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fro yo arse off

Recipe: strawberry frozen yogurt

Another week, another snow storm. There was a December a couple of years ago when we had snow storms hit every Friday for the entire month (which was awesome). Except this is now May. Better late than never, I say. And it’s still very awesome! In true Colorado fashion, the big dump snow day always has a sunshiny chaser.

wednesday afternoon

dark-eyed gray-headed juncos clowning around (sequence: 6 photos)

thursday morning in all her glory

I love snow as much as the next gal (okay, more), but let’s be realistic here… come August, I will be whimpering and wilting under the summer sun. I don’t do well with the heat despite having grown up in the wet, hot blanket of southern summers. It’s not even all that hot here in the mountains, but I still shrink from the sun for the fifteen hours of the day it is up in the sky. One of the best ways for me to cope with the heat is to drink a lot of ice water. That can get a little dull after a while, so I like to mix up my cool downs with fruity frozen treats. Ice cream is the obvious choice, but it upsets my stomach. Frozen yogurt, however, doesn’t bother me.

strawberry fro yo: strawberry vodka, sugar, yogurt, lemon, strawberries

You don’t have to use vodka in the recipe at all, but I like to include it otherwise my frozen yogurts and sorbets becomes giant blocks of fruity ice. I use strawberry vodka because I happen to have some in my freezer, but regular vodka works just as well. My initial intention was to use Greek yogurt, but as I approached the yogurt section of the store I saw Noosa, which is my favorite yogurt (made in Colorado!). Noosa doesn’t make a plain yogurt, so I chose the next closest thing which is the honey yogurt. Since it is already sweetened, I reduced the sugar added in the frozen yogurt recipe.

slice the strawberries

add the sugar

and the vodka (if using)

You can get away with using moderately lifeless strawberries for this recipe because the added sugar helps to enhance the flavor, but that’s not how I roll. I buy organic berries and I will sniff, examine, and check every single carton for the best ones. If you close your eyes and can’t taste that it’s a strawberry, you’re doing it wrong. A flavorless strawberry is nothing shy of a big fat disappointment.

toss the berries, sugar, and vodka together

cover and let sit for an hour


After the berries macerate for an hour, drop them into a blender or food processor with the rest of the ingredients (just the yogurt and lemon juice) and blend it up. Refrigerate the mixture for an hour, then churn it in your ice cream maker.

place the strawberries, yogurt, and lemon juice in a blender or food processor

blender the heck out of it and chill for an hour

pour into the ice cream machine

like soft serve

When the yogurt is done in the ice cream machine, you can eat it soft or put it in a container and freeze it for scoopable frozen yogurt. I find the combination of fruity flavors and cold temperatures to be irresistible. Of course, frozen yogurt is crazy simple to make and it’s good for you. So keep this one in mind when you need to cool it this summer.

is there anything a strawberry can’t do?

i think not

Strawberry Frozen Yogurt
[print recipe]
from David Lebovitz

1 lb. strawberries, rinsed and hulled
2/3 cup sugar (use 1/3 cup if using a sweetened yogurt)
2 tsps vodka, strawberry vodka, or kirsch (optional)
1 cup plain whole milk yogurt, Greek yogurt, or honey yogurt
1 tsp fresh lemon juice

Slice the strawberries and toss them with the sugar and vodka (if using). Cover the strawberries and let them macerate for an hour. Place the strawberries, yogurt, and lemon juice in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. Chill the mixture for an hour. Churn the yogurt mixture in your ice cream machine according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Freeze the yogurt. Makes 1 quart.

more goodness from the use real butter archives

watermelon frozen yogurt strawberry sorbet strawberry buttercream macarons strawberry swirl cheesecake

12 nibbles at “fro yo arse off”

  1. Irene says:

    How this makes me wish I had an ice-cream machine! It would be a great way to make myself eat the bland (non-organic) strawberries we get in NYC. Yum!

  2. Kristin says:

    Yum. Have only made David’s ice cream, but will have to try this. It took me until my mid 40s to realize that I have lactose problems too, so I am now a Greek yogurt fiend.

  3. Kristin says:

    Oh…and the junco series…hilarious & adorable!

  4. sallybr says:

    I’ve been thinking of making frozen yogurt for a long time (well, since last Summer)

    I am pinning you (rather, this post) so I keep it in mind.

  5. Eva @ Eva Bakes says:

    Beautiful! I’ve made this recipe from David before, and it’s awesome. Next time I’ll have to try it with Noosa. They are my favorite yogurt as well (we eat one small container a day!).

  6. Jane | Not Plain So Jane says:

    Noosa not making plain yogurt will change soon I think! I got to chat with them at a food expo here in Cali, it seems like a lot of people are requesting they make plain.

  7. Katrina @ Warm Vanilla Sugar says:

    Omg. Heaven!!

  8. yellowfish says:

    Oh, this looks so delicious! it has inspired me to put the bottom of my ice cream maker in the freezer!

  9. Pey-Lih says:

    I would never guessed to use yogurt in my ice cream maker! Brilliant!

  10. Peggy says:

    I don’t know how you do it – with the snow in May. I’d be praying for heat every day =) This frozen yogurt looks absolutely scrumptious!

  11. Mrs Ergül says:

    OMG the colour of the frozen yogurt!!!! I don’t think we ever get strawberries that look that good here ever. So making this (with half-dead) strawberries!

  12. jenyu says:

    Irene – I’m sure if you searched about you should be able to get SOME kind of good berries!

    Kristin – yup, I love Greek yogurt too!

    sallybr – hope you got a chance to make it and enjoyed!

    Eva – mmm, Noosa is awesome. It’s also pretty pricey stuff.

    Jane – that is GREAT news! Thanks!

    Katrina – :)

    yellowfish – hee hee.

    Pey-Lih – yes, it’s a great summer treat.

    Peggy – Oh, I say the same about people in hot weather!

    Mrs. Ergül – I think adding a little sugar helps to macerate the berries and make them more palatable.

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