baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

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may your days be filled with light

Recipe: lychee grapefruit martini

I hope everyone is having a great holiday, whatever it is that you do or don’t do! Today is the last day to bid on some really amazing Menu for Hope items. Pim has a very nifty and easy donation form set up on her site and I encourage you to have a look and bid! If you want to see what I and a couple of great Boulder businesses are offering, check out the bid item descriptions.

Jeremy and I have been keeping things low key because I had the flu and shared it with him. Thursday was the first time we both felt well enough to get out and enjoy some of the recent snow.

a little windy, a little chilly, but definitely some fun

While single digit temperatures are tolerable, negative wind chills and ground blizzards can be a bit much on the mountain. In the afternoon we took Kaweah for a walk in the woods where we could seek a little refuge from the winds.

a shower of snow rains down from the trees

We went to Boulder for a few errands and then walked around Pearl Street to enjoy the lights. Because it was Christmas Eve, the streets were pretty empty as Pearl Street goes.

i love little lights

Did you ever play Lite-Brite as a kid? It was one of my favorite toys because of the colorful pegs that became colorful lights when you inserted them onto the backlit panel. Today, anything that resembles brilliant colored lights catches my crow’s eye – mesmerizes me. A couple of weeks ago Jeremy had made himself a martini that sparkled red in front of his computer monitor.

pomegranate martini?

more like a fruit salad with booze

Jeremy usually makes lychee martinis, but he had tossed a few remaining pomegranate seeds into the glass and added a dash of PAMA liqueur. It was just so pretty. The taste didn’t appeal to me much and we both agreed that it was a little too similar to Robitussin. Perhaps some pomegranate syrup instead of or in addition to the PAMA would have made it more palatable?

the pama lychee martini looked good

pomegranates can never look bad, really

Instead of trying to make it a pomegranate lychee martini, I thought grapefruit might be more palatable. Lychee and grapefruit play well together and we kept a handful of pomegranate seeds in for color. I prefer fresh grapefruit juice rather than the store-bought varieties because most of those are too sweet. It’s a lovely cocktail for the holidays. Cheers!

now we’re talkin’

Lychee Grapefruit Martini
[print recipe]

pomegranate seeds
lychee fruits
2-3 oz gin
2 oz lychee juice
2 oz grapefruit juice, fresh or unsweetened

Place one or two lychees and a few pomegranate seeds in a martini glass. Combine the gin, lychee juice, grapefruit juice, and ice in a vessel. Shake and strain the cocktail into the martini glass over the fruit.

37 nibbles at “may your days be filled with light”

  1. Cate says:

    I love that shot with the bottles and glass! And Lite Brite…we never had one but some friends did and I was totally hooked on that thing!

    I’m glad you’re both feeling a little better. Stay warm!

  2. Rosa says:

    Happy Holidays and all the best for the New Year!

    Those shots are beautiful!



  3. Hande says:

    Happy Holidays, Jen!
    PS: last night I was watching the “House of Flying Daggers” and all at once I had a light bulb going on – your nature pictures have always reminded me of this movie. Do you know it? If not, you *have to* see it! I know nothing about photography, but there is just a feel, light, composition that you share – which I love!

  4. TheKitchenWitch says:

    Happy Holidays, sweet Jen! Your martini looks awesome–I love anything grapefruit!! And yes, pomegranate is always beautiful, but you make it look downright sexy! :)

    I loved my Lite Brite as a kid, too. That’s definitely what that last picture of the lights reminded me of!

  5. sara says:

    Happy holidays! The martini looks fantastic! :)

  6. Tartelette says:

    Merry Christmas to you, Jeremy and Kaweah!

    I have Bill and Bailey snoring on the couch. My fault: I kept them awake with my coughing. Maybe I should fix us a this cocktail tonight and we would all sleep soundly and through the night. (“we” did not include the pupps – of course).


  7. Ruth says:

    Beautifl, beautiful images, Jen. I always appreciate your sensitive eye for colour and composition.

    Merry Christmas to you and Jeremy and Kaweah! Incidentally, my boy Diesel, a very handsome 10 1/2 year old Black Lab, would love to play with Kaweah in the snow. Too bad we live so far away in Canada — we know something about snow here, too!


  8. Fiona says:

    Yum. I don’t think martini glasses get enough use. I should get mine out and get ’em dirty.

    So sorry about the flu, and sharing it with Jeremy. But at least you’re on the mend now.

  9. Mysticmeg says:

    I love your drink..must buy some gin at the package store. Have you made this with vodka? What is PAMA liquor? Liquor or syrup is in the description but not in the recipe..One or some of both?

    Snow in Fort Worth Texas…first White Christmas in over 90 years. Snow is time to stay inside and have a drink or two. What a beautiful pink drink for the holiday.

    The flu is sure to take lots of vitamins to regain your strength. Ginger soothes the stomachache.
    Thank you for all you do!
    Merry Christmas to all…Peace in the New Year of 2010!!!

  10. Dani says:

    Glad you’re feeling better! Merry Christmas to you all, Kaweah included. Hope you’re having a lovely holiday.

  11. Christy says:

    So glad to see you are feeling better. Kick back one of those martini’s for me! Have a great Holiday Season!

  12. Janet says:

    LOVE your shot of the glass and bottles! Fabu! Wishing
    ing you and yours a happy, healthy New Year.

  13. Peggy says:

    Stunning shots! Thank you for bringing us a part of you each week, Jen. All the best for the New Year.

  14. Mari Ann Lisenbe says:

    Too bad about the pama lychee. It does LOOK awesome, though. LOL
    Have you ever tried pear martinis? They have to be my fav. I may try adding in some red pomegranate seeds to the green pear martini for a festive look over the holidays.

  15. Abby says:

    I loved my litebrite and it’s still somewhere in my parents’ attic. Now I have the urge to go find it!

    Hope you had a lovely holiday.

  16. Tony says:

    pomegranate martinis are tied with asian pear martinis as my favorites! beautiful shots of the drink and the lights–I particularly like the last one… it really does remind me of Lite-Brite :-)

  17. blogresipi says:

    Wow, so wonderful. Beautiful snow and awesome drinks.

  18. Mrs Ergül says:

    Glad to hear that you both are already feeling better! I love all the photos in this post, everything from the drink to the lights. Everything is just so lovely. I wish you, Jeremy and Kaweah a good good year ahead! xxoo

  19. deana says:

    The photo was so gorgeous… I don’t drink martinis but it had me wanting one…lovely post!

  20. Lori says:

    Bleck Robitussin. I still want to make the lychee martini… I bought some canned lychees- I am halfway there.

  21. The Other Woman says:

    I’m a vodka martini gal — ever try V-One? It’s a western Massachusetts company started by then 28 year old entrepreneur, Paul Kozub, in honor of his Polish grandfather. Made from eco-friendly spelt wheat is part of the pitch but I just like the clean unfussy taste of the vodka and takes my Buy Local philosophy to a new level! I’ll be trying your recipe out very soon!!! It’s good for the local economy. :-P

  22. Melissa says:

    Awww, Lite Brite. :D That photo reminds me of it.

    Great drink, though I don’t know when next, if ever, I will make cocktails at home. Enjoy your New Year’s Jen, if I don’t speak to you before then… sorry you guys were ill!

  23. Caitlin says:

    I’m not a martini fan, but these might sway me – I do love the look of pomegranate seeds in things. And Lite-Brite? AWESOME. I had so much fun with that growing up :)

  24. Unplanned Cooking says:

    Great pictures! I would love to go on a ski trip this year. We haven’t been skiing since our kids were born, and would love to go soon.

  25. Sophia W says:

    Oh that looks amazing! I’m definitely going to have to try that! Have you tried lychee liquer? It smells awesome and is perfect in lychee martinis :)

  26. Emily says:

    I like to make a lychee grapefruit cocktail with 12 Bridges Gin, grapefruit juice and a little St Germaine liqueur. I garnish it with a lychee and sometimes add some of the lychee syrup. I’ll have to try pomegranate sometime.

  27. Asianmommy says:

    I loved Lite-Brite as a kid–& I even bought it for my daughter, too.

  28. WizzyTheStick says:

    This really looks like a fantastic drink.

  29. Rachy says:

    looovee Lychees! the first time I had them in Honduras from a roadside stand they were A-mazing!! And this looks to do them the justice they deserve :)

  30. kamran siddiqi says:

    Great, great post!

    I hope you both are feeling better! :)

    Lovely photos as always!

    Have a Happy and joyous New Year! :D

  31. Mira says:

    Hello, I’m a college student at the city college of New York. I just wanted to say that I love reading your blog and seeing all of your beautiful photos. Your recipe for Chinese rice cakes is the only recipe I’ve tried that comes close to being satisfying. When I am not in school, I bar tend. I was wondering if I could have your permission to make the lychee cocktail for my customers? I would be happy to mention your blog to any customer who asks about the source of the recipe for the drink. Your posts encourage me to be a foodie! Keep up the great work, and happy new year!

  32. DB says:

    Hey there. Happy New Year! This is a first for me…leaving a comment on a blog. Your photos are amazing and your life story is inspiring and after reading your blog I am always hungry! Thank you for sharing Here is to 2010 may the year bring you much joy and happiness.
    Gung Hay Fat Choy!

  33. jenyu says:

    I hope that all of you had a wonderful holiday season. I know it’s weeks past now, but I’m just able to get on here and reply to comments! Dang flu/sinusitis. Glad to know so many of us loved our Lite Brites in our youth :) xoxo

    Hande – I’ve seen the movie, but… I don’t think my photography comes anywhere close to the cinematography – they are AMAZING. So thank you, I am very flattered, but I don’t feel I deserve such an honor, my friend :) xo

    Ruth – Kaweah is always game to play with other pups :) She would totally ignore us in favor of another dog!

    Mysticmeg – PAMA liqueur is pomegranate liqueur. I had put some in the first martini, but didn’t like it nearly as much as the second version without, so it wasn’t in the recipe (this one is just grapefruit and lychee). I’ve never made martinis with vodka, because we tend to prefer gin martinis here :)

    Mari Ann Lisenbe – yes, I have to admit that I am drawn to the visually beautiful cocktails. I’d much rather look at them than drink them :) Maybe if I practiced more, I’d make them pretty AND tasty?!

    Tony – Asian pear martinis?!?! OMG, I think I must explore this further :)

    Melissa – thank you, sweetie. I’m a lightweight when it comes to booze so I don’t actually drink any of the martinis – they go STRAIGHT to my head ;) I just photograph them and let Jeremy sip them down. Happy New Year, babe!

    Sophia W – I did not know there was such a thing as lychee liqueur, but now you have piqued my curiosity!!

    Mira – oh absolutely! You don’t need my permission to make this drink. Go at it! Have fun! Maybe even improve on it?! :) Happy New Year.

    DB – thank you :)

  34. Digital Scales says:

    That martini looks unbelievable! It looks like something out of a dream! The pomegranate is the best little touch.. in that one photo they look like lights in the glass. Genius!

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  36. 10 Modern Martinis for the James Bond in Everyone | Yummly says:

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  37. Lychee-tini’s and Pomegranate cosmo’s « Inspired Domesticity says:

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