baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

copyright jennifer yu © 2004-2023 all rights reserved: no photos or content may be reproduced without prior written consent

lunar new year

happy year of the ox!

25 nibbles at “lunar new year”

  1. Manisha says:

    Happy New Year, Jen!!

  2. Chris says:

    Hope you followed all of those hilarious and archaic Chinese superstitions today! For example, I didn’t do any of my class readings today because 书 (book) is a homophone for 输 (to lose). Sweet! :)

  3. Margie says:

    Happy New Year!

  4. charlane says:

    happy new year!!

  5. Dragana says:

    Great picture!
    Happy New Year!

  6. Chiot's Run says:

    Cow’s are so cute!

  7. Mrs Ergül says:

    xin nian kuai le (again)!!

    this photo is so apt for wishing us a happy ox year!

  8. Rosa says:

    Oh, what an amazing picture! Happy New Year!



  9. Kitt says:

    All right, where/when do you take that?? Have you been saving it up for today?

    Happy New Year!

  10. joanne at frutto della passione says:

    Happy New Year to you!

  11. Candace says:

    Amazing image! Happy New Year!

  12. Lezel Safi says:

    Happy New Year, gotta love those free range cattle!

  13. Tara says:

    Happy New Year! Goooo Ox (thats me).

    Jen, Ive been a “lurker” on your site for a while, and I love it. Your food tutorials and photos are amazing, and I wish you the best this year!

  14. Susan at Sticky,Gooey,Creamy,Chewy says:

    Happy New Year, Jen. Love the photo!

  15. Pearl says:

    happy new year!

  16. Nate says:

    Happy Moo Year!

  17. Chez Us says:

    Happy MOOOOO Year to you, too! Love the cows!

  18. Mollie says:

    Love it! Mooooo!

    I have a great fondness for cows. For more than just the flank steak. :)

  19. Blond Duck says:

    Stopped in to say hi! Love your blog!

  20. Asianmommy says:

    Cute shot! Happy CNY!

  21. Melissa says:

    Happy New Year Jen! Many happy wishes!

  22. Manggy says:

    Happy new year Jen! :)

  23. jenyu says:

    Everyone – thanks and Happy New Year! The photo was taken in September 2007 outside of Crested Butte, Colorado. Cute cows, eh? :)

  24. peabody says:

    I absolutely love the cow picture…love, love, love it. I have a cow thing.
    Happy New Year!

  25. jenyu says:

    Peabody – Happy new year, babe. I know it’s no longer your year, but… it’s *always* your year :) xxoo

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