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archive for family

do you know the way to san jose

Saturday, June 11th, 2005

Like a good Chinese granddaughter and Chinese granddaughter’s husband, we set out at 4 am today to drive up and see Grandma for the weekend. Travel was fast, but there was still considerable traffic for such early hours. Californians are on the move now that school is out. Speaking of school being out… I stopped by Caltech graduation on Friday to hear Sandra Tsing Loh give the commencement address. I ran into Jack (my old house president) and the deja vu feeling was a little weird being back at my undergrad stomping grounds with a Caltech bud.

For some reason Friday was a crazy busy day.

city hall

**Jump for more butter**


Sunday, April 24th, 2005

We’re watching the movie Sideways right now. The kids are asleep and I missed the first 30 minutes screwing around in the office. The food looks amazing, the wine looks incredible, the characters are hilarious and I have no idea what is going on.

We got our inspection report last night – the house passed! So now we schedule the structural engineer and there are a few things about the inspection that need to be resolved. I spoke to one structural engineer on Friday and learned a lot about local issues for building, codes, issues with new construction, etc. It was great because of my background in engineering and geology, we had an awesome conversation. Yay for my random choices in education! Who would have thought that they would ever be so useful?

**Jump for more butter**