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daring bakers: tuiles

Recipe: tuiles

Yo, baby! Did I ever mention that *I* am a Daring Baker? Well, I am. And it’s time. Time for another fanfrickingtabulous Daring Bakers challenge!

daring bakers: we knead to bake!

I need to give a shout out to my lovely, wonderful, sexy, smart, and talented founders: Lis of La Mia Cucina and Ivonne of Cream Puffs in Venice, and a huge thanks to our equally lovely, wonderful, sexy, smart, and talented hosts for this month. Here’s the official line:

This month’s challenge is brought to us by Karen of Bake My Day and Zorra of 1x umruehren bitte aka Kochtopf. They have chosen Tuiles from The Chocolate Book by Angélique Schmeink and Nougatine and Chocolate Tuiles from Michel Roux.

Of course, one of the reasons I am so happy about January’s challenge is that we had the option to go savory – which you know I love – based on Thomas Keller’s cornet recipe from The French Laundry Cookbook.

how apropos – we use real butter *snort*

whisk it into the batter a third at a time

The tuile batter is really easy to make. It takes seconds (okay, minutes – but not many). I’ll bet you’ll spend more time making your stencil than whipping up the batter. For the stencil, I used the cardboard that comes on the back of every legal pad. It was probably my (very) dumb luck that it happened to be teh (Mom, that spelling is intentional) perfect thickness.

spread batter over the stencil

and don’t forget the sesame seeds

The most difficult part of this whole endeavor was finding cornet molds. While I love our local gourmet store, Peppercorn, I also hate them. Why? Because they charge $1.95 for one mold which costs $.50 just about anywhere else. I bought the only two they had. They tried to convince me that the stronger molds would work just as well and oh… they are a mere $5 a piece. For 5 bucks a pop, they’d better vacuum my house and do my dishes. Sheesh. [I did end up ordering a dozen from Sur la Table at a reasonable price and I can’t wait to use all fourteen of my cornets again!]

rolling the half-baked cornets onto the molds

The second most difficult part wasn’t so much difficult as scary. I don’t like to burn my hands on hot things. I can barely tolerate 80°F heat let alone standing in front of a 400°F oven – with the door open. Those tuiles are not only slippery, but floppy little buggers. What worked best for me was to roll the tuile over the mold with my left hand and turn the mold from the inside by slipping an icing spatula into it and turning the handle. Am I making any sense here? It’s to turn the mold and hence wrap the tuile around the mold without, oh I dunno, losing all of my fingerprints. Once the tuile was wrapped around the mold I would set it against another object (usually another rolled tuile) with the seam side down. None of mine unraveled during the second baking.

some fresh maguro (tuna)

separating the membrane

The whole reason I was jazzed about savory tuiles was because I planned to stuff them full of tuna tartare. I’ve read about the appetizer and couldn’t wait to try making it myself. I decided to dress the tuna simply.

smoked mexican black sea salt

adding crushed sea salt to the mix

I chose green onions, some salt (with that awesome hint of smokiness), lime juice, and a flavorless vegetable oil to bind it together. The chunks of tuna look like little jewels. A few spoonfuls fit into each cornet and I topped them off with a sprinkle of buttery smooth cubed avocado.

definitely do not forget the lime, lest ye want ye olde scurvy, arrrrrrr!

i had to fight the urge to shove this in my mouth, because i had to photograph it

Now you know why I promptly ordered a dozen cornet molds from Sur la Table after I finished this challenge – because I am totally going to make an ass ton of cornets from now on out. Cornets for everyone! I love these things. I loved this challenge! Who came up with this phenomenal goodness? Thank you, Karen and Zorra, for choosing such a rockin’ recipe. I *heart* you!

yes! yes! yes!

playing around with a tower of tartare topped with a tuile fish

And don’t forget to take a look at all of the incredible creations from the rest of the Daring Bakers. If you are a fan of sweets, there are a ton of delicious sweet versions cropping up all over the food blogosphere.

Savory Tuiles (Cornets) with Tuna Tartare
[print recipe]
from The French Laundry Cookbook by Thomas Keller

1/4 cup plus 3 tbsps all purpose flour
1 tbsp plus 1 tsp sugar
1 tsp kosher salt (OR 2/3 tsp table salt)
8 tbsps (4 oz.) unsalted butter, softened but still cool to the touch
2 large egg whites, cold
2 tbsps black sesame seeds (I used regular sesame seeds)
2 cups tuna tartare
avocado for garnish

tuna tartare
1/2 lb. fresh sashimi grade tuna
3 tbsps green onions, minced
1/2 tsp salt (I used smoked Mexican black sea salt)
3 tbsps flavorless vegetable oil
lime juice, to taste

To make the cornets:
In a medium bowl, mix together the flour, sugar and salt. In a separate bowl, whisk the softened butter until it is completely smooth and mayonnaise-like in texture. Using a stiff spatula or spoon, beat the egg whites into the dry ingredients until completely incorporated and smooth. Whisk in the softened butter by thirds, scraping the sides of the bowl as necessary and whisking until the batter is creamy and without any lumps. Transfer the batter to a smaller container, as it will be easier to work with. Preheat the oven to 400°F.

Make a 4-inch hollow circular stencil. Place Silpat on the counter (it is easier to work on the Silpat before it is put on the sheet pan). Place the stencil in one corner of the sheet and, holding the stencil flat against the Silpat, scoop some of the batter onto the back of an offset spatula and spread it in an even layer over the stencil. Then run the spatula over the entire stencil to remove any excess batter. After baking the first batch of cornets, you will be able to judge the correct thickness. You may need a little more or less batter to adjust the thickness of the cornets. There should not be any holes in the batter. Lift the stencil and repeat the process to make as many rounds as you have molds or to fill the Silpat, leaving about 1 1/2 inches between the cornets. Sprinkle each cornet with a pinch of sesame seeds.

Place the Silpat on a heavy baking sheet and bake for 4 to 6 minutes, or until the batter is set and you see it rippling from the heat. The cornets may have browned in some areas, but they will not be evenly browned at this point. Open the oven door and place the baking sheet on the door. This will help keep the cornets warm as you roll them and prevent them from becoming too stiff to roll. Flip a cornet over on the sheet pan, sesame seed side down and place 4-1/2 inch cornet mold at the bottom of the round. If you are right-handed, you will want the pointed end on your left and the open end on your right. The tip of the mold should touch the lower left edge (at about 7 o’clock on a clock face) of the cornet. Fold the bottom of the cornet and around the mold; it should remain on the sheet pan as you roll. Leave the cornet wrapped around the mold and continue to roll the cornets around molds; as you proceed, arrange the rolled cornets, seams side down, on the sheet pan so they lean against each other, to prevent from rolling. When all the cornets are rolled, return them to the oven shelf, close the door, and bake for an additional 3 to 4 minutes to set the seams and color the cornets a golden brown. If the color is uneven, stand the cornets on end for a minute or so more, until the color is even. Remove the cornets from the oven and allow to cool just slightly, 30 seconds or so. Gently remove the cornets from the molds and cool for several minutes on paper towels. Remove the Silpat from the baking sheet, wipe the excess butter from it, and allow it to cool down before spreading the next batch. Store the cornets for up to 2 days (for maximum flavor) in an airtight container.

To make the tuna tartare:
If you are so inclined, remove the silver membrane from between the sections of tuna. Cut the tuna into a coarse chop and place in a bowl. Mix in the oil and green onions. Add the salt and lime juice to taste.

Fill each cornet with tuna tartare and top with diced avocado.

96 nibbles at “daring bakers: tuiles”

  1. Julie says:

    Yeah, that dumb luck is going around! I used the back off a memo pad, too, and it was perfect!

    Your tartare and coronets look gorgeous–such vibrant colors! I’m glad you managed to find molds.

  2. Zita says:

    love how you catch the butter bubbles on the tuiles pic, the tuna tatare is just lipsmacking :)

  3. Meeta says:

    gorgeous! love the tuna tartare fantastic idea!

  4. Rosa says:

    OMG, your Tuiles look incredibly beautiful and ever so perfect! I love your presentation, pictures and choice of filling! Very refined and tasty!



  5. Baking Soda says:

    Incredible pictures and a wonderful result… simply gorgeous! I’m going to have my Husband read your post, he won’t eat my tuiles anymore after seeing yours but at least he’ll know I’m sexy, smart ánd talented!! Thanks for baking Jen!

  6. Lisa says:

    From the moment I saw your photo of the tartare in the cornets, I couldn’t wait to comment on your blog! I’m at a loss, as not only do I want to devour a plate of those, but they’re aesthically perfect! Awesome idea!

  7. elra says:

    Absolutely gorgeous! Love the tuna tartare and thanks for the recipe.

  8. Pearl says:

    Seriously, I lose all knowledge of the English language when I come to your blog.

    The only thing I know how to say is: wow, wow wow wow wow!

  9. Lisa says:

    Love it Jen… love it love it love it. Mostly ‘cuz we think along such similar paths… Me with my salmon and you with your tuna. You with your black and me with my yellow. Me with my alpine and you with your tele (ok that’s a push since I sadly haven’t strapped them on in like 5 years now…) Wish Boulder warnt so far away from San Francisco!

  10. jo says:

    hi jen, another great creation and the filling looks so delicious. pictures are great as always.

  11. Botacook says:

    These little things are totally for me : crunchy, good-looking, fresh and light :) Scrumptious!

  12. Marija says:

    You always do so fabulous! Cornets and tartare are a perfect combo!

  13. Culinarywannabe says:

    They came out fantastic! My mouth is watering – the tuna and avocado look beautiful!

  14. Aran says:

    For some reason, I had a feeling you would go for the Keller recipe. Your photos are always so vibrant Jen. I want to spend time in your kitchen!

  15. Dharm says:

    Simply Amazing!! I love what you did with the Tuiles Jen. Maguro is one of my favourite sushi and this looks just superb!

  16. sandra says:

    wow, your cornets are GORGEOUS!!! so mouth-watering I could eat one right now (well, not just one!) even though i don’t like raw fish.. but your tuna tartare looks soooo good!!
    I think this might be my 1st comment here and I wonder why as I’m such a huge fan of yours ;)

  17. Candace says:

    Absolutely fabulous! Love the savory twist on this!

  18. Lori says:

    “snort”- reminds me of Lily Tomlin. ha ha

    Those are so drool-aliscious! OMG that is so up my alley. I MUST make these.

    As usual, I am so impressed. Mightly impressed!

  19. Amber says:

    Your Tuiles look incredible. I shaped mine the same way but filled them with white chocolate pudding and drizzled them with chocolate. Delicious.

  20. joanne at frutto della passione says:

    Looks amazing! I keep wanting to buy the cornets (my local supermarket has an amazing bakeware section – if you don’t want/need typically North American stuff) but somehow never manage to. Who knows, maybe the next time I’ll finally make the committment!

  21. Michelle says:

    Beautifully done as always… love the fish! :)

  22. Dragana says:

    FANTASTIQUE! Do you deliver?

  23. Jenny says:

    Very pretty, as usual and different too!

    I found myself a little unmotivated after spreading myself too thin(not the tuille!). On the second batch I realised they are actually really fun and I wished I’d set aside some time. Oh well.

  24. Chez Us says:


    These are beautiful! I love that you made little fish too! And I love your tuna Tartare!!

    I will have to give them another try, like you, I was scared of burning myself. They were delicious!

  25. Eileen says:

    These are truly beautiful. You did a lovely job.

  26. Olga says:

    I think yours are by far my favorites I’ve seen so far! Delicious looking. And avocado with tuna? How could you go wrong?

  27. Tara says:

    Love it! I did some fish and avo too (and cardamon/coconut/blood orange). Your photography is like… art. Great job!

  28. Veggie Wedgie says:

    I love this idea!Very cool.

  29. Amy says:

    Awesome! Those little cornets look good enough to, well, gobble down. Great idea to do a savory take on it!

  30. sara says:

    Mmmm, these look really delicious! I love the fish tuile! :)

  31. Nichole says:

    OMG!!! those look amazing!
    I will say it! Better then Thomas Keller’s.

  32. nico says:

    hi, amazon has the molds for a very good price actually. They are decent quality, I got 8 of them and I love them.

  33. Jillian says:

    Oh, yum! These look so good! I really need to get some cornet mold…

  34. Debby says:

    I am hopelessly addicted to your website. I don’t have the confidence to try this recipe, but I just had to tell you how much I love your gift of artistry– with a camera, with how you write and your recipes. I bow down before in total admiration of your talent. I can only aspire to practice a LOT to come close to your talent.
    Monterey, California

  35. Ginny says:

    Beautiful! They look so yummy! :)

  36. Nate says:

    I would have such a hard time not stuffing that into my mouth, even before picking a camera up.

    I’m thinking some wasabi would go nice with the tuna.

  37. lisa (dandysugar) says:

    Mmmm. Mouthwatering to say the least. I just love your little fish too. Gorgeous and absolutely delicious. I’ll return soon for sure!

  38. Margie says:

    Amazingly beautiful. Sounds like a bunch of work, but the results are stunning. I was taken with the tuilles, but then you go and add the tuna. OH MY GOODNESS!

  39. ThePurpleFoodie says:

    OMG your tuiles look fantastic! I love the step by step photos.

  40. katie says:

    Yum! These look amazing! Almost too pretty to eat! okay maybe not :)

  41. zorra says:

    As always I’m admiring your pics! And of course the tuiles, too.

  42. Holly says:

    Those are just too cool. That cute little fish at the bottom is my favorite though. I couldn’t stop laughing with the pirate talk though. That is my son’s favorite thing to do, matey!

  43. Sheauen says:

    WOW! These are my favorite 1st course appetizers at Spago but yours look so much better. esp with the little fishy tuile on top!

    I’m only a recent fan/addict of “use real butter” and i love your blog! keep up the great postings! i esp love your candy making posts. your truffle post is one of my favorites!

  44. Tartelette says:

    Oh yes….yes yes yes yes yes!!!!

    Make a boat load of cones….Pleeeee-ze :)
    I bet these were totally sinful with the smoothness of the avocado and tuna and the crunch of the tuiles!
    Love it!!

  45. Renee says:

    Lori from Lip Smacking Goodness just sent me your way! It looks like you and I were in the same frame of mind! I love your tuna tartare – yummm. Don’t they make the perfect bite. I have to bow down to Thomas Keller. Your coronets look FANTASTIC!!!!

  46. kamaile says:

    Wow! I am speechless.

  47. caroline says:

    COOL! Those are awesome! And the fish on top of the tower is hilarious! You rock, Jen!!

  48. nina says:

    How freakin’ amazing is this!!!!!!Wow, the tutorial, the photos, but most of all the fish and that black salt!!!!! Wow, I think I have died and gone to heaven!!!

  49. Kathy says:

    Interesting textures and colors come together for a mouthwatering treat. They look scrumptious!

  50. Diane says:

    Those. Look. Amazing.


  51. clumbsycookie says:

    Nodody is gonna stop you know with 14 cornets! But next time make some more fish as well, it turned out so cute!

  52. Madeleine says:

    Amazing!!!! :)

  53. dawn says:

    Wow! Fabulous take, love it.

  54. Amy says:

    I think you did Thomas K proud. They’re gorgeous.

  55. Manggy says:

    Don’t worry, Jen… I got your instructions! :) I love the tower (though arguably the cornets are MUCH easier to pop into your mouth, heh heh)!

  56. brilynn says:

    Those cornets are gorgeous! I wish I could get tartare quality fish where I live.

  57. peabody says:

    I love the fish shaped one very cool.

  58. Asianmommy says:

    Hee! Love your tuile fish!

  59. ila says:

    wow…. just wow. beautiful photos, and the fishie tuile is redonk cute!

  60. courtney says:

    Gorgeous visuals and presentation. Love the fish( tuile and tartare).

  61. CookiePie says:

    GORGEOUS tuiles, and that tuna looks beyond delicious! Fabulous!!

  62. Julie E says:

    I. am. drooling. I just had tuna tartare this weekend and your post and lovely pics are bringing back great memories. Thanks for the post!

  63. Hannah says:

    Lovely use of color with the filling- These photos really “pop”! Now I feel like I want to give the savory version a try, too.

  64. Dragon says:

    Your tuiles are absolutely stunning. So are your photos! Great job on this month’s challenge.

  65. Lorraine @NotQuiteNigella says:

    LOVE the tuna tartare idea! They look absolutely stunning! :)

  66. Alana says:

    This looks mouthwatering-ly delicious! The tuiles turned out gorgeous!

  67. Chris says:

    Breathtaking pictures. Seriously. If there’s one thing I sorta/kinda/wish-I-didn’t miss about being a vegetarian, it’s sushi. So this is bordering on torture! But really, great idea, execution, everything :)

  68. chef_d says:

    Yum, yum! I’m having a hard time not salivating over your beautiful pictures!

  69. Pomme says:

    I’ll definitely try the Tuna tartare, I’m too much of a wimp for handling hot stuff (one day I will get over my fear of hot oil, I will! just not today….)

  70. Passionate Eater says:

    You overcame your adversity to “hot” quite well, because those cornets look like you were quite the “daring” baker! I always look at this recipe in the French Laundry cookbook, and longingly want to make it. I am too lazy though. I am glad I can vicariously live through you!

  71. farmerpam says:

    OMG, I can’t stop making pot stickers, each batch a bit different, your Mom is right, needs that pork fat….now I must have some of those cornet thingies to move on … got my vote!

  72. Susan/Wild Yeast says:

    I’m so not surprised that yours came out looking exactly like Keller’s (well, better if you want to know the truth). You have me rethinking the “oh I don’t need cornet molds” thing.

  73. deeba says:

    I’m fighting the urge to jump into the screen…BOW to you. You are a supreme DB!

  74. Mollie says:

    Want want want… that’s all i have to say…

  75. superfinefeline says:

    This is awesome! Your pics are making me so hungry though its close to 1am now!

  76. stacie says:

    Awesome job, lovely tuilies!

  77. Zoë François says:

    Fabulous! I want several of them. What a wonderful use of the challenge!

  78. AnaMobula says:

    I have no words to describe your savory tuiles… tuna tartas with avocado…Hummmmmm!!!!


  79. Maggie says:

    You did Mr. Keller proud! I can’t believe they tried to charge you $5 for a mold!

  80. Leanne says:

    Wow. Simply amazing.

  81. marianne says:

    I came back to your website today just to take another peak at those tuna cornets. They look simply amazing, Jen!

  82. Lindsay says:

    That shit is beautiful!

  83. gine says:

    Love your step-by-step pics :-) and your tuiles look great :-)!!

  84. My Gourmet Love Affair says:

    Those are absolutely gorgeous!
    And you’re photography is awe-inspiring…


  85. Mrs Ergül says:

    Have you ever thought of opening a restaurant and share the joys of great food with fellow food lovers?! I;m bookmarking this page! I just have to!

  86. Caitlin says:

    Oh wow – I totally wouldn’t have managed to keep those around for pictures. Tuna tartare is just a wonderful thing. And I think I get your molding technique – I almost went with cornets, but didn’t feel like buying the molds :P

  87. Golly says:

    Wow that looks amazing. I’m kinds nervous about serving up raw fish but this looks so good I think I could give it a go.

  88. Joey Biscotti says:

    This is waht I get for not thinking creatively… I wish I’d have thought of using the cardboard from a pad of paper… We would have had much better success!!!

    Great job with your tuiles… I’m drooling!!!

  89. Paula says:

    Wow great job with the savory tuiles!! That fish is adorable! I’m totally impressed:)

  90. jenyu says:

    Everyone – thanks for your very kind comments :) I love when DB challenges can be interpreted so widely! xxoo

  91. lisaiscooking says:

    Gorgeous. And, delicious! Love the smoked salt in the tuna.

  92. linda says:

    Delicious filling, looks very tempting! Good luck loosing your fingerprints when you use those 14 cornets ;)

  93. Sweet Tooth says:

    Delicious looking pictures. Looking forward to more cornets once your molds arrive.

  94. mycookinghut says:

    WOW!! This is really nice!

  95. Diana says:

    Oh I’m so excited! Your tuna tartar looks a lot like poke, my favorite! Your cornet molds probably worked much better than my little ones made out of paper. Looks great!

  96. NMN says:

    Great pictures of your perfect execution. The tuiles add such a nice finesse to the presentation of the tartare.

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