baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

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archive for June 2007

my way

Saturday, June 9th, 2007

I had a pulled pork sandwich piled with coleslaw today. Oh boy, that is good. So good.

pulled pork and coleslaw sandwich

At last, we were able to find a day when we could get Madge and Bondy up to our place for dinner. Unfortunately, Marcus and the kids went camping, so we missed them – but I thought it was more important to grab the opportunity to see Madge and Bondy who seem to be infinitely busier than all of us combined.

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strawberry buttercream vanilla chiffon cake

Saturday, June 9th, 2007

I had an extra vanilla chiffon cake from class and decided I’d use it for dessert this weekend when we had friends over for dinner. I normally like to work with chocolate despite my indifference toward it, but this time I wanted to try something orthogonal… something strawberry.

Originally I wanted to layer the cake with pastry cream and then frost in strawberry buttercream, but pastry cream can misbehave if it gets warm. I began the previous night washing the strawberries and setting them out to dry completely. First I wanted to do some garnishes, just for fun.

striped strawberries for garnish

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Friday, June 8th, 2007

My Frasca review is up.

The pulled pork definitely gets better with age. The Carolina bbq sauce and the pork were good yesterday, but they weren’t like the bbq Jeremy and I had remembered. Today, it’s almost there. So I think the key is to make it ahead and let it mature for a couple of days… sort of like tiramisu or Brunswick stew – the flavors improve over time.

We had a crazy wind storm yesterday and this morning. Felt like winter again, except for the prolonged daylight hours and green grasses.

My class was terrific today. I got there a little early and enjoyed the chit chat with the chef and the other early students. Chef Will sent some beautiful rose and berry truffles to our class, so we passed those around at the start of the classroom session.

jason does a vanna while offering lovely rose truffles

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