baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

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archive for December 2013

something to take with you

Sunday, December 29th, 2013

Recipe: cranberry pistachio orange lärabars

Did everyone have or is still having a nice holiday? I gave myself last week off after the rush of baking, gifting the baking, standing in long lines at the post office, packing up for Crested Butte, hosting a friend, and finishing our year end photo card. It’s been a nice week of more or less keeping off the interwebs to catch up on sleep, spend a lot of time on snow, give Kaweah lots of belly rubs, and become addicted to Downton Abbey.

fresh falling snow on the mountain

looking through a lovely ice sculpture in mountaineer square

cross country skiing on the crested butte nordic trails

ranch boundary

Not long after I had made the baked brie with cranberries and pistachios, I began to think what a lovely combination cranberries and pistachios make. Forget the brie – I’m all about the fruits and nuts! And one of my favorite places to enjoy fruits and nuts is outside in the backcountry, on the slopes, on the trails. Why not a cranberry pistachio Lärabar?

dates, pistachios, orange (zest), cranberries

put the pistachios in a food processor

coarse chop (coarser for a crunchier texture)

**Jump for more butter**

merry buttery christmas

Wednesday, December 25th, 2013

Merry Christmas to the butterlings who celebrate the holiday! And for the rest, Merry Awesome Day of Skiing and Riding the Slopes Crowd-Free!

– Sending love, joy, and Kaweah kisses your way from all of us at The House of Butter.

wishing you the sweetest

rounding up 2013

Monday, December 23rd, 2013

The end of 2013 means it’s time to share our year end photo card! (<- Click the link!) Happiest of holidays to all of you.

with love from the three of us