baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

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archive for August 2005

party fud

Monday, August 29th, 2005

I’m sick of party food, but there’s still so much left. Kaweah likes Havarti (and everything else). She has been super cuddly of late.

artichoke dip, ye olde knitting group standby

I also added five more photo recipes to the archives here. The latest additions are Artichoke Dip, Spinach Dip, Guacamole, Lemon Bars, and Wild Rice Salad.

seconds, anyone?

Saturday, August 27th, 2005

If you will recall, Jen’s First Rule of Entertaining is: Never try a new recipe on guests for the first time. I broke the first rule, but I more than made up for it with Jen’s Second Rule of Entertaining: Never run out of food and beverages. We had a great showing of guests with good appetites. Afterall, my theme was: Come ruin your dinner with us. They put a big dent in the food, but we’ll still be noshing party food for the next few days. I learned that my neighbor likes the same gin that I do (Bombay Sapphire), and that my other neighbors are total non-cook foodies who volunteered to be my taste testers, and that all of our neighbors are chocolate junkies. I am not a beer drinker, but I try to provide good beer when I have folks over. I picked up some Boulder Beer Copper Ale and a six of this Ft. Collins Chocolate Stout. I didn’t try the stout, but everyone who drank it liked it. I have two leftover and I must say I am excited by this fact – because stout and chocolate are two kick ass ingredients in Good Chili.

I now have five new recipes to add to my photo recipe collection.

**Jump for more butter**

very good

Friday, August 26th, 2005

It’s a little nerve wracking to have to bake at elevation when your experience is based solely on sea-level baking.  But…

tonight I turned this baby

into this little number

heather, babe – this one’s for you

I’m exhausted. I’ve been cooking all day. But yay for the Little Experiment!