can i get a w00t?!
Thursday, July 31st, 2008 Recipe: grilled chili-lime corn
I had my last radiation treatment yesterday afternoon (Wednesday)!!! Sweeeet.
Surgery: check.
Chemo-frakking-therapy: check.
Radiation: check.
Unlike chemo, radiation is a big lounge scene. I love my radiation techs and because it’s a daily thing, you really get to know the other radiation patients scheduled around your time slot. Last week, one of my favorite patients, Glenda, finished her treatments and I baked up a batch of cookies for her and everyone else. The waiting room is more like a living room for social visits (except half of us are in gowns – people are so used to stripping down at the drop of a hat for radiation). So when I walked in yesterday afternoon with a batch of baklava, I saw the usual crowd… AND Glenda. “What on Earth are you doing here?” I asked her. She told me she called to find out when my last day was and came just to see me. And she had brought me a rose. What a sweetheart.
small gestures, big heart
**Jump for more butter**