the sous vide life
Hello readers! I just want to point out what for some might not seem obvious. No one is forcing you to read my blog. If you cannot abide by my taste in recipes, you hate my dog, you are sick of seeing photo after photo of my husband skiing, you dislike nature, or you don’t want to read my words and stories, you are well within your rights to not read use real butter. If it’s just the recipes you want, you are welcome to click on the link at the start of each post next to the thumbnail which will jump down to the recipe, bypassing any potentially upsetting content. If this is too much of a burden on you, then I wish you well on your journey through the interwebs. I am totally okay with that. This is not just a food blog, it is MY blog. It is available to people for free, but this blog is not a service. I maintain use real butter at my own expense. I write it for me. I have always written it for me. I detest writing and I especially hate writing when some company or person(s) tell me what to write or what not to write. So for those who want to tag along on my mundane life, I offer a friendly smile and I’ll scoot over to make room for you. For those who find the blog unbearable to read, I invite you to stop wasting your time and move on to better things.
well, at least 5280 magazine likes my mindless drivel
some kelvin-helmholtz-ish clouds at sunset
crescent moon behind a veil of pink clouds
jeremy finds fresh tracks in the glades
This past summer, my dad asked me if I had ever heard of sous vide and was it any good. Yes, I had heard of it years ago. I had no idea if it was good or bad because it was prohibitively expensive back in the day and I had dismissed it as impractical. Dad inquired because he is on a never-ending mission to cook the best steak possible (to go with his red wine, of course). Fast forward a few months to when I was team cooking with Andrew (and our friend, Ben) for one of his popular community dinners at his house. We always nerd out on food and cooking before the guests arrive and he was testing sous vide ribs versus ribs from the smoker. This was my opportunity to learn more about sous vide, which literally translates into “under vacuum”. It involves vacuum-sealing food in plastic bags and cooking them in a low-temperature water bath (you can cook eggs in their shells). Then Andrew says, “Here, why don’t you borrow it? I’m going to be out of the country for a few months, so I won’t be missing it.”
andrew’s anova precision sous vide cooker
easy setup, just clamp it to the side of a large pot or vessel filled with water
I have tested it on three different cuts of steak, barbecue pork ribs, and now pork chops. I will eventually get around to seafood, chicken, eggs, tempering chocolate, and other nifty things, but it’s really to give my dad some feedback on sous vide and to be able to prepare a nice dinner for him when I see him this summer. Also? I bought one of my own, because they’re now as affordable as a typical small kitchen appliance. Andrew is still in Australia, but another friend had one for sale that was practically new, so I sprang for it. The pork chops I used came in a complimentary shipment of several pounds of grass-fed beef (steaks, ground, etc.) and heritage breed pork – no antibiotics, no hormones, no GMO – from Butcher Box, a monthly high quality meat subscription service.
butcher box’s pork chops were my favorite
simple: pork chops, vegetable oil, black pepper, kosher salt
Sous vide is not faster than chucking your pork chops or steaks on a grill or a hot skillet, but the results are far more consistent if you are one who likes tender and juicy meat or if you prefer your steaks on the rare side. I didn’t opt for a food saver vacuum sealer because I have had excellent success with ziploc bags. My primary sous vide guide has been Kenji López-Alt at Serious Eats. First, you’ll want to get your water bath to temperature. I opted for medium-rare (140°F). For the pork chops, pat the chops dry, season the meat, and pop it into a ziploc bag. Then push as much air out as possible using the displacement method – lower the bag into the water bath to displace as much air as possible, then seal it without letting any water in. Water circulates through the sous vide apparatus to maintain the bath temperature, so I clamped the bags to the side of the stock pot to keep them from obstructing the intake.
season with salt and pepper
place in a ziploc bag (or use a food saver vacuum sealer)
lower the bag into the bath to displace the air from the bag (and seal it)
clamp the bags away from the sous vide intake
What’s neat about sous vide is that the food never gets above the temperature of the water bath, so you can’t overcook the meat. Kenji usually gives a range of cooking times – in this instance one to four hours. I typically stick to the lower limit because I don’t like wasting energy. Kenji’s discussion on sous vide pork chops goes into great detail on the weirdness that happens when you cook the meat too long. You should give that a read. Now, when the pork chops are done in the bath, they aren’t actually done. The final step is to finish the pork chops on the stove or the grill because the water bath cannot produce that coveted sear. The sear is actually quite quick (a few minutes total) since the pork chop is already cooked. It’s about 45 seconds to a minute on each side, and Kenji rightly recommends giving the edges (especially the fatty edges) a little searing love because… yum!
out of the bath
pat the chops dry and i like to add a little more seasoning
heat some vegetable oil in a cast iron skillet or stainless steel pan
get that sear going
I think as long as I have the time to sous vide, this will be my preferred method for preparing pork chops (and probably a host of other things) in the future. These pork chops were the juiciest and most tender I have ever cooked at home. The flavor was outstanding, too. I chalk that up to the quality of the meat as well as the sous vide method. Better living through science, folks!
perfect pork chop
serve with some sautéed greens and spiced apples
tender, flavorful, juicy
Full disclosure: I received a free trial box of beef and pork from Butcher Box with no obligation on my part.
Sous Vide Pork Chops
[print recipe]
from Serious Eats: The Food Lab
4 bone-in pork rib chops (about 1 1/2 inches thick, each)
kosher salt
freshly ground pepper
2 tbsps vegetable oil
Preheat your sous vide cooker to your pork chop target temperature. Kenji gives a chart listing doneness, temperature, and time range.
Rare (tender, juicy, a little slippery): 130°F (54°C), 1-4 hours
Medium-rare (tender, juicy, and meaty): 140°F (60°C), 1-4 hours
Medium-well (quite firm, starting to dry out): 150°F (66°C), 1-4 hours
Well-done (firm, a little dry and tough, but moist): 160°F (71°C), 1-4 hours
Pat the pork chops dry and season generously with salt and pepper on both sides. Place the pork chops in sous vide bags or ziploc bags. Seal the bags using a vacuum sealer or the displacement method (for ziploc bags). The displacement method for ziploc bags: place the bottom of the bag in the water bath and slowly lower the bag, allowing the water to displace or push the air up and out of the bag. Keep lowering until the seal is an inch or so above the water, but most of the air is out. Seal the bag without letting any water in. Place the bags in your sous vide bath for the amount of time listed above.
Take your sous vide bags out of the bath. Remove the pork chops from the bags and blot excess moisture with paper towels. You can season with a little more salt and pepper, if you like. Turn on your vent and open a nearby window. Set a stainless steel or cast iron skillet on your largest burner and add a tablespoon or two of vegetable oil. Turn the heat to high until the oil begins to smoke. If your pan isn’t large enough for all four chops, then just cook two (or one) at a time. Set pork chops in the pan and let sear until browned, about 45 seconds. The pork chop should release from the pan when you lift it – if it sticks, set it back and let it continue searing until it comes off cleanly. Flip the pork chops over until the other side is also seared and releases from the pan easily. Using tongs, hold the chop(s) so that the sides are seared on the bottom of the pan. Remove the chops to a wire rack to rest for a few minutes. Serves 4.

more goodness from the use real butter archives
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pan-seared pork chops |
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teriyaki pork chops |
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japanese tonkatsu (pork cutlet) |
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chinese red-cooked pork |
February 5th, 2017 at 10:39 pm
definitely thought those apples were weirdly cut pieces of takuan at first ? haven’t had a chance to try using a sous vide machine yet but this sounds like a fun experiment! my aunt gifted me a copy of “the food lab” and an offer to use her sous vide machine whenever, so i might have to take her up on that.
February 5th, 2017 at 10:58 pm
I’ve been a happy follower of yours for years now but I’m not sure if I’ve ever properly thanked you for blogging here and sharing your dogs, photos, stories, and food with us all. I follow for the whole userealbutter experience (though I admit I was sad for the lack of dog stories and pictures in the time between Kaweah and Neva, and looking through old posts and seeing Kaweah gives me feelings). I share your posts with friends, sometimes because something looks delicious, sometimes because of a particularly funny story, or because Colorado is too beautiful to NOT share, or because puppy.
You’re talented and amazing, and I value the time, effort, and love you put into this project. Thank you.
February 5th, 2017 at 11:18 pm
Thank you.
February 5th, 2017 at 11:54 pm
Thanks for years of blogging. The food is great – and the instructions nearly always work out for me – but the adorable dogs and the Colorado landscapes really make it.
February 6th, 2017 at 12:09 am
Thanks for blogging. Although I don’t always time to read all, it is so fun to follow. I especially enjoyed reading this last one about sous vide. I have been thinking of getting one quite a while but I can not be sure if it really worths to get one. I am looking forward to reading your next adventures with sous vide.
February 6th, 2017 at 12:10 am
I agree with Jackson, your blogs is one of my favourites because of your stories and amazing photos! As an expat living in Australia, I appreciate the lovely Colorado sceanary and your tales of how the seasons are going, not to mention your food always looks divine. Thank you!
February 6th, 2017 at 12:25 am
Keep up the good work! From Australia!
February 6th, 2017 at 12:26 am
I love your recipes, absolutely, but I always especially love reading about your life and browsing through the photos you post. You make me want to move to Colorado, even though I’m positive this Cali girl would never survive a winter there. ;) xoxo
February 6th, 2017 at 12:58 am
LOVE your beautiful blog. Thank you so much.
February 6th, 2017 at 1:01 am
Your blog is amazing; how dare anyone criticize! The doggie pics are my favorite, then your stories, then the recipes (and the recipes are to die for.) From one Williamsburg girl to another, don’t let them get you down. Hugs.
February 6th, 2017 at 1:30 am
I really enjoy your blog, interesting blog, pictures of places I will never see and very different recipes. I look forward to your blog.
February 6th, 2017 at 1:54 am
There are a lot of people ‘out there’ whose favorite pastime is criticism. Ignore it. Your blog is great – the recipes,the pictures, the stories are all intriguing.
Keep it up, enjoy it, and relax.
February 6th, 2017 at 2:13 am
Your blog is fab Jen, and I think I have a bit of a crush on Jeremy as well.
February 6th, 2017 at 2:49 am
I love *everything* you write about – that is what blogs are for, you read the ones you like, and bow out of others! Some people have the nerve!
I have had the exact same anova like yours for around two years now and it has changed the way i cook cuts of meat and fish. I still tend to do whole (or too big cuts of) animals in other ways – usually oven – except whole octopus. time after time tender octopus, no guesswork, no surprises. I don’t have a grill, but I can imagine if you threw it on the grill for two minutes for some charring, it would be incredible.
February 6th, 2017 at 3:18 am
Jen, I know I haven’t said it often enough, but I–along with so many others–are so very thankful for all that you do. Seeing your blog pop up in my inbox is like receiving an update from a dear friend. There are plenty of food blogs out there. I read yours not only because I enjoy the recipes, but because I love your amazing photos and your updates on your family, the puppies, and your day to day life. Through you I’ve been able to imagine the joys of finding delicious huckleberries hidden on a mountainside, the thrill of skiing the perfect snow, and the exhilaration of hiking to beautiful places and gazing out over incredible scenery. I’m been living overseas for the past four years now, and the only thing that’s kept me from being incredibly homesick for Colorado is the taste of home your blog brings to my inbox each week. Ignore the haters, Jenn, and know that there’s far more of us who feel blessed that you’ve chosen to share your life with us.
February 6th, 2017 at 3:19 am
Dear Jen –
We are privileged that you share your life with us(including lurkers like me) so generously.
Thank you very much.
February 6th, 2017 at 3:51 am
Just want to say I love, love, love your pics! Being gluten free (ugh) I often change up your great recipes in order to be able to enjoy them. Many of them convert beautifully.
Thanks for sharing your world with the rest of us!
February 6th, 2017 at 4:43 am
Thankyou so much for all the photos of your husband your beautiful Neva and Crested Butte as a Aussie I am so interested in your part of the world and I love all the recipes that you share,I will never tire of your interesting posts.
February 6th, 2017 at 5:07 am
I gather someone said something rude and hurtful. Ignore him or her! As you said, they’re free to move on and take their hate elsewhere.
I look forward to your latest post as I would a letter from a friend. I’m a city girl and love living a Colorado life vicariously through your writing and photos. Who knew, for example, that there were so many types of gorgeous clouds? I guess my favorite thing of all are your stories of foraging for wild things — esp mushrooms — and the ways in which you clean, prep, and cook them. Amazing to me, and always inspiring.
Thank you for all you do!
February 6th, 2017 at 5:29 am
Love you, your husband and your dog. Thank you.
February 6th, 2017 at 5:31 am
i love your blog!!! thank you for taking time to write and share amazing recipes.
February 6th, 2017 at 5:54 am
I hate that a troll is what prompts the outpouring of love but I AM sorry you got trolled, and I am sending all the love for your straightforward, beautiful and thoughtful blog. I love the photos. I love the dog stuff. I love hearing about your life and family. I hate the snow simply because I’m a hater LOL – but I’m so glad that you enjoy it so much!
I am now considering taking my sous vide out of the box it’s been in forever – I just never seem to have the time! But between you and Kenji – it’sbeen on my mind!
February 6th, 2017 at 5:59 am
I love seeing your beautiful pictures and hearing about what is up in CO, almost more than the recipes (and that is why I first visited your site). take care!
February 6th, 2017 at 6:05 am
I love your passion about so many different aspects of life. I appreciate your curiosity and dedication to research, and that you share the results with us. I probably won’t be adding sous vide to my cooking methods, but I did appreciate reading about it here. I just listened to a Splendid Table podcast, and kind of zoned out when Lynne was talking about this to a caller, so it was great to see it here! Thanks for being you and sharing so much of yourself with us here.
February 6th, 2017 at 6:06 am
Oh let me count the ways that I love your blog………it arrives in perfect timing….always when I’m longing for it…….I love that you give the name of cloud formations……..I love that your writing style makes me feel as if I’m sitting right beside you…….I love that you are a family……..I love that you share your extended family…..I love that even if the featured recipe isn’t one I want to try, there are other things that delight me……..I love that you mention sources here in the Rocky Mountains…….I love that I can pretend if I really focus on your posts from Crested Butte, I’m also getting exercise:-) You go Jen……..what an absolute you are!
February 6th, 2017 at 6:47 am
Thank you for writing your blog for you – and then sharing with us. I love getting a glimpse into your life through stories, photography, and recipes. I enjoy your blog and always learn something too!
February 6th, 2017 at 6:56 am
I love your blog, and have read for several years now. I always look forward to opening our email!.
February 6th, 2017 at 7:02 am
I’m so sorry you experienced whatever negativity prompted your response in the first part of this blog! I’ve been following your blog for several years now; love your recipes, writing and photography, your dogs, your skiing and foraging. Your parents are precious! Keep up the great work. I miss CO skiing.
February 6th, 2017 at 7:49 am
I just so happen to have some chops defrosting and was considering whether or not to give them the sous vide treatment. Guess I have to now.
February 6th, 2017 at 8:02 am
Thanks for always having some non-food content, I love living vicariously through your foraging and skiing adventures. As a long-time vegetarian I still read all your posts for the writing and photos, even though I know I won’t be cooking a sous vide pork chop any time soon. Keep on rocking it :)
February 6th, 2017 at 8:12 am
I really can’t even fathom how anyone would find anything to criticize about your blog. I love you photos, your stories, and your recipes.
I received The Food Lab for Christmas. For a chemist who loves to cook, it’s my ultimate combination of nerd heaven.
These pork chops look so delicious. Now you’ve gotten me into thinking sous vide is something I need. My husband is not going to like that.
February 6th, 2017 at 8:37 am
Aw, Jeez! Who would complain about gorgeous pictures of mountains, an adorable dog and delectable food? Well, some curmudgeonly folks, apparently. Glad to see you handing them walking papers. Those chops look awesome–pork chops on the bone always taste better! Keep on keepin’ on, Jen. We love you!
February 6th, 2017 at 8:53 am
Hi Jen,
I’ve been reading your blog for about 4 years now, first in New Zealand and now in New York.
You guys look so happy in the snow that makes me wander if I may be missing something out. My happiest time is in summer dresses and bare feet.
But that’s OK because diversity is necessary and good!!
Now… how do I make the spicy apples? Chops are always great with salt and pepper. I love when I have time to marinate them, but many times is just garlic salt, pepper and under the grill …. I really want to know how to make spicy apples.
Don’t take notice of people that doesn’t like your blog. You know there’s tons of people that love your blog.
February 6th, 2017 at 9:15 am
I love your blog. I live in Colorado but am older and more sedentary than you but your photography is so good I almost need to put mittens on. Thank you for sharing bits of your life, your cooking adventures and Colorado. And for free!! Disregard the nay-sayers.
February 6th, 2017 at 9:24 am
I love your blog – everything about it. You are an awesome photographer and your cooking rocks. I agree with you completely. If you don’t like something then quit reading it. People are so quick to be hateful these days.
February 6th, 2017 at 9:44 am
I too, love your blog. I’m also a fellow Virginian and have enjoyed your photos, recipes and musings for years. Thank you and know that you are appreciated!
February 6th, 2017 at 9:45 am
I’m also a long-time lurker, and I honestly read your blog as much for the stories as for the recipes. Thanks for sharing your life with us, and the beautiful photos, and stories about huckleberry foraging, and Kaweah and Neva. <3
February 6th, 2017 at 9:51 am
Jackson said it best! Your blog is better than professional, it is simply the best! I would love reading more stories about your lovely parents. Can you do a co-cooking segment with them perhaps? Please continue writing, you are gifted in so many ways, and writing, photography, science and cooking are just a few, I imagine! Claire
February 6th, 2017 at 9:53 am
You can also moderate your comments before posting. I’ve seen that done on many blogs bc of the trolls.
February 6th, 2017 at 10:03 am
Love your blog, love your dog (current and past), recipes, scenery, all of it! I assume there was some obnoxious reaction to your extremely, mildly political comments. Glad that you are giving those comments the attention they deserve. None. Keep the faith. :-)
February 6th, 2017 at 10:08 am
Oh, And we had pork chops (though grilled, not sous vide), greens, stewed apples, and roasted winter squash for dinner yesterday. Good meal this time of year!
February 6th, 2017 at 10:11 am
I have followed your blog for years now and it is one of my favorites because you put yourself into it, instead of just posting a recipe. I love your photography, seeing all the activities you and Jeremy do, your pup, and your thoughtful, introspective musings about life. Your recipes and restaurant reviews are wonderful too (I will definitely be planning a trip to Crested Butte in the future for the hiking and eating!) Our politics represent our values and I thank you for sharing to the extent that you feel comfortable. It is silly that some people expect the world to sanitize itself of politics for their comfort, especially during these times. They were wrong to try to censor your personal space.
February 6th, 2017 at 10:12 am
Hi Jen,
I can’t imaging that anyone that didn’t like your sharing of your life would even bother to read your blog! Some people are just plain stupid. I love to see pics of Jeremy and you together. It makes me think of the time you told us about how he stayed by your side when you had cancer. I can see how much he loves you in his smile. I love your outings with your fur baby. It’s always a family outing. She’s your baby, and she’s part and parcel of your life. The stories about your mom and dad, and your sister, touch my heart. The pictures are always so awe inspiring, the stories of your foraging for mushrooms or berries is exciting, and last, but not least, the recipes! They are all part of you. I don’t remember how I found you, but I’m so glad I did. You always bring light into my life, and I love you for it. Keep up the good work, and know that you have a large group of people who love you.
xo Linda
February 6th, 2017 at 10:12 am
Like most of the comments, I just wanted to share the love. I so appreciate your writing, photos and recipes. I love seeing your outdoor adventures (though I have no plans of doing them myself). I love seeing your dog pictures, because dog pictures are like a salve to my soul. And I love all the nature photography – it’s just beautiful. Hang in there and know that Trolls might get all the attention, but lurkers who love your work out number trolls many times over.
February 6th, 2017 at 10:45 am
I adore your site. I love reading about your love of winter which I find fascinating because I can’t stand the cold weather. I also love that you share so much about yourself and the photos are just stunning. Haters are just gon’ hate, I guess. I recently got an anova sous vide and used kenji’s posts as guides on how to do it. It made such delicious steaks. Now that you posted about the pork chops, I can’t wait to give it a try.
February 6th, 2017 at 10:55 am
Very nicely said in your blog opening….go girl! I really enjoy your way of seeing things. Thank you for writing your blog.
February 6th, 2017 at 11:02 am
Jen, I have followed your blog over the years and I’m loyal to the core. Since I left the beautiful state of Colorado (what was I thinking?!), your photos and recipes have kept me yearning for more of the Rocky Mountains. This post is great. I’m adding the Anova sous vide cooker to my list. It’s so much more space friendly for my small kitchen compared to the big boxy sous vide machine. The price is reasonable too! No more dry pork chops!
February 6th, 2017 at 11:16 am
Your blog is my absolute favorite, of all the blogs I follow. I appreciate that you put so much effort into creating something beautiful and positive for people to share. It’s a real shame that there are folks out there that feel entitled to offer criticism on what you post. You do you, Jen. Much love to you, Jeremy, your parents, and Nevapup. <3
February 6th, 2017 at 11:44 am
Love your photos, your recipes, your writing, Neva, Jeremy and most of all, you!
February 6th, 2017 at 11:53 am
Wow, the moon shot is ahhhhmazing. As always, thanks for sharing. Your dad is such a hipster, I’ve never heard of this sous thing a ma jig. Very interesting, will have to research. Please don’t stop sharing the love, haters gonna hate, tell ’em to go blog themselves. ;)
February 6th, 2017 at 12:04 pm
Personally, I enjoy reading your blog! We spent some time in Colorado, and learned to love it there, so I really love seeing all your photos, of you, Jeremy, and your dog! The scenery is so beautiful! And I learn from your recipes, so keep up the good work, and please, know that there are many, many who love you and your blog.
February 6th, 2017 at 12:05 pm
And I’m sorry for the haters. I like your food and your sensibility and your photos, and I’m glad you’re here writing for you and sharing with us.
February 6th, 2017 at 12:31 pm
Another long-time lurker finally writing. I found your blog while searching for a pot-sticker recipe years ago, and have loved all of what you do, meticulously written recipes of course, but wonderful photography and family stories as well. I especially enjoy the astronomical and meteorological bits. Please know that you have many grateful readers.
February 6th, 2017 at 1:04 pm
We love your “mindless drivel” and we wish you posted every single day. I’m a semi-vegetarian who can’t eat a lot of sweets, so a lot of your recipes aren’t for me, but the food photographs are sumptuous. I mean, they are stunning! And of course, who could resist your nature photography, or the videos of little Neva? You have an absolute right to use your platform as you see fit, and you will always have grateful readers who appreciate your voice. Jonna
February 6th, 2017 at 1:50 pm
Am saddened that you apparently received some “unsavory” comments from some peeps (pun intended!). Am delighted…as I see other of your “fans” are by their postings above…that you voiced your feelings and are continuing on with your Blog so that we delight in it. Your subject matter and lovely photographs of delectable food, gorgeous scenery, family warm my heart and soul. But, “Mundane”…Seriously NOT! Interesting that you don’t like writing as I always find your perspective and spunk, as well as creative information, so uplifting. Now to try sous viding?!?!
February 6th, 2017 at 1:52 pm
Your blog is an absolutely incredible resource, and I’m thoroughly appreciative of the time, effort and talent that how into your posts and recipes! I’m sorry there are people out there who have nothing better to do than tear down the tall poppies amongst us. Please know many regular visitors are just thrilled every time there is a new post from you :)
February 6th, 2017 at 2:09 pm
I don’t know what happened to upset you or what some misguided person commented but I love reading about your life, including your husband, dog, activities and just overall viewpoint on things. Your life is very different from mine and I enjoy expanding my horizons so to speak. Thank you for sharing things that in reality are very personal and letting strangers get a look through the window of your house!
February 6th, 2017 at 2:24 pm
I assume you’ve gotten some blowback because of your last post but please pay them no mind! It’s your blog and you’re entitled to express your feelings all over it if you want. If they mind it so distasteful, they aren’t being forced to read your musings so they just leave. Or they can stay and maybe be enlightened about why people they disagree with think the way they do. But I’m not sure if people who would classify the last eight years as torture are that open-minded towards differing viewpoints anyway.
February 6th, 2017 at 2:42 pm
Another longtime reader/ fan and only occasional commenter here…I can never understand why people feel bloggers should keep their politics separate? WHY? No one if forcing any of us to read blogs we don’t enjoy. Your blog is so lovely and funny and, yes, personal–these are the reasons you have such dedicated readers. Keep doing what you are doing. You are an absolute gem.
Btw I hope Colorado is a decent place for someone with liberal views? If not you are always welcome to join us in the Bay Area. We don’t have snow for you but we have great food!
Hungry Dog
February 6th, 2017 at 2:58 pm
Ugh, all those beautiful pictures of the prettiest state in the union. What an eyesore!
I love your blog and the recipes that are completely unique among the many scores of food blogs out there. Keep up the good work!
February 6th, 2017 at 4:08 pm
I love your blog just the way it is. Drives me nuts when “fans” critique what is actually a free and lovely gift. You deserve nibbles, not quibbles!
February 6th, 2017 at 4:23 pm
Thank you so much for your pictures, your thoughts, your recipes and sharing friends and family. When I see your email, I click on that first with anticipation for things to come. Thank you for the many smiles and feeling of joy that you have made in my life. Love you and your family.
February 6th, 2017 at 4:33 pm
You make the sous vide (autocorrect is annoying me!) look great. I’m going to bug my neighbor across the street and try his out first. I raves like you. I’m like DO I REALLY NEED ANOTHER APPLIANCE?!?!? PS I ♥️ Your dog posts. I have 2 poodles that I’m obsessed over now that are kids are grown. They’re my FURRY CHILDREN!
February 6th, 2017 at 4:49 pm
I guess your previous post must have upset some folks, but I’m thankful for the links you gave. Love your blog, happy to read it!
February 6th, 2017 at 4:50 pm
I really enjoy your blog, most especially your dog, your photography and your recipes. Pretty much in that order although the photography and recipes are about equal. Neva is the top! Thank you!
February 6th, 2017 at 5:01 pm
Like she many folks who’ve committed, I love your blog and enjoy your photos, stories and recipes!
I have a Joule sous vide from chef steps…I freaking love that thing! True story. I decided to sous. IDE our thanksgiving turkey….as luck would have it our four legged son, Winston, got a chicken bone stuck between gum and tooth. We spend thanksgiving at the emergency vet. Joule cooked away and eventually we did eat. So our sous vide Joule saved our holiday turkey. I absolutely recommend going sous vide….best pork. Hops, steak, lobster, Shrimp, chicken and custards you will ever have! Now I want a vacuum chamber…maybe when the food saver dies!
Again….thank you for your blog. Keep it up!!!
February 6th, 2017 at 5:34 pm
Sorry you had to be the designated interwebz adult & inform people they’re the boss of themselves (duh)!
Thanks for the sous vide lesson! Awesome info. Also – how fabulous for us that you are (and continue to be) YOU! Getting a glimpse into your life is a break from my own. Thank you for that gift.
February 6th, 2017 at 5:51 pm
Jen, thank you for all of the time and effort and love you put in to blogging about your food and your life. Before your blog I never knew about huckleberries, or the ravenous love they inspire. Your photos are GORGEOUS and are just the antidote to the occasional *meh* of city living. Your passion and love for everything you do come through strongly in your blog, and I can’t thank you enough for sharing that.
February 6th, 2017 at 6:36 pm
As I write this, at least 98% of the comments involve the word “love.” Including mine. Data doesn’t lie.
February 6th, 2017 at 10:35 pm
been a while since I visited Jen. Most interesting post on Sous Vide. Have always wanted to try it too but cant get anything remotely resembling a Sous Vide cooker here. Am intrigued that there are people that complain about your web content… you said, if you don’t like it then why visit? Hope all is well with you and yours!!
February 6th, 2017 at 10:44 pm
Jen, I for one smile whenever you shown up in my in box. I look forward to what you have prepared, and to me (old school I guess) a picture is worth a thousand words. I have to tell you when I saw how you plated up the chops, I smiled. My wonderful, warm hearted, and terribly missed mother ALWAYS served apples in some fashion with pork. Thanks for sharing.
February 7th, 2017 at 8:17 am
You must have gotten some nasty comments!! I love your blog. I stupidly check it when I’m really hungry and then salivate over pictures of the most perfect pork chops etc. *Sigh* And I totally adore your landscape photos, they make me want to travel to your part of the world!
February 7th, 2017 at 8:50 am
Dude, Jen, there are SO many food blogs out there. I keep coming back to yours maybe 10% for the recipes, and 90% for the clearheaded scientifically-inspired writing, the beautiful nature photography, the touching ways you care for your family and friends, and your optimistic, funny outlook on life. Even if we don’t agree with you on everything– for example, winter is most definitely NOT a better season than summer– we are privileged to read your thoughtful posts about the things that are important to you. Keep doing you, and I for one will keep admiring you from afar.
February 7th, 2017 at 10:00 am
To mirror the others, there is no food blog out there like yours, Jen. Intelligent, thoughtful, and beautiful to look at and to contemplate. Thank you for your lovely labor of love.
February 7th, 2017 at 10:33 am
I see I am in the company of many “devoted readers, but rare commenters” above. I have read your blog for years, starting when I was undergoing my own cancer treatment. Echoing the appreciative sentiments expressed above – thanks for all the time and energy you put into this. I truly enjoy reading all your stories, food and otherwise, and yours is one of just a couple I return to every week.
February 7th, 2017 at 11:02 am
I loveeeee your food, your photos and your dog and that’s the reason I keep coming back! don’t stop doing what you are doing, for you and your family! THANKSSSSS!
February 7th, 2017 at 3:04 pm
Absolutely LOVE your blog, and have been reading it for about 12 years (by my reckoning). I was but a young lad then, in my sophomore year of a science degree, learning to cook. I’m still learning to cook (though definitely different things compared to 12 years ago!), and I still love reading your blog. I’m pleased to say that I have remembered to thank you for it a couple other times over the years too :-)
I’m really excited for you to “eventually get around to seafood, chicken, eggs, tempering chocolate” etc. I got my Anova during their Kickstarter campaign and have really enjoyed using it ever since. Can’t wait to see your take on it!
February 7th, 2017 at 6:50 pm
Keep doing you! If people are giving you grief, they can go elsewhere. The rest of us love your recipes, your work, and the peek you give us into what is clearly a balanced, tasty, and fulfilling life :)
February 7th, 2017 at 7:06 pm
Jen, don’t change a thing! I love everything about your blog. Love reading about your relationship with your parents, Jeremy, your sister, Kris,
Kaweah and now Neva. Love the photos and the wonderful recipes. Thank you for sharing and allowing a glimpse of your wonderful life.
February 7th, 2017 at 9:45 pm
Wow, I will never understand the gall of people who think they are entitled to enjoy free content and then tell the content provider what to think and believe.
Thanks for sharing. I have enjoyed your recipes, photos, stories, and adventures for many years.
February 7th, 2017 at 11:09 pm
Love your recipes and everything else about your blog. And sous vide! I think I must try this…thanks. Xo to you from just south of you in Morrison…
February 8th, 2017 at 12:19 am
LOVE your blog! Makes me happy and hungry all at the same time! Keep it up!
February 8th, 2017 at 9:00 am
Jennifer, I love reading your blog even though I do not have any desire to ever go back to Colorado, to ski or live with snow. I can appreciate the beautiful pictures and the description of a life greatly different from mine. (I do, however, also love to cook and love dogs). Life is better with the knowledge of different thoughts and lifestyles.
February 8th, 2017 at 11:20 am
Me too! Have read and loved your blog so long now, often so longingly jealous of all your outdoorsy activities. And so very excited to have you, along with Sally, share your sous vide cooking as well. :)
February 8th, 2017 at 6:50 pm
I am yet another longtime reader who has never commented here, but felt the need to join the chorus of praise for all the intelligence, wit, beauty, and creativity you put into this blog week after week. We lost our 13 year-old lab around the same time that Kiawea died, and we brought a new puppy into our home not long after you got Neva, so I was eager, and touched, to read about your experiences with ends/beginnings. I also love to cook and you’ve always got a great new recipe to try – or to aspire to try. Thank you so much for all your hard work. Your blog is never less than a joy to read.
February 8th, 2017 at 8:32 pm
Hi. Thank you for sharing your lovely blog with us. I’ve read a lot of cooking blogs, but few that I enjoy as much as yours. Your recipes are great and you have inspired many a good meal or dessert at our house. But what makes your blog special is how you share your life with us. I love hearing about the things that you bake for your neighbors, your phone calls with your dad, etc. And your photography amazes me. My kids tease me about the amount of time I spend hunting down good recipes on blogs like yours. But even they like your blog because I share your gorgeous nature photographs with them and because you are the source of tasty treats like the baked chocolate donuts that I made a few days ago.
February 8th, 2017 at 8:32 pm
I am sorry for whatever nonsense prompted your disclaimer, but like many other recent commenters I’m a longtime reader but rare commenter. Although I live in Oregon we have many hobbies in common and I love the non-food photography and family activities as well. Thanks for all the great reads over the past several years, and in advance for those to come!
February 9th, 2017 at 7:35 am
Cannot imagine anyone not loving your blog! I’ve been reading since 2007 and cannot imagine life without checking in with you every now and then. So for whatever prompted your disclaimer, boo on them!
Thank you for explaining/demonstrating sous vide cooking… I’ve long wondered about it.
February 9th, 2017 at 1:04 pm
I’ve been reading your blog for years. I’m shocked that anyone would have anything negative to saw. I, along with many others, enjoy this window into your mountain life. Wishing you continued success and forget the haters.
February 9th, 2017 at 6:51 pm
Been reading you for years and not sure I’ve ever commented. Love your photography and your writing – and have happily made many of your recipes. I don’t know why someone felt the need to be a jerk to you but phooey on them.
February 9th, 2017 at 6:59 pm
Back after the reading the comments on the earlier post and all I can say is that now is not a good time to be a bystander. I share your worries about our country and appreciate you commenting about it – and I thought you were very restrained and low key about it at that.
February 9th, 2017 at 7:35 pm
Thank you, for all you do, recipes, pictures and the like. I am a native of Colorado and when I was working abroad, I appreciated the pictures even though they made me homesick. I’m back now and in the paraphrased words of our times, Resist and Persist.
February 9th, 2017 at 8:18 pm
Now you make me want a sous vide! And those dorkheads are better off away than here!
February 10th, 2017 at 5:41 am
Sometimes something negative can be a good reminder to all that we have to be greatful for, things that give us joy. Your blog is one of those things for myself and many other people around the world.
Thank you for who you are and all that you give – from Australia.
February 10th, 2017 at 8:39 am
Thanks muchly for you blog, I always enjoy your perspective, the fabulous photos are awesome, and the recipes I have tried have been tasty. Drive on!
February 10th, 2017 at 10:08 am
Jen, I have been a fan of your blog for years, and I think I have never commented. I love your blog and every aspect of it! I’ve made many of your recipes and they are successful because of your great directions and photos. I love seeing your family and friends and dogs because that is what makes it personal. I always leave your blog feeling better than I did before I checked in. Sometimes when there is a post with Kaweah, I show my husband. I used to do that with some of the Neva posts too. We had a beautiful Yellow Lab, Honey, for 14 years, and we loved her dearly. So we get pleasure from seeing the dog love posts! Thank you for all your time and effort here, it is so appreciated. I just, love—–not, how people complain about something that isn’t required reading and is free, so beautifully done, and well thought out! The things that make you go, “Huh?”
February 10th, 2017 at 12:05 pm
Can’t wait to try this recipe over the weekend! I got a sous vide circulator for Christmas and have yet to test it out. I couldn’t figure out where to start, but now I will jump in. Hoping to use for pasteurizing pickles rather than boiling water bath this summer as well.
February 10th, 2017 at 7:22 pm
I have loved this blog for so many years. I loved reading about Kaweah and hurt for you when she passed…I had been there with my dogs, too. I have learned many great cooking techniques from you over the years and have been greatly inspired by your photography (as well as the nature you get to experience). Thank you for sharing your world with us. It puts some beauty in ours!
February 11th, 2017 at 4:44 am
I love your blog. Blah to those people who criticize!!!
February 11th, 2017 at 11:00 am
I too enjoy your blog. Please disregard those who would cause you all any distress. They are beneath contempt.
February 11th, 2017 at 11:56 am
Jen, I am so sorry for your distress. Count me in with those at 5280 magazine and the 100 other people who have replied to this post who love your blog. I am so grateful that you share your thoughts, your family, your pups, and your cooking on this blog. Your words and your photographs make me feel happy.
February 11th, 2017 at 6:38 pm
One of the things I like best about your blog is the snippet of your real life at the start of each recipe. I find your outdoorsy life with your husband highly relatable and I like the context it gives your culinary explanations.
February 13th, 2017 at 7:19 am
Love your blog and have for years. I hope the whiners slink off.
February 13th, 2017 at 10:14 am
Funny – haven’t thought about people disliking your blog. I have been a reader on and off for years (depending on how busy I am), and have enjoyed your photography, dog talk, recipes, and food talk.
February 13th, 2017 at 6:37 pm
Jen, yet another longtime lurker here….. I recently moved back to Colorado and at least some of that move was inspired by you, your photography, and clear love for all kinds of skiing. I’m a downhill skier, but I want to try skate skiing (just once, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t like it), and tele-skiing (I think I might like this, I t looks so cool). I’m not a dog person, but read through Kawaeh last days with tears in my eyes and show every single video of Neva dive-bombing snow drifts to my boyfriend. You keep doing you, we’ll keep reading.
February 13th, 2017 at 8:48 pm
Hi, I haven’t ever commented before, but I wanted you to know that I read your blog and appreciate all of it. I’m a big dog person and love to hear about your pups. I grew up in Nederland and love that connection and all of your beautiful nature pics. Oh…and I have used your recipes many times!! Thanks for doing what you do.
February 14th, 2017 at 9:32 pm
Hi Jen. Read your latest post and so I had to read the one before it (which is this one). I love what you do and that you do it for yourself. I’m not great with words so I hope you continue to pursue the things you like. Thank you for sharing your lovely stories and taking time to read comments and actually reply to readers comments. I definitely appreciate it and always enjoy entering your blog and seeing that you have another interesting tale to share. thank you for making blogs interesting, fun, and enjoyable for readers such as myself. Cheers! :)
February 16th, 2017 at 4:02 am
Wooow Amazing dishes! I like your blog !!
February 16th, 2017 at 8:09 am
What is wrong with some people!? You know I bank your posts so I can savor them over my Morning Joe. I love reading about your adventures, Jeremy, Neva, and food. Thanks for being as awesome as you are. Whack jobs! xo, j
February 16th, 2017 at 5:21 pm
Love your blog which I’ve followed for years. I’ve tried many recipes you have here and really enjoy your lovely pictures and interesting stories about Neva, foraging food, and Colorado. Thank you for putting in the time and energy.
February 17th, 2017 at 7:34 am
I love your blog. Every post inspires me. I’ve referred all my friends to your blog telling them “Jen is who I want to be when I grow up!” (I’m 58 years old!) Thank you for all the recipes, gorgeous photography and for sharing stories of a life well lived.
February 21st, 2017 at 2:30 pm
To everyone – Thank you all for your incredibly sweet comments of support and love. I am TOTALLY okay with the fact that some folks don’t care for my content (and to be honest, if they actually wrote a blog of their own, I probably wouldn’t bother reading their content either). They just need to move on with their lives. Life is too short for getting upset over something that is as easily remedied as not reading my blog. Also? I LOVE you guys.
heather – Definitely give it a try. It’s easy and fun!
Jackson Durand – Oh oh oh, you made me tear up thinking about posts with Kaweah. Thank you for such kind words. xo
Berna Ozgulsen – I can tell you that the more I experiment with sous vide, the more I love it! I will definitely post more experiments and results that might possibly make the decision easier for you. It’s super fun :)
Allison M Day – I’d love it if you guys moved out here! Then we could make Asian food together and totally pig out ;) xoxo
Cheal – Aw, they don’t get me down, they just confuse the heck out of me (don’t like reading the blog? then stop reading the blog!) :) I swear some people make their lives way more difficult than they need to (and hence, ours).
Mary – <3
Hande - Now you've done it! You have me wanting to find whole octopus! xo
Trisha - Come home, girl! Colorado misses you! xo :)
coraltreeB - It is my privilege to share it with you, dear reader xoxo
Donna - I love that you alter the recipes. I have several gluten-free friends and I never know if some of these recipes can be adapted, so it's great to know that you convert them with success! <3
Bette - Not hurtful, just rude and more than a little puzzling. I'm so glad you enjoy the foraging posts! I never know if it's just me who likes crawling around in the woods or if others think it's interesting, too! If I could find enough huckleberries, I'd ship them out to all my readers so they could taste the awesomeness ;) xo
cherie - I honestly don't think they were trolling (well, one lady on FB was a bit of troll). But if people can't figure out the obvious, there is only so much I can do to help them. And yes! Give the sous vide a try. If you have one, it can't hurt to do a few test drives. Steak is the easiest. But it's all lovely. And Kenji is never wrong :)
Kristin - I figure sous vide is good to know about, kinda like foraging. Not everyone can or wants to do it, but it's just out there for my own notes and anyone else's curiosity. And if you do ever decide to give sous vide a try, I'll have a few recipes in the archives for you :) xo
Amanda - Always love hearing from a local. And I think reading about exercise helps you exercise, right? ;)
Cheryl Powers - Please, you don't need to apologize for other people's behaviors. I'm totally okay with pointing out where individuals overstep their (or my) boundaries. But I appreciate knowing that my shenanigans resonate with others xoxo
Rob P. - were they awesome?? :)
Michelle - Thank you, my dear. I know this blog has a lot of meat (and sweets), so I'm glad that you are able to find things of interest xoxo
Laura Bussell - I LOVE that book. And if you're a chemist, then I think the sous vide is in your future. The good news is that it's pretty small and stows away nicely in a drawer. I'll be posting more sous vide recipes soon so perhaps that will help you decide whether or not it's something you'd want to invest in?
TKW - I don't think they were being curmudgeonly, I think they're just genuinely clueless about how this blog operates. Love you right back, hon. xoxo
Georgina Thronley - Ha ha! I think the majority of the world is happier in summer than in winter. I completely get that :) As for the apples, they are spiced apples, not spicy apples - although you just gave me an idea... The spiced apples are very simple - I peel, core, and slice the apples. I heat a tablespoon of butter in a pan until melted, then add about 2 apples' worth of slices. Stir and stir until they soften. Then add some cinnamon (1/4 tsp), dash nutmeg, and a touch of brown sugar to taste. Let it simmer some more until the liquid becomes gooey. That's it!
Jean Ann - Another Coloradoan! Always nice to know the locals are reading, too :) And regardless of your age or activity level, we live in an amazing place, don't we? Just stepping outside and smelling the fresh air and feeling the sun on your face can do wonders for your mood and your well-being! xxoo
claire - I don't normally do requests, but it just so happens that I've been plotting to get my parents to do a recipe with me again. They aren't the easiest two people to wrangle for a photo shoot, but it will most likely be VERY entertaining ;) Stay tuned this summer! xo P.S. No need to moderate those comments as long as they are respectful. I think the commenters were not trolling, just genuinely disappointed to see me voice my political leanings here. Of course, they would be completely flabbergasted to here me speak freely in person...
Paige - I thought my comments were incredibly mild (especially considering my actual political leanings), too - but when you write a public blog, people are going to weigh in :) RE: pork chops and apples and greens for dinner - GREAT MINDS! xo
Holly - Thank you, and I do hope you will get out to CB - it is a veritable paradise. So special. I hope you'll love it as much as we do. Feel free to email me if you do head out that way, and I can recommend hikes and such. xo
Linda - So incredibly kind of you, thank you xo
Amanda - Ha ha! I am very happy that you are not feeling pressured to engage in the silly outdoor adventures that we pursue! It's not for everybody. In fact, it's not for most folks and has its inherent dangers. It just tells me that you have a very good head on your shoulders :) xo
Giselle @ The Busy Spatula - I love that summer lovers still enjoy reading about my ridiculous winter obsession :) And congratulations on your sous vide! I'm still in the honeymoon stage with mine and discovering more and more reasons to love it xo
Liz N. - Why did you leave Colorado? Come back! :) The compactness is a big selling point on the sous vide because I am up to my eyeholes with kitchen appliances.
ro - Oh, they are entitled to offer criticism, once. ;) xo
Sheryl - LOVE YOU right back, sweetie!
farmerpam - Oh my goodness, my dad is the furthest thing from a hipster! Ha ha! But he is a total food nerd and also a nerd in general ;)
Pat Cobb - Happy to read that there are astro and meteorological enthusiasts, too! :)
MK - It takes a lot to hurt my feelings (I was raised in a Chinese immigrant household, after all), so I come out of this unscathed. The announcement was more for the benefit of those individuals who felt the need to somehow steer my content away from what they didn't want to read about. But this is my blog - my house/life - so those people were invited to move on :) Let me know if you take the sous vide plunge! xo
February 21st, 2017 at 2:44 pm
hungry dog – Thanks! Colorado is home to a lot of libertarians, liberals, progressives, conservatives. It’s a big mix, but we learn to get along :) One thing I appreciate about living here is that there ARE people of all political views and they are my friends and neighbors whether we agree on political issues or not. I think we need more of that (but some sense in the upper echelons of government wouldn’t hurt, for crying out loud) :) P.S. I know ALL ABOUT the great food in the Bay Area. Something I miss an awful lot about California!
Jane M – I definitely encourage borrowing a sous vide before committing to buying one. If you think you like it, then go for it. I could see how some might not think it’s worth it. Depends on the kind of cooking you do. And furry children is right! :)
Carla – I hope Winston is okay! Poor pup :( And yes, isn’t that the best thing about sous vide – no overcooking! :) xo
Mikki Brisk – “Sorry you had to be the designated interwebz adult & inform people they’re the boss of themselves (duh)!” This was the best quote EVER! xoxo
Robyn – So happy that my silly mountain life can give a little break to those who live in other places! :) xo
Julie – Atta girl!!! DATA!! :)
Dharm – Thank you, friend! I wonder if it is just a matter of time before sous vide cookers become available where you are? I hope you and the family are well. I catch glimpses of your sweet children on your FB from time to time :) xo
Pam – <3 <3 <3
Honeybee - Colorado is DEFINITELY worth a visit! :)
Michelle - *chuckle* Sometimes I like to declare my love for winter just to see how many of my summer-loving readers write in to object ;) I love that we can agree to disagree on summer vs. winter because the most important thing in this whole world is to love :) xoxo
Jess - I hope you are done with treatments and living a more or less "normal" life. It always breaks my heart when a reader tells me that they had cancer, too. It's something I don't wish on anyone. A sisterhood/brotherhood that none of us wanted membership in - and yet we share a bond. xoxo
NC Biswas - Wow, 12 years! I guess I've been writing this thing for quite some time. And so cool that you got the sous vide so early. I'm definitely preparing posts to share on more sous vide cooking. Everyone seems to really love theirs :)
Martha - Hi neighbor! :)
Sallyann Harris - So true! xoxo
Carole - So sorry to hear about your old pup, but happy to hear you got another one to give a loving life. We dog folks need to stick together :)
Christine - It's all about the sharing, is it not? :) xo
Janet - Thank you. And I barely covered the ins and outs of sous vide. I highly recommend reading Kenji's posts on The Food Lab (Serious Eats) on sous vide. He's been my go to resource!
Leslie Sobel - I thought I was pretty restrained too, because I didn't want to force it down anyone's throat. Apparently that was just too much for some folks. Ah well :)
Pat - Fired up and ready to go! :)
Pei Lin - I'm really liking it. I think you'd find it great for tempering chocolate.
Lesley - Aw, I hope Kaweah and Honey are playing somewhere in the ethereal field of tennis balls <3
Sara - Oooh! Great idea!
Melanie - Thank you xo
Jenn I - Skate is something you have to commit to before you try it, or else none of us would stick with it ;) It's hard, but it's SO FUN once you get the hang of it. It just takes a lot of practice and effort. That said, tele is super fun and less difficult to pick up compared to skate :) And if something is too hard to ski, just talpine (alpine on teles) :) So glad you're back in Colorado! xoxo
Kirsten Thomas - I can't believe you grew up in Ned! I think that might be a first for a reader of mine. I LOVE IT!! <3
Anna - Thank you, dear! xo
Jill Hyde - xxoo