little love letters
Sunday, February 13th, 2011 Recipe: pistachio crème brûlée
little love letter #1
I remember in the early days when we were backpacking the Olympics of Washington and it started to rain. You thought it would get better. You really believed it would because you grew up in New Mexico where it’s sunny almost every day. After 24 hours of non-stop rain I declared we were packing up and moving on, in the rain. We discovered that a journey can be magical, rain or shine or horizontal snow. And that is how we choose to live our life together to this day. Throughout the years there have been so many great moments along with a few very hard times. I’m glad that you are my eternal traveling companion – then and now, rain or shine, laughter or tears, but always love.

little love letter #2
There is no way for you to ever know how much you broke my heart the day you left. Not a day goes by that I don’t miss you. I often find myself chuckling over something silly that I know you’d appreciate or discovering a little knick knack you had given me: the little moon doggie, the office supply cube, a newspaper clipping. I still have your number in my address book, have all of your letters squirreled away someplace safe, hear your voice in my head. I don’t cry as much anymore, but it still catches me by surprise now and again. I think of the plans we had – to grow old together, to take care of Mom and Dad together, to watch your children grow up, to be best friends and sisters into old age. I still keep you in my heart.
little love letter #3
Can you tell how much I love you even though I don’t know how to say it? Some of my earliest memories include walking with you on a sunny afternoon around the neighborhood. I always felt safe and secure with you near. You were the calming presence. You never yelled, you were never mean, your eyes danced like sparkling stars when you smiled. You held my hand when I walked up the stairs as a toddler. Now, I offer you my arm or my hand when we walk together. I don’t understand everything you say to me and I’m pretty sure you don’t understand everything I say to you in my mangled Mandarin, but it doesn’t matter. Your eyes still dance when you smile and I know what you mean when you squeeze my hand.
littler love letters
Thank you for letting me be me. Thank you for getting who I am. Thank you for being you.
I honestly don’t think Moses said, “Word up, my people…” but I like the way you tell the story.
The way you think and the way you treat others challenge me to think differently, to do better, to be better. I love that about you.
We make a GREAT team. It’s a joy to work with you.
It meant so much to me that you were there when I needed you most, and I didn’t even have to ask.
Your stories make me laugh. Your curiosity helps me learn. Your enthusiasm is infectious.
Watching you raise your children makes me so proud to be your friend.
Of all the random paths we have taken in this world, I’m glad our two random paths have crossed and that you are a part of my life.
If I had a tail, I’d wag it whenever I am with you.
That good heart of yours makes this world a better place.
“I sure do love you.”
dinner: pan-seared, dry-aged beef tenderloin on polenta with chanterelles and port reduction
dessert: pistachio crème brûlée
I am a fan of love. I am not a fan of Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day isn’t love, it’s a gimmick. For me, love is a kiss and sweet words each morning. Love is that warm hug in the kitchen just because you’re there. Love is running through the house squeaking the dog toy – chasing one another and laughing hysterically. Love is poring over maps together to plan the next backpacking trip. Love is calling to the other to go outside and admire the moon one fine evening. Love is curling up under the covers and whispering plans to one another for the next day.
And in the House of Butter, love is also about making a great meal to enjoy and share.
easy: eggs, cream, sugar, pistachios
after removing the skins
sugar and pistachios
**Jump for more butter**