baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

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archive for fruit

while you were gone

Monday, May 18th, 2009

Recipe: strawberry macarons

I know you weren’t gone. I was, but it’s like you were gone. Now that I’m back, my regular brand of crazy can resume. I haven’t had a moment to really wade through my photos properly, but I have a few preliminaries to share of Yosemite and some of our visits in the bay area. You might even see some folks you will recognize.

we caught the tail end of the dogwood bloom in the valley

and some spectacular wildflower displays outside of the valley

and witnessed impressive volume in the falls around the park

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this is so easy i could cry

Friday, May 8th, 2009

Recipe: strawberry hazelnut salad

The new lens arrived! We are getting acquainted. I think I like her. K-dawg and I took her out for a test drive yesterday morning.

i love it here, despite the winds

Kaweah exhibited the strangest behavior I’ve ever witnessed in her on the way back out from the lake. I won’t bore you with details, but after discussing with Jeremy last night on the phone, we’re pretty sure it was a mountain lion or bobcat following us for well over a mile. I never thought of Kaweah as “scrumptious” before, but I imagine she must be a tasty looking chubby little morsel for a big cat these days. When we reached the car, we encountered a much friendlier resident (actually, I’m sure if it were large and fanged and clawed like a mountain lion, we might not consider it friendlier).


We had a good friend come up for dinner earlier this week as I needed to pick her brain for information on the Sierra Nevada. For dinner, I made that fan-friggin-tastic roasted pepper and goat cheese tart. You must make it, just do it – it’s freaking awesome and you can replace the goat cheese with feta if you like. I totally cannot shut up about it. I was also working on that strawberry chiffon buttercream cake goodness for dessert. And 30 minutes before M arrived, I remembered that I had forgotten a salad. Hands on hips, foot tapping, brain whirring. I had greens, but what else?

strawberries to the rescue

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signs of spring

Wednesday, May 6th, 2009

Recipe: strawberry chiffon and buttercream cake

My interview with the Times Online went live today. Go check it out, then come back for some strawberry chiffon and buttercream caaaaaaaake.

It’s official. The ski rack is off the car. We haven’t put the bike rack on yet because I have this fear of driving into the garage and killing my new ride.

We upgraded my mountain bike this weekend! I tend to think of it as a belated equivalent of the ten-year diamond anniversary ring, since my engagement mountain bike is 13 years old. Jeremy and I are pleased as punch that I never fell prey to the diamond industry’s marketing campaign: that somehow I *need* a diamond ring. Pshaw. The only thing I can think of using a diamond ring for is better served by a set of brass knuckles.

I accept that spring has come to the mountains and summer will be hot on her heels. Our pattern of afternoon thunderstorms is setting up. The slush on the trails will eventually give way to mud which will give way to wildflowers and endless miles of beautiful hikes, bikes, and runs. Kaweah has her inaugural spring eye infection right now, most likely from rubbing her face in all manner of melting junk on the trail. Hurrah!

checking on the pasque flower’s progress

Ever since I learned to make chiffon cake and swiss meringue buttercream frosting, I have made this ensemble each spring – before it’s too hot to even *think* about baking or Swiss meringue buttercreaming. For me, it is Eating Spring. I never blogged the recipe properly, so I decided to get off my bum and post it for dear Meeta’s Monthly Mingle at What’s For Lunch Honey.

it’s all about strawberries

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