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the lure of sushi goodness

We had denied ourselves our favorite restaurant for far too long. It was time to go and tell Fumito that we bought a house, and that he needed to move his business to Boulder. Any one of my sushi-loving friends can tell you that this place is AMAZING. Fresh fish, incredible sushi, awesome price. It helps to have known the chef for over 12 years. We’ve had sushi in Auckland, Queenstown, Toronto, Seattle, Bellingham, Hilo, LA, SF, Santa Cruz, Denver, Boulder, Albuquerque (that was a mistake – but Jeremy was the one who ate there), Ithaca, Boston, Williamsburg, Atlanta – nothing compares to Ai. My girlfriend from Tokyo says it is the real thing. Tonight, Fumito was very happy to see us, and piled our plates with a lot of freebies, like toro (fatty tuna). This stuff is $6 a piece and he gave us 4!

He was also messing around back in the kitchen preparing seaweed and poke salad for us. Another one on the house! I’m very sad to be leaving these fellows. This is the absolute best sushi bar on earth. Sushi Zanmai in Boulder is good, but it ain’t no Ai. The softshell crab handrolls were to die for tonight.

Sushi is beautiful food.

one nibble at “the lure of sushi goodness”

  1. Mrs Ergül says:

    Softshell crab handroll is one of the greatest love!