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archive for cake

a torte of leftovers

Saturday, June 2nd, 2007

In my last pastry class, Shan had an extra sheet of this fabulous, moist, chocolate cake. The cake lacked good structural integrity because he had forgotten to adjust for altitude, but it was delicious. As folks packed up to leave, he called out for someone to take the last sheet cake. No one offered, so I said I’d take it. I loaded it carefully into the car along with my tub of praline butter chocolate mixture, and more chocolate petits fours than you could shake a stick at.

Today I decided it was time to clear out the refrigerator. I grabbed the sheet cake, chocolate mousse, and praline mixture and fashioned a layered torte/cake in my new hexagon ring mold.

pouring praline butter chocolate mixture over the first cake layer

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in the mail

Saturday, June 2nd, 2007

After recycling, we dropped by the post office and I got some books in the mail that I had my sights on for the last several years. I think I’m ready for them now:

continuing education, indeed!

I made a torte today with my hexagon ring mold and glazed an extra almond cream torte for some variety. I was telling Nicole when I purchased the ring mold, the cashier said, “Isn’t this an octa something? It has how many sides? one… two… three…” I told him it had 6 sides and that it is a hexagon. “Oh yeah,” he nodded, “you must do math…” Is it that I hang out with science-types almost exclusively or that this person is particularly geometry-dumb?

experimenting with pretty edible decorations

rabbit food

Friday, February 16th, 2007

We had horizontal snow today. Horizontal snow = snow + winds.

We had carrot cake today too. I sent Jeremy over to Kellie and Tom’s house with one. I’ll send another to Marcus’ house tomorrow.

organic carrots are really sweet

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