baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

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The cluster of states in New England is tiny. You can drive in and out and across them in very little time if you want. I flew into Boston on Friday to meet with some good people for dinner, and then we all hauled it up to New Hampshire. So far we have jumped across the Connecticut River into Vermont, back to New Hampshire, into Vermont, back to New Hampshire. There is snow on the ground and daytime temperatures have been in the 30s (°F). I’m feeling quite comfortable. I hope your weekend is going just as swimmingly.

the butcher shop

a fabulous welcome to the northeast

snowy road that leads to good things

sugar on snow

tapping a sugar maple

layers of rolling hills

evening falls at the inn

more goodness from the use real butter archives

annular solar eclipse from new mexico backpacking yosemite in the olympics of washington state with aloha (the big island of hawai’i)

11 nibbles at “verhampshiring”

  1. Andra says:

    Hello from Vermont! Enjoy your visit, and drink lots of fresh syrup; it’s the beverage of choice around here!

  2. Laurel says:

    I live in Vermont too, though further up north in the “big city” area. Have a great time and enjoy not just the maple syrup but the cheeses*, meats, cider, locally distilled spirits… etc. etc.!

    * Two of my favorites: Blue Ledge chevre, and Cobb Hill’s Ascutney Mountain, which is somewhat like a gruyere.

  3. jill says:

    What a delightful, storybook place! I love the blues of the hills. Enjoy!

  4. Madeleine says:

    Welcome to New England! Yeah, no snow right now in Boston—sorry. I wish you got to spend more time in Boston. Hopefully when you fly back. It’s my favorite city (and hometown, so I guess I’m a bit biased)

  5. farmerpam says:

    So nice to hear you were in our neck of the woods. Last weekend was perfect weather for sugaring, but winter is making a comeback with a nice little storm coming our way. Too bad you couldn’t stay longer to enjoy!

  6. Stephus says:

    Gorgeous photos, as usual! I live right around the corner from the Butcher Shop and was delighted to see that you got to experience a bit of ths South End. You must come back soon!

  7. Rocky Mountain Woman says:

    oh my! the inn is perfect!

  8. Abbe@This is How I Cook says:

    Totally envious! Thanks for making me drool!

  9. Bernadette @ Now Stir It Up says:

    Absolutly GORGEOUS. Hope you had fun!

  10. Keeley @ My Life on a Plate says:

    I love Vermont! I hope you are having a wonderful time.

  11. jenyu says:

    Andra – it was a lovely time, thank you!

    Laurel – oh yes, we definitely nibbled our way through lots of the local goodness. It was amazing and wonderful!

    Jill – I can just imagine how incredible it must look in autumn.

    Madeleine – I think Boston is my favorite city on the east coast. I’ve been there several times in the past and it’s great fun!

    farmerpam – ah yeah, I heard about the snow you guys received. Thankfully I can console myself with some of our own snow in Colorado ;)

    Stephus – no way! How cool :) Boston is such a great city.

    Rocky Mountain Woman – isn’t it? Yoda, especially.

    Abbe – :)

    Bernadette – we did!! :)

    Keeley – it was fantastic. We learned so much (and ate so much)!

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