baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

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archive for shopping

fall from grace

Tuesday, February 7th, 2006

We drove out to Costco to pick up some more prints. While there, I told Jeremy I wanted to get a giant bag of fresh spinach, cara cara oranges, and a jug of naked juice. Healthy, yeah? I was totally craving vegetables. Dinner tonight was loaded with them plus grilled filet mignon. We only ate half of our steaks, but all of our vegetables.

stir-fried spinach, corn, wild greens salad, and a hunk o’ moo

Being good, right? Unfortunately, we were hungry while we were AT Costco. Jesus freaking Christ… In addition to those healthy things, we also picked up:

a chocolate cake as big as your car tire

i had spring rolls on the brain – all 60 of them (i didn’t even touch them tonight)

I couldn’t even finish my slice of cake. I can’t even look at it anymore (and yet there’s still so much). Jeremy is happily polishing off the rest of mine seeing as he made quick work of his own. Skinny people suck.

saffron and chocolate

Monday, August 15th, 2005

Oh how I love…

fresh asparagus

I stir-fried chicken and asparagus tonight and added it to my photo recipes on my web site here.

My parents called today (again). When they travel, they want to let me know where they are at every waypoint and give me the play by play. They were in the parking lot of Trader Joes at Tyson’s Station in Falls Church, Virginia and wanted to know if I wanted anything. Oh boy, did I… but half of the goodness of Trader Joes is their fresh stuff. I thought I’d toss them a bone because they sounded so happy that they were at MY FAVORITE grocery store and could actually get something that they knew I liked.

dad: Do you like saffron? I like their saffron, I’m going to buy some for myself.
me: Well, how about some… chocolate?
dad: Chocolate? Are you going to eat it? It makes you fat.
me: It’s for Jeremy, he likes their dark chocolate.
dad: Sure, we can get you chocolate. Dark?! We will mail it to you.
mom: (shouting in background) It’s too hot! It will melt in the mail!
dad: Oh – this chocolate is a problem. Mommy says it will melt. Saffron will not melt. Do you want saffron?
me: I have a lot of saffron already, thanks. How about buying the chocolate and then waiting until October to send it?
dad: Ah – good idea, kid. Anything else you want? Just chocolate and saffron?

life up high

Tuesday, July 19th, 2005

We went down to Boulder and checked out an asian market, a middle eastern market, Whole Foods (aka Whole Paycheck), and Safeway (because I refused to pay a million dollars for apple juice at Whole Foods). Fiona was right, the asian market is disappointing. I’ll have to try Denver. The produce at Whole Foods was pretty mediocre for such outrageous prices (and half aren’t even organic, they’re conventionally grown!). Grumble grumble grumble. But our hopes for Trader Joe’s to arrive here (they’re already in Santa Fe) are dashed because the state of Colorado has crap ass legislation that requires only ONE flagship store to have a liquor license. For that reason, apparently, TJs doesn’t play. For that reason, we will pay out the ass for groceries of lesser quality.

tortilla chips at 8400: how high to go before it busts?