baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

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archive for junkfood

tim tams

Tuesday, May 24th, 2005

I got a package in the mail at work today! I had just gotten back from the gym, feeling rather peckish, when I see a package in my mailbox that illustrious had sent to me!

These are chili-chocolate Tim Tams – of the Aussie/Kiwi persuasion. She sent me 4!! One had broken in the mail, so I felt obligated to eat it. It is chocolate with the slightest hint of chili that grows stronger as the chocolate dominance fades. Subtle, but beautiful, delightful, and dare I say – EXCITING! THANK YOU AWESOME WOMAN. You totally kick ass!

This also leads me to a discovery I made a few days back… that one of my supervisors has a bottle of hot sauce in an office cupboard, next to data. A bottle of hot sauce is a good sign.

urban green adventure

Friday, May 13th, 2005

My current headache is a Sugar Headache… Trying to kick my general malaise, we drove into Pasadena tonight for some Really Delicious But Incredibly Bad For You food. Driving through Old Pasadena, it occurred to me that we rarely ever go out because we dislike the urban (if you can call gentrified Pasadena urban) atmosphere – especially the nightlife. I had to start off with a lime rickey and to coordinate the flavor theme, Jeremy opted for a true fountain lime coke.

**Jump for more butter**


Tuesday, April 19th, 2005

I made rice crispy treats with Trader Joe’s organic Koala Crisps (cocoa flavored!).

They look funny because I had more marshmallow than rice cereal, so I had to add in some regular rice crispies. But my Official Taste Tester reports that the texture of the Koala Crisps is crunchier and more flavorful than regular rice crispies. Success!