baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

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archive for appetizers

i get it when i can

Friday, June 12th, 2009

Recipe: tzatziki

I’m talking about calcium! Minds out of the gutter, please…

But before we get to the recipe, there is the business of the giveaway. Today is the last day to leave a comment on this post to enter the $100 giftcard giveaway. If you have not yet entered… what is wrong with you!?

Oh! I’d also like to share some images from Thursday morning with you. Continental Divide, snow storm, white out conditions, high winds, and early season alpine flowers – all in a typical June day in Colorado.

our destination – up and into the white

snowing the whole time

snowing across the valley

snowing harder

what a blast!

glacier lily

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wrapping up california

Thursday, May 21st, 2009

Recipe: shrimp toast

I’m done processing my photos from Yosemite and I think the latter half of any shooting trip always suffers. By the end of a multi-day shoot, I’m less inclined to sit around trying to get the perfect shot and by the end of my photo processing (which proceeds chronologically) my threshold for photos to even bother processing goes way down.

foothill poppies and lupine

yosemite falls (upper and lower)

You can see selected photos from the trip on the photo blog: waterfalls, flowering trees, Yosemite valley shots, foothill wildflowers, and wildflowers within Yosemite. After Yosemite, we spent three days getting stuffed to the hilt on amazing Chinese food. I can’t keep doing that. Next time I see Grandma, we’ll have to make a deal that we only eat out once a day and nosh on fresh fruits and vegetables the rest of the time. After the third meal out, I feel as if I’m going to blow up from all the sodium intake. Of course, the menus never fail to entertain.

you can always find chinglish

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Monday, May 4th, 2009

Recipe: roasted pepper, prosciutto, and goat cheese tart

Flowers are blooming down in Boulder. That is typical for this time of year. The tulips are on grand display on Pearl Street right now. So many colors and varieties. I went back to catch some in the rain Sunday evening.

but how do they keep the deer away?

love this purple

The tulips are no surprise. I’ll tell you what was a surprise… last Tuesday, Jeremy and I took Kaweah on a walk and scoped for flowers. None. Still early. On Saturday, we did the same walk in the rain and found the first pasque flowers emerging from the pine litter. They always bloom first up here, and they are a curious flower – short, low to the ground, but the flower itself is quite large and pretty neat. Thus we begin the start of the wildflower season!

a few days old, tops

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