I went looking for some hints on the internet and I found you! I could weep for joy. My orange peel is (almost) perfect. The peel that was rolled in sugar is dry already, but still soft and delicious. I got tired of rolling them in sugar (sound familiar?) and left some without. That turned out to be a mistake. The rolled sugar crystalizes on the outside of the peel, and it’s pretty too. And, thanks to your pictures I finally realize what “translucent” means. I’ll be checking back in the future!

  120. Keith says:

    I used your recipe to make candied orange and lemon peel for German stollen and lebkuchen. I agree that the peel benefits from blanching to reduce the bitterness from the pith. It is a simple recipe that produces results that are not too hard and not too soft.

  121. Stollen | Wild Yeast says:

    […] (Note: It’s easy to make your own candied citrus peel. Here’s one recipe.) […]

  122. jenyu says:

    person – try this link ( for the thread stage, but I do suggest a thermometer if you are even remotely serious about candymaking.

    Maddalena – I’m unsure about reuse. The reason I’m unsure is because the amount of sugar in the liquid changes (but I don’t know by how much) since some of it gets absorbed by the peels. You can definitely use the syrup in other things like you mentioned.

  123. Craft Patterns Blog » Blog Archive » holiday makings says:

    […] used this version of the orange peel recipe from Use Real Butter. Unlike all the other recipes I looked at, this one says use the whole peel, […]

  124. Debra says:

    Since I make a huge batch of candied citrus peels at a time (and will also mix different citrus fruits together in one batch), I have found that freezing the cleaned out peels is a great way to save them. I cut them in quarters
    and then stick them in a freezer bag and freeze until I am ready to make the candied peels. When I take them out of the freezer, I thaw them out a little, cut them into strips and then begin the blanching process.

    Everything I make use for this recipe is used and reused. Example: the batch I made today was with lemons and limes. They were squeezed to make the concentrate for homemade lemonade and limeade. The peels were used for the candy. The insides/piths went to the compost to keep the neighborhood cats from foraging in it. The leftover syrup is used for putting over homemade pancakes the next morning.

    Maddalena – I just finished making a huge batch of candied peels (from 33 limes, 21 lemons) and I always reuse the syrup. I just add more water for the second batch and add 3 more cups of sugar on the third batch and more water on additional batches. I have never had problems with differences in batches, so it appears to work fine.

  125. Debra says:

    I have also had the candied peels last for over a year if they were coated with sugar and dried properly with them tasting as if they were made the day before. They had been stored in a metal tin at room temperature.

  126. Kitchen Butterfly says:

    And just to say that my candied lemon peels are the very thing!!!!!! They look superb, taste very citrusy…with a hint of bitterness. Thank you…and holy basil

  127. Feasting on Art, with Pumpkin icecream and Lemonettes | Kitchen Butterfly says:

    […] adapted from use real butter Ingredients 2 1/2  lemons 1 1/2 cups sugar 1/2 cup water 1/2 cup sugar, for rollingHow […]

  128. aqua says:

    I love the pics…i am in Florida and have an overabundance of oranges from a neighbor. Thank kyou- I hope you still check this blog!

  129. Sherry says:

    I was looking specifically for candied citrus peels. Your blog was so comprehensive, I’m looking no further. Thanks! And, by the way, I always use real butter!

  130. Kim says:

    This past Christmas, I used lots of oranges and didn’t want to throw out the peel, so I continued to collect them in the freezer adding them to the freezer bags. I’ve made candies including hard candy since I was a pre-teen. (Love to cook, bake, etc.) I’ve candied fruits in the past for Fruit Cakes with great success. I’ve been missing chocolate coated orange peel. My favorite supplier no longer carries them. So I decided to take the plunge and make them myself when stumbled across your blog. I used it as a guide and the Orange Peel came out wonderfully. Great pictures and great instructions. I’d add that if sugar crystals form on the edges of the pan while you’re cooking, you can “wash” down the sides of the pan with a water-dipped pastry brush. You don’t want it soppy when you wash it down. Dip the brush in water, then tap out the excess. Brush the crystals away, and repeat as necessary.

    I love orange tea, so the left over syrup will be nice to have on hand. Also, for Easter I’m bringing a Lemon Bundt-Style Cake to a pitch-in-celebration. It will be nice to have the chocolate coated orange strips displayed in the center and the syrup available as an optional topping.

    Thanks for contributing to the wonderful world of daily homemade goodies.

  131. The World On Your Plate » » The Cupcake Experiment: Did I say chocolaty? says:

    […] Oh yes, I sure feel chocolaty this weekend This week’s cupcake experiment are chocolate orange cupcakes with chocolate ganache frosting and candied orange peel. I found the recipe on the BBC Good Food website and since all the ratings were so positive I decided to give it a try. I think this is possibly my favorite cupcake so far, it tastes quite fresh with the orange and it since it has fruit in it, it seems a bit more healthier than any other chocolate cake (yeah, who am I kidding this cake ain’t that healthy but it sure is good). The cake has a very nice texture and is very moist. As usual I was not very patient, so I ended up pouring the chocolate ganache over the cupcakes way to early before it got really thick. It didn’t spoil the taste of the cupcakes, but I think it would probably be even better to wait so you can have a nice thick layer of ganache on top. I also made the candied orange peel myself, which is pretty easy, but it takes very long for it to dry (over a day). So if you want to make it yourself be sure to make the candied orange peel well in advance. You can find a recipe for candied orange peel here. […]

  132. Lois Neuman says:

    A great big “Thank You” for the candied chocolate orange peel recipe and fantastic photos. Absolutely incredible!!
    I was purchasing choco covered orange peels from a chocolate shop and wanted to make my own. The candy was very expensive for a small box but very delicious. I was researching my cookbooks for a receipe and didn’t find any so I decided to search the internet and got SO lucky when I found your recipe. I am going to use it immediately and let you know how the candy turns out. My husband loves this type of candy and I am anxious to make it for him. Once again, “Thank You” and I read all the blogs and enjoyed them very much. It’s so nice to share. Lois

  133. Pat says:

    It is winter here in South Africa and the citrus is abundant – I have been teaching myself to make all sorts of lovely chocolates and chocolaty things and, boy, am I glad I have found you and your easy to follow instructions! Thank you ever so much. Unfortunately for you, however, I am now going to become a regular follower and when I am happy (and you make me happy!) I get rather chatty! Thank you !

  134. gauri says:

    I live in India.Would like to know about mixed peel recipes for non citrus fruits such as papaya,pineapple,cherries as most of the websites have only lemon and orange mixed peel recipe.

  135. Jennifer says:

    Thank you, thank you. I’ve been looking for this recipe in my mad overflowing cook book cupboard for a week. Why didn’t I think of the internet first???!!!
    My only problem is they don’t get to dry properly because the family keep eating them.

  136. Grow Peppers says:

    I have tried this candy using the orange peels and I love it! The procedure in making these candies is so easy and even my 8-year old niece knows how to do it. And the best thing about it is so affordable and you don’t even need to buy any ingredient from the market. All the ingredients you need are all found in the kitchen. Try this in your home and I am pretty sure you will love it.

  137. nelman says:

    Hi Jane,
    Do you have an idea, why sometime we can see sugar bloom on chocolate surface? Taste is still great, but a bit annoyed. Anyway..tks for the recipe..

  138. jenyu says:

    nelman – I’m pretty sure it’s because the chocolate is not tempered that it blooms. Tempered chocolate lasts for a long time and has a lovely sheen and snap. I have a simple way to temper chocolate here:

  139. Roger Alfa says:

    Dear Jennifer
    Can I use the slice of oranges (Round cuts 6mm) insted of the orange peels ?
    do I have to squeeze the juise before prosessing ?

  140. jenyu says:

    Roger – I think you can candy the slices too (I’ve done so with lemons), but they’re more delicate.

  141. Meg says:

    Any idea whether you can spice these somehow? I’ve been tooling around a little and figure I could probably add a cinnamon stick and some whole cloves and allspice to my sugar before I make the syrup and let it set for a month. Of course I’d love something a little faster though.

  142. jenyu says:

    Meg – I’m sure you can plop the spices into the sugar syrup to flavor them while the peels candy (simmer).

  143. Etsuko Kawski says:

    I totally forgot that I made this last year for my holiday “lebkuchen.” Store bought peels contain high frusctose corn syrup which I want to avoid. It’s getting late, but I will check our orange trees and will try to make candied peels for my German holiday cookies. One of my friends’ family is looking forward to them every year and she is the one who pointed out that I made my own peels last year.

  144. Adam says:

    I just made these for christmas. I also used lemons but removed all the pith because its really bitter compared to oranges.

  145. Alexandra says:

    Just made these for my boyfriend and this is how I’m sending it to him… :)

  146. Cathy says:

    Just made these to use in bread recipe. They were easy and taste great. We all love them, hopefully I’ll have enough left for the bread. Thanks, :)

  147. Mary says:

    I’m simmering my peels right now! Thanks for the recipe!
    I usually compost too, but hey, this year, my compost will be given as Christmas gifts ;-)
    Aftetr they are finished, rolled in sparkling sugar, dipped in dark shining chocolate, I will wrap them in pretty holiday parchment baggies, tie with ribbon, and give candied orange peels for Christmas gifts.
    Who knew saving money could be so yummy?!?!?

  148. Daring Bakers: Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Christmas Stollen « Tasty Eats At Home says:

    […] 3/4 c candied orange peel (make your own!) […]

  149. Stollen Wreath ”Christstollen” — Delishhh says:

    […] orange 2 tsp vanilla extract 1 tsp lemon extract 1 tsp orange extract ¼ tsp almond extract ¾ cup mixed peel 1 cup firmly packed raisins 3 tbsp rum 1/3 cup dried cranberries 1 cup flaked almonds Melted […]

  150. Daring Bakers Challenge: Stollen « 3rdfloorbakes's Blog says:

    […] candied orange peel […]

  151. A Little Bite of Everything | Three Wise Men says:

    […] Candied orange, lemon, or lime peels or slices, and sugar or sliced almonds to decorate […]

  152. Whole Wheat Cranberry Orange Ricotta Muffins | Andrea Meyers says:

    […] orange flavor that permeates the muffins. You can also use orange sugar leftover from storing candied orange peels for more fabulous orange […]

  153. MONDAY | jodimichelle says:

    […] Then after a few appointments this morning I was in my kitchen all day. (I love these Mondays.) Instead of watching the superbowl last night I started on this recipe for candied citrus peels. […]

  154. {Life List} Make 1,000 lovely things: Citrus | jodimichelle says:

    […] Candied citrus peel […]

  155. Nancy says:

    How long will these last in a covered container?

  156. jenyu says:

    Nancy – mine lasted at least a couple of months. Beyond that, it’s hard to say since they were eaten up.

  157. strumpfhosen says:

    I have never rolled the peels in sugar before dipping in chocolate, but I do let them dry out well enough first, on parchment paper and sometimes for a few days, so there were no stickiness issues when handling them.

    One issue I can visualize is that, the excess sugar might fall off or melt into the melted chocolate, and interfere with it setting properly.

  158. jenyu says:

    strumpfhosen – No, don’t roll them in sugar before dipping. They don’t taste as good. I let them dry without rolling in sugar if I plan to dip in chocolate.

  159. Time (Candied Orange Peels) | Fudge Is My Last Name says:

    […] Recipe amalgamated from online research, but mostly from a post on Use Real Butter […]

  160. Janice says:

    Loved these. I didn’t have a lot of peels so I had leftover syrup. I put it in a jar in the fridge and plan to use it in my tea. It had a orangy caramal taste. Looking forward to trying it.

  161. No Wheat or Dairy (some sugar): Days 4 and 5 « Every Meal says:

    […] orange peel is delicious but also packed with refined sugar. (If you’re curious, I followed this recipe.) It occurred to me yesterday that I might have used the peels for something healthier, like tea. […]

  162. Nat King Cole says:

    Amazing! Quite delicious! I could eat them everyday!

  163. Victoria says:

    I loooooovvvve these, it’s a natural cure for sleepy ness! I was so wired,I sewed my wedding dress on these!

  164. Chocolate-Dipped Candied Orange Peel | Heather's Dish says:

    […] here’s the deal:  follow this recipe and you can’t go wrong!  The only thing that I did differently was I only let mine dry for a […]

  165. Challenge 16-Bánh mỳ – Christmas Stollen « bepnhatui says:

    […] […]

  166. Lily says:


    Perfect directions, and so clear with the beautiful photos and

    Tastes delicious. We juiced 6 pounds of oranges tonight and
    turned it all into candied orange peel.

    Amazing recipe. So grateful you put this up on the web for
    the rest of us!

  167. Hollyanne says:

    Thanks. Your photos are great.

  168. Anj says:

    Hey there :))
    These look terrific; I can’t wait to try them.
    My only question is…
    What does it mean to blanch the peels (three times)????
    I thought blanching was just to throw them in boiling water but what do you mean by blanching them 3 times???
    Thanks :-)

  169. jenyu says:

    anj – if you read the recipe, it says exactly what it means to blanch them three times.

  170. Orange delight. « Sustainable Tourism Monchique says:

    […] candied orange peel and who would not get excited about the process seeing this amazing recipe of candied chocolate covered orange peel. […]

  171. Mihaela says:

    I must try this recipe as soon as possible. Look great.
    Your blog is perfect, congratulations !

    Mihaela, from Romania

  172. Virginia says:

    Hi Jen!

    I made the chocolate covered candied grapefruit morsels yesterday (well, the grapefruit part anyways). Tonight I tried these orange peels, and almost had a panic attack when I realized the sugar-water I had prepared was wayyyyyyyy too little for the monstrous amounts of orange peels I had chopped up.

    I ended up grabbing the leftover syrup from yesterday’s grapefruit recipe and poured that in and then added a bit more sugar — it turned out fabulous, and the orange peels have a very very slight grapefruity taste. it’s delicious, so I thought I’d share (:

  173. Nougat Montelimar | Culinary Savvy says:

    […] 200 g water 600 g sugar 250 g heavy glucose (can be bought a candy supply store, e.g. Sugar n Spice in Daly City or Spun Sugar in Berkeley) 8 pieces of wafer paper (also available at candy store) 350 g  honey 120 g egg whites 100 g sugar 300 g pistachios 300 g slivered almonds 200g chopped candied orange peel […]

  174. Chocolate Orange Cupcakes, Gluten Free | Gluten Free Canteen says:

    […] two oranges and followed the recipes from Deb at Smitten Kitchen here and Jen at Use Real Butter here- mish-mashing the directions together. I added more water (about 16 oz.  total) and sugar (about […]

  175. Candied Orange Peel Dipped in Dark Chocolate « Sweet Spatulas says:

    […] Adapted from Use Real Butter […]

  176. Katy says:

    My strips are now drying, & will welcome the chocolate in a couple of days, I guess. I’m wondering if anyone has used a food dehydrator to speed up the drying process?
    Thank you for this beautifully photographed & well described recipe for candied peel. I made some several months ago, from a different recipe, & it did not turn out as well. I admit, I was trying to short cut the process, so used peel without the pith – not good.

  177. Chocolate-Dipped Candied Orange Peels — Savvy Eats says:

    […] used this recipe with the peels of four blood oranges.  Blanching the peels three times may seem like a lot, but […]

  178. Spoil Sport says:

    Of course you realize this recipe will add to the diabetes epidemic!
    But I will make some anyway. I AM diabetic!

  179. Shilandini says:

    Thank you, this is fantastic. I follow exactly what you said and came perfectly. This is one one the ingrediants I use for the Chrismas cake.

  180. John Horn says:

    Why can’t I print the recipes? Is it me? Thanks

  181. jenyu says:

    John – If you’re wondering why there isn’t a print option like in recent posts, it’s because I haven’t had time to go back retroactively to implement the print option. You can highlight the recipe, ctrl-C or apple-C (to copy) and paste into your favorite word processor, though! :)

  182. Candied Orange Peels, Meyer Lemon Bars, and the All-Citrus Dinner - Jacqueline Church .com — Jacqueline Church Jacqueline Church .com says:

    […] Gorgeous photos of food to inspire anyone got me thinking about making candied orange peels. (See this post  on the blog called Use Real Butter), though you should be warned: you are likely to stop […]

  183. Lily says:

    Hi Jenyu, I also enjoy juicing oranges and was looking for something to do with the peels…I just have a few quick questions (that are probably stupid, but I’m an inexperienced cook…)

    1. Do you wash the peels before using them?
    2. What does blanching mean? Do I just boil them?
    3. For the sugar syrup, do I just mix the 3 cups sugar with 1 cup water? And is that before or after adding the peels?
    4. Can I dry them on a cookie sheet? Or are racks necessary?

    Thanks so much!

  184. jenyu says:

    Lily – I do wash the peels before using them. In this case, blanching means to boil in water briefly. This step helps to reduce the bitterness in the pith. Regarding the sugar syrup, the recipe gives instructions on what to do: combine the sugar and water in a saucepan and bring to a boil, then add the peels. If you dry the peels on a cookie sheet, the sugar syrup will pool at the base of each peel and solidify. Best to use racks.

  185. Sheila Lankford says:

    Hi Jenny! I just tried your method but used grapefruit rinds instead of orange since my ruby red grapefruit tree had an over-abundance of fruit. It worked great! One thing I noticed was that when rolling the rinds in sugar (which I did right after draining them) they were still a bit wet and picked up too much sugar. So next time I will let them dry a bit before rolling. Can’t wait to dip the ones I didn’t sugar in my Scharffenberger chocolate! :)

  186. Espresso Orange Buter Cookies says:

    […] A twist of lemon peel with espresso is a classic pairing, but for supreme indulgence, I prefer orange peel and a spot of chocolate with a tiny pot of French press coffee. Ideally, the chocolate should enrobe the orange peel, which should of course be candied, as in this exquisite rendition. […]

  187. Candied Orange Spice Peels says:

    […] orange peels?! Honestly, never heard of that!I quickly googled for a recipe and found one at use real butter (Beautiful photography!). Honestly, I was very surprised to find out that making candied peels […]

  188. Comment faire des zestes d'orange confits - Votre-Succes says:

    […] […]

  189. jodi says:

    I just stumbled on your blog and this recipe. I was so excited to hear about the blanching because I don’t care for the pith of an orange. I made them last night and I blanched them 3 times (even left them overnight in the syrup) and they are STILL bitter!

    they candied beautifully and are moist, but still have that “pithy” bitter aftertaste! any thoughts on what I might’ve done wrong? I’ve never purchased them before, so not sure how they’re supposed to taste, but everyone raves about them. so, I was curious to give these a try (I really wanted to add them to my torrone).

    did I do something wrong, or is it an acquired taste and there’s supposed to be a bit of bitterness to them?
    thanks for your help!

  190. jenyu says:

    jodi – Hmmm, I suppose some of the appeal of candied orange peels is how they are slightly bitter and mostly sweet. It’s possible you may be so sensitive to bitter flavors that you might need to cut most of the pith away before candying? Perhaps give some to others to try and see what they think? Or you could enrobe/dip in melted chocolate and see if that improves it? I find the chocolate takes away some of the sharpness and makes the orange peel more earthy. I doubt you did anything wrong, but I hesitate to blanch more because you sacrifice orange flavor. I hope that helps and I’m sorry it didn’t meet your expectations. xo

  191. Paul Read says:

    Yours is my go to recipe for candied orange peel. We use the finished product for baking (Stolen, Panettone, Tea Breads, Muffins, etc.), simply eating (of course!), and our favorite… adding to Irish Oat Meal! I’ve learned to take the sugar syrup just to 230º and then back down to a simmer at around 220º. That way I don’t end up with a crystalized mass that’s annealed to the pot! I remember my mom making candied orange peel when I was a kid. She’d also make candied grapefruit peel and lemon peel. (Is that what you’re referring to at the start of the recipe proper where you’ve listed the ingredients . . . “(or any thick skinned orange.)” Should that be “thick skinned citrus”?) Thanks for sharing this great recipe!

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