It took longer than I had anticipated to get this recap posted what with all of my activities in and around Seattle for the past 8 days. Best to get on with it before the next conference, right? I’m super sleepy and I’m trying not to be snarky here, but it’s REALLY hard. Bear with me, please.
After that gorgeous-turned-rainy-muddy backpack in the Cascades, I went from eating instant rice and sleeping in the dirt (and rain, did I mention the rain?) to bougie food and a luxurious bed at the (gloriously waterproof) Hotel Monaco where IFBC kicked off with registration, swag baggery, evening reception, and a great speech by Morgan Spurlock. Also, I met tons of food blog pals like my girl Peabody.
some of the fancy pants food: geoduck ceviche

pistachio crusted rack of lamb (lambipops)

full room while morgan spurlock spoke

I skipped the after-reception party in favor of a fantastic sushi dinner with my buds Allison of
Sushi Day, Susan of
Sticky, Gooey, Creamy, Chewy, and Andrea of
Andrea’s Recipes at
Nijo Sushi just down the hill.
finally looking at the menu after spending 30 minutes gabbing and gossiping!

Being the fuddy duddy that I am, I retired to my room and proceeded to process backpacking photos until 2 am. I got your party girl right here, folks. That wasn’t such a good idea because the IFBC organizers had planned something ridiculous like a 13-hour day at Theo Chocolate which is a 20-minute bus ride from the hotel.
Note to conference organizers: please don’t do that anymore.
Just my luck, I was so used to waking up at 6 am, that I got up at… 6 am. I caught one of the buses to Theo Chocolate (the main venue) and felt like my head was about to explode. Or maybe that was Amy Sherman chattering away next to me on the bus?
Breakfast – an assortment of pastries and berries – was really lovely, but a platter of bacon would have brought tears of joy to my eyes. You know what is better than a platter of bacon (I know, few things, but this really is)?
seeing shauna and danny‘s beautiful new book

**Jump for more butter**