baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

copyright jennifer yu © 2004-2023 all rights reserved: no photos or content may be reproduced without prior written consent

broccolini bride

Our wedding was a tad fancier than a courthouse nuptial. We were married in the judge’s house (which is also my advisor’s house – because they are married). I didn’t have flowers and I was actually adamant about that. But today I realized that if I could go back in time, I might have changed one thing…

i might have held a bouquet of beautiful broccolini

…and we could have dipped them in some nice herb vinaigrette after our vows and passed them around as snacks!

Something about Whole Foods gives me pause when I shop for food. Maybe it’s the way their produce is in such fine condition and so beautifully laid out that I regard it as more than just sustenance. Food is pleasure, art, a gift, a puzzle. I usually carry a grocery list and do well to adhere strictly to the list. But today that all went out the window because I found some lovely seafood begging to be taken home. And I obliged it.

the cast: avocado, mango, giant shrimp, king crab, broccolini

too tempting to share – even between lovers

rules of entertaining: #7
I found some pieces of glassware I had been thinking of getting for several months. There were about 30 to choose from and I began to inspect each one for defects. Jeremy stood nearby as I made several rounds picking the best 6, then the second best 2, then…

jeremy: i think 8 is pretty good
me: no, i need 12
jeremy: 12? isn’t 8 enough?
me: jeremy, what did i tell you about entertaining?
jeremy: “just shut up and buy it”?

That’s not what I told him, but he made me bust out laughing in the store. My general rule of numbers in entertaining is that 12 is perfect. 4 is survival mode. 6 is required for entertaining. 8 is better. 12 is ideal. Multiples of 12 follow for larger groups. This glassware is small, and right next to them on the shelf were really really huge (like bigger than your forearm) pieces of glass.

jeremy: [observing the glass on the shelf] you know how it’s popular to make individual servings?
me: [still picking out the last 3] uh huh
jeremy: guess what i think you should do
me: [standing up and looking around] what – that?
jeremy: [beaming] GIANT servings!

I don’t often take Jeremy shopping with me for this sort of thing because it doesn’t make sense for both of us to be wasting our time, seeing as I care and he is usually indifferent or mortified… But when he is with me, I find the experience to be a hundred times more amusing and enjoyable. I think most people have this image of Jeremy as a serious, thoughtful, and quiet fellow. But there’s way more to this guy (there has got to be to put up with someone like me!). Jeremy is absolutely delightful.

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