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a sad day

I got an early start this morning because I had a lot going on today. After I dropped Jeremy off at the Park-n-Ride, I was turning out of the parking lot when I saw a police car racing through our town’s only traffic circle to my right, and an ambulance from the fire station coming from my left headed in the same direction as the police car.

Odd for our little mountain town.

And my busy day went as planned. Jeremy came with me to my appointment with my oncologist in the afternoon. We gathered groceries for the rest of the week, and as we drove home, we caught on the local NPR station that there was a fatal shooting at Eldora Mountain Resort this morning (Dec. 30). Eldora is our local ski hill.

We only gathered the details after getting home and hopping on the internet.

Eldora is a small hill compared to the big mountain resorts off of I-70, like Vail, Breckenridge, Copper… But we love Eldo because it’s ten minutes from our house. We love Eldo because there are more telemark skiers on that mountain than alpine skiers on a powder day. We love Eldo because it is a true family resort. They have the most professional staff we’ve ever encountered, the best ski patrol, the finest telemark instructors – good people and a good ski resort. I never knew, but the man to thank for the exceptional way in which the mountain is run is the general manager, Brian Mahon.

I’ll not get that chance to thank Brian, because he was shot and killed this morning by the gunman at Eldora. Brian is survived by his wife and two daughters. Jeremy and I are so very sad about the news.

21 nibbles at “a sad day”

  1. peabody says:

    How incredibly sad.

  2. Rosa says:

    So sad. Ally my condolences go to his family…

    All the best,


  3. Mollie says:

    That is so awful. What a loss for his family, and for your whole community.

  4. Sally says:

    What a horrible tragedy, no one should ever have to go through such pain in life

    my condolences to his family, I honestly don’t know how anyone can cope with something like this.

  5. ThistleDew Farm says:

    What a sad thing. When ever I see an ambulance or speeding emergency vehicle I think “Someone is having a bad day” and feel depressed. A little shiver passes through me.

  6. Susan at Sticky,Gooey,Creamy,Chewy says:

    What a senseless tragedy! I am so sorry for his family. Whenever I see the EMTs speeding through my neighborhood, my heart is in my throat. The first thing I do is start calling my loved ones to make sure they’re okay.

  7. Lezel Safi says:

    What a terribly sad day and my heart goes out to the entire community, being from OKC I know how a tragedy affects all around….plus yesterday was the 4 yr. anniversary of my brother’s death, I know you of all people understand senseless tragedy. Will send up a cheers and a prayer for everyone. Have a great day Jen and wishing a kick ass 2009 for you and yours!

  8. Margie says:

    I’m so sorry for you, Jen. I hope that all that knew this gentleman can find peace in the days ahead. Truly a difficult loss at a very special time of year. My hope is, that in the years to come folks will celebrate what is, rather than what was. No great soul leaves us without their footprint and their love. This is something that no one can ever take from us.


  9. Rita says:

    I am so sorry for this sad event. Unfortunately there are still lots of “confused” people out there.
    I still would like to whish you a 2009 that is better each day, even if not everyday.

  10. Andrea says:

    I am so sorry for the loss in your community. My heart goes out to your community and Brian’s family at this awful time. May 2009 bring peace.

  11. Maya says:

    Truly tragic when something like this happens, especially in a tight knit community.
    Hope the new year brings you peace and good health Jen.

  12. Mrs Ergül says:

    What a tragic way for Brian’s family to end the year…. Brian’s family will be in my thoughts…

  13. Stephanie says:

    Why in the world would someone do something like that? I can NEVER fathom the thoughts that go into a decision such as this. This person must be mentally ill, that is the only thing that makes sense to me.

    I will pray for his family… And for you too

  14. Manisha says:

    That was so close to home, Jen. In so many ways. So very very sad. A wonderful life lost for no reason whatsoever.

    We love Eldora, too. We took the bus there on Xmas day and they do such a great job with kids that they had all our kids skating on two skis by the end of the day. None of them had been on skis before. I tried to hike the Twisted Snowshoe Trail but it got too steep too quickly and I could see a storm coming. We had no radio contact with the rest of our party at the lodge and no-one knew which trail we were on so wimps that we are (I am), we headed back after doing only 1/3 of the trail. My daughter is going to ski school at Eldora and I was looking forward to snowshoeing while she is busy but now she’s so nervous that I think I will have to stick around in the lodge, and be more accessible.

    Hugs to you. I still can’t believe that this happened. And that, too, in Ned.

  15. Susan says:

    We’re in CT at the moment but read about that online! So crazy. We skate ski there and it’s just so strange to think about. Our friend was a Boulder reserve officer and knows the sheriff involved but no one from the resort. So, so sad.

  16. katiec says:

    This is tragic. I’m so sorry, Jen. Eldora was/is one of the last good neighborhood resorts — one of the last authentic places. I’m sure Brian was a huge part of its vibe. I’m terribly sorry.

  17. Cynthia says:

    Sigh…so sorry for his family.

  18. jenyu says:

    Thanks all, for your kind words.

  19. Melissa says:

    I’m sorry to hear about your friend Jen. Many thoughts of love~

  20. jenyu says:

    Melissa – thank you.

  21. Andrea says:

    What a sad thing. So sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Best wishes.

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