baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

copyright jennifer yu © 2004-2023 all rights reserved: no photos or content may be reproduced without prior written consent

misty mountain hop(ping)

I just got back from the mountains of Park City, Utah, to come home to the mountains of northern Colorado with enough time to unpack and repack to leave… for some other mountains in 36 hours. I AM NOT COMPLAINING. I had a lovely time at the Evo ’11 Conference in Utah. Rachael Herrscher, Jyl Johnson Pattee and their remarkable team managed the herculean effort of pulling this huge event off. Truly impressive and so much fun! So let me share some photos and keep the yammering to a minimum…

they held evo ’11 at the canyons resort in park city

the speakers’ luncheon hosted on site at the farm (great food)

taking the gondola up

the beautiful mid-mountain trail

Todd and Diane’s photo session at red pine lodge

taking the orange bubble up with genie to my workshop at the lookout cabin

inside the lookout cabin

the view looking out

I tag-teamed with Aimee who delivered terrific fundamental photo tips, me on nature and landscape photography, Brooke (made us cry) with gorgeous, touching portraits, and Jenny, Kodak’s Chief Blogger, who highlighted creative, fun, and hilarious trends in photography.

from left to right: Dennis, Stacy, Char, and Paige

sheila and brooke talking outside on the grass

awesome angels from left to right: jenny, jen, aimee, a lovely woman whose name i didn’t get, genie

approaching weather

When we were done, everyone hopped onto the Orange Bubble and rode to the top before getting turned around to head down for the closing keynote. I was the last to board – intentionally. I thought it’d be fun to catch folks coming back, sitting in orange bubbles way up in the air.

like sheila, brooke, and jenny

down means down

me ra koh delivered a deeply personal closing keynote

a rainbow emerging from stormy clouds

forget-me-not (no, i won’t forget)

thank you, evo ’11 and beautiful park city

You can find the full set of photos from Evo ’11 on my photo blog.

17 nibbles at “misty mountain hop(ping)”

  1. Perfecting Pru says:

    Wonderful photos as always. It looks like a great trip.

  2. Melissa @ Dash of East says:

    Lovely photo summary of Evo Con! I was following the conference (jealously) on Twitter this weekend and have decided that I must put this one on my “must-attend” list for next year :)

  3. Kalyn says:

    All your photos are stunning, but I especially love that bottom photo of you and Jeremy. I’m so glad you came to Utah so we could hang out, even if it was only for a short time. xoxo

  4. Chris says:

    Lovely photos! Makes me miss UT so. Wish I could have made it. Maybe next year. :) Thanks for this recap!

  5. TheKitchenWitch says:

    Holy mackerel, that rainbow picture is freaking amazing. As are you. xo

  6. Kristina says:

    Jen – this conference sounds like it was wonderful. I would really love to go next year, especially if you’re going back.

  7. Shelley says:

    Love your blog! I would love to see a recipe for a delicious shepard’s pie.

  8. Stacy says:

    I loved your session and I loved YOU. You are simply adorable and I have been showing everyone your BEAUTIFUL sites :)

  9. Katie C says:

    Dreadfully sorry to miss you this weekend, but THRILLED that you got to ride mid-mountain! Oh! One of the best in town for sure! Next time, we do it together!

  10. Margie says:

    I be so jealous!


    Beautiful spot of heaven, and you captured it wonderfully.

  11. Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga says:

    Jen…great recap!

    While you were at this, I was in Mexico City with Penny de los Santos having life changing after life changing experience; both from a photography standpoint and also life-stuff standpoint.

    Cannot wait to meet you…in like 2-3 weeks! wow! :)

  12. Mrs Ergül says:

    As usual, I can only partake in such conferences through your lens and words! :)

  13. Maria says:

    It was great to see you at EVO. Great photos and recap! Come back and visit us anytime:)

  14. Gabby @my vagabond kitchen says:

    Wow. That first one took my breath away, and that was before I saw the rainbow! Ah, and that beautiful green forest. Glad you had a nice time. Thank you for the lovely photos!

  15. Sandy @ Reluctant Entertainer says:

    Amazing photography and recap. Thanks for sharing the beauty of the weekend. I’ll link to you on RE. :)

  16. What is a blogging conference? — Reluctant Entertainer says:

    […] posts on EVO: Completely Delicious Two Peas and Their Pod Use Real Butter Ingredients, Inc. Like this post? Print, email or share […]

  17. jenyu says:

    Melissa – it’s very different from the food blogger conferences and I think it’s actually much better in many ways.

    Kalyn – I’m really glad we could get you to the barbecue to meet up with everyone else. Loved seeing you. So great to hug you and catch up. xo

    Kristina – if you’re there I *have* to go… otherwise who is gonna cover yer ass? ;)

    Shelley – you might have better luck doing a google search for shepard’s pie?

    Stacy – what a doll you are. Totally loved meeting you and your hilarious gaggle of pals. You were all so much fun xo

    Katie – I loved it. Gorgeous trail. Yes, next time we ride mid mountain together or we shred the mountain!!

    Mrs Ergül – you can always ask me questions via email about photography, Pei Lin!

    Maria – sooooo great to see you and meet your hi-larious hubz. You guys are incredibly sweet. I’m sad you couldn’t make it to Food and Light this year, but so glad we could still meet up in your backyard! Take care of you and yours, hon.

    Gabby – thank you!

    Sandy – xoxo

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