baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

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archive for confections

more pastry fun

Thursday, June 14th, 2007

Class was awesome tonight. Katherine and I made chocolate peanut butter bombes. These were the ones I least liked, but the point is to learn the skills, so I let her choose. I always get the feeling that we are behind schedule, but each class I’ve partnered with Katherine, we tend to finish our tasks at the same time and usually first among the other groups.

chocolate peanut butter bombes

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more chocolate

Friday, May 11th, 2007

Our third class in the pastry skills series involved enrobing truffles in tempered chocolate, making chocolate decorations, and working with lots and lots of tempered chocolate. Surprisingly, half of our class was missing tonight. I realize things can come up, but for the amount of money we pay for the course that is a hefty price for missing out on a class.

making parchment cones for piping

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chocolate factory

Thursday, May 3rd, 2007

Tonight we began working with chocolate: ganache, tempering, and enrobing. I chose to make Earl Grey and Kona Coffee truffles. They will be enrobed next week. This week, we took out the fondant and caramel we made last week and enrobed those with tempered chocolate.

enrobing fondant

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