baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

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archive for chinese

welcome hot dinner

Monday, May 9th, 2005

It is freezing in our house tonight! Jeremy just got some clothes out of the dryer and draped a toasty towel on my head – feels great. For dinner we had chinese hot pot. Why not? A hot dinner is always welcome on a cool damp evening like this one.


Monday, February 28th, 2005

Krispy Kreme
Jeremy and I took Grandma to the airport this morning. After seeing her off at Burbank, we decided to take a detour to Krispy Kreme and I picked up a dozen glazed for work and a few goodies for us. I walked up to the counter and the woman handed each of us a hot glazed doughnut and my mind went blank. It pretty much melted along with that golden nugget of fatty goodness…

Dim Sum
My parents wanted to go to dim sum yesterday, so we took them to NBC Seafood in Monterey Park. I explained that we needed to get there by 11 am, or else we’d have to wait about an hour to eat. I tell this to EVERYONE who wants to eat dim sum. Why? Because when you get there at 11, you wait 5 minutes to be seated. When you get there at 11:15 (or 11:20 like we did this time), you wait 50 minutes to be seated. That’s 50 minutes of my life I’d rather spend doing something other than standing among hordes of Chinese people whose personal boundaries are 5 times smaller than mine. I hate wasting money, but even more than that, I hate wasting time. It’s not like we were spending QT together either. Mom and Dad were inside, reading the paper. Grandma was outside reading the paper. I was standing with Grandma to make sure some rude Chinese person didn’t try to take her seat. Jeremy was standing next to me, probably wondering why he married into this family…

the trud

Thursday, December 30th, 2004

Trudi came over for the authentic Chinese dinner last night. She’s hilarious. We had not seen her in months. I always feel like I’m rushing to tell her things and hear her stories because we have so much to catch up on. I appreciate how honest she is about herself, and also that she has a great sense of humor. Hope her eyeball surgery went A-OK today. This is what we had for dessert – apple cranberry crisp:

And then I sent Trudi home with most of it. Too many desserts – I don’t want them in my house anymore!! That girl is too thin, anyway. I need to fatten her up with more cooking…

**Jump for more butter**