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to barbara

Here’s to you, beautiful Barbara.

Here’s to your strength and determination.

To your kindness and compassion.

To your pragmatism and wit.

To your bravery and selflessness.

To your wisdom and advice.

To your love and friendship.

To being a class act through and through.

To hiking Rangitoto.

To Veuve and beautiful pink flowers and tears and no more pain.

Here is to your remarkable life and the grace and passion with which you lived it. You will forever be a part of my heart. Be at peace, my dear friend.

23 nibbles at “to barbara”

  1. Allison Day says:

  2. Jackie Baisa says:

    Okay, now I’m crying. So beautiful, Jen. I heart you. xox

  3. Kimberly P. says:

    What a beautiful tribute to your friend. I read her blog tonight and wanted to thank you for sharing this so that we may also experience a small taste of who she was!

  4. Jean Layton says:

    I’m so sorry for your loss. <3

  5. Amanda says:

    Lovely, lovely post and a fine tribute to a class act. We’ll all miss her.

  6. Rosa says:

    A terrible loss and wonderful tribute.


  7. SallyBR says:

    I’ve never met her in person, but knowing of her death felt like being stabbed by a knife. I can only imagine the pain of those who had the privilege of being close to her in real life. An amazing person.

    I expected you to write a tribute to her, and you did it beautifully.

  8. Y says:


  9. Kristin says:

    Oh, I’m so sorry.

  10. Kalyn says:

    A beautiful tribute to a beautiful person.

  11. vanillasugarblog says:

    you’re a sweet friend to do this.

  12. Jill says:

    A lovely tribute Jen. Eloquent and heartfelt. <3

  13. cherie says:

    What a sweet tribute – my sympathy for your loss

  14. keiko says:

    Such a beautiful tribute Jen – I miss her very much.

  15. Lisa says:

    A beautiful post from your heart and a heartfelt tribute to a friend.

  16. ahmcguffin says:

    Jen, your tribute to Barbara is perfect. I’m grateful I learned of her passing from you.

  17. Mardi (eat. live. travel. write.) says:

    This is so beautiful Jen. Such a huge loss.

  18. Shut Up & Cook says:

    Beautifully said.

  19. Andrew says:

    *silent tribute

  20. Sally - My Custard Pie says:

    I never met Barbara but her warmth and generosity came in waves through our interactions on her blog and via Twitter. Hope she is raising a glass somewhere to no more pain.

  21. Mollie says:

    love to you

  22. Barbara says:

    I am having such difficulty coping, but it is things like this that let me feel better and allow me to convince myself that she is now at peace. The wonderful people in the blogesphere have been so supportive and so surprising.
    I had no idea how many people she had touched. Thanks again Jen, she thought you were the bees knees.
    Much love and appreciation.
    Bryan, Chris and Mike.

  23. jenyu says:

    Bryan, Chris and Mike (Barbara) – I can only imagine the loss for you, if so many of us are feeling it so keenly. She made such a difference to all of us. A one of a kind, remarkable woman. I am so blessed to have had her friendship and love. Keeping the three of you in my thoughts, in my heart. xo

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