baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

copyright jennifer yu © 2004-2023 all rights reserved: no photos or content may be reproduced without prior written consent

just a reminder

Today is the last day to leave a comment on this post to enter the Fine Cooking giveaway. That’s right! A one-year subscription to Fine Cooking. Have a subscription already? No worries – add another year! Don’t live in the US? I’m flush enough to award an international subscription (but not much more flush than that, kiddos). Never heard of it before? You’re in for a wonderful surprise. If you haven’t left a comment yet, you have until midnight tonight. Kaweah can’t wait to pick the next winner.

dog in training

she doesn’t even break a sweat – she’s a professional…

While Kaweah enjoys the warm weather, I’m looking skyward and asking the orographic precipitation gods where the f#@!&* my snow is. The one good thing about the unseasonably warm weather is that I get to distribute candy to kids in costumes rather than kids in down parkas tomorrow. I love Halloween. It is my favorite holiday for many reasons.

my halloween cactus is in full bloom

Last night, Jeremy and I went to see David Sedaris at Macky Auditorium. I quite love his work and got hooked on him and many other talented writers listening to This American Life for years. He is Hi-larious. What an absolute treat.

i haven’t laughed so hard in a long time

22 nibbles at “just a reminder”

  1. Margie says:

    Running with Scissors………that hole in the roof, in the kitchen, of all places…I loved that book!

    Yes, I can see that our professional puppy dog is ready; just slide my entry over toward her with a gentle prodding. There’s homebaked cookies in it for the two of you. ;)

  2. anh says:

    The blooms on your cactus are beautiful! I just wish I could get mine to boom again. David Sedaris is also my absolute favorite =) I’m still upset about missing his reading in Long Beach last week, but hopefully he’ll be back again.

  3. Rosa says:

    Such nice pictures! I love the one of the cactus in bloom! So pretty.



  4. Lezel Safi says:

    It’s hard work being that cute!

  5. Nicisme says:

    I’ll do a little snow dance for you, but no laughing ok?

  6. Lori says:

    Beautiful flower. I always photograph flowers and I always paint flowers as if there is nothing else in the world. I have a Nikon with a beautiful macro lens, not digital. I took so many beautiful flower photos. Just cant part with the money to get it in digital. Someday.

  7. Louise says:

    LOL I love the halloween cactus! Mine has started to bloom as well!

  8. Fiona says:

    Love David Sedaris. When Iain was born, Charles got a CD of Me Talk Pretty One Day and I listened to it in the middle of the night when I was feeding the baby.

    That did not work out. I giggled constantly and Iain was irritated.

    But it was fun. Kaweah has the most insane coat. Black, black, black, and so shiny.

  9. peabody says:

    Such a hard life being a dog! I want life to be that hard. ;)

  10. Margie says:

    Augusten Burroughs will never forgive me, much less David Sedaris. Ignorance is bliss until it smacks the face. OOPS…that hurts! Oh, to be human……………….ouch.

    But….there is a kitchen. I have one. I’m heading into it to hide.


  11. Mrs Ergül says:

    That is a gorgeous cactus! I like the vibrant colour!

    It’s nice to have a night out with your darling once in a while. It makes it feel extra special, don’t you think?

  12. Asianmommy says:

    That flower is gorgeous! So cool that you got to see David Sedaris.

  13. Frances says:

    Love the blog; my mountain, food and humour fix all in one go, with some beutiful life insights on the side. We have snow/sleet here in Northumberland UK which I will gladly send your way – espec since we have no mountains.

  14. Astrid says:

    Beautiful dog, beautiful flower… Thank you for including those of us who live abroad in your contest!

  15. Bridget says:

    I’m a moron and spent too long trying to figure out what does inspire me to cook, and I didn’t check blog updates yesterday, so…no giveaway for me. Oh well.

    But, I did check the bookstore for Fine Cooking last weekend, and I bought Best of copy – lots of tasty-looking recipes. I couldn’t find any normal issues. Are they not sold in bookstores? I also can’t find Art Culinaire.

  16. Gay says:

    I love your blog–very inspiring. Better than Fine Cooking because it arrives daily! I’m a long time reader, first time commentor!

  17. Candace says:

    Gorgeous pics… that image of the flower is striking. I just discovered David Sedaris a few months ago and he’s one of my new favorites…

  18. Bunst says:

    I love your site!
    I first found it searching candied orange peel and have been reading it daily since.
    I really love your recipe photography and look forward to see what your cooking.

  19. Nate says:

    Mmm, that sun looks nice. We’re getting rain this weekend…bleah.

  20. jenyu says:

    Margie – not quite the author you’re thinking of…

    Anh – you can check his schedule to see if he swings through So Cal again!

    Rosa – thank you :)

    Lezel – That’s news, Kaweah rarely works hard ;)

    Nicisme – You’re are so sweet! I promise not to laugh! Snow dances are VERY NECESSARY. xxoo

    Lori – well, it’s quite the investment, but I would never go back to film now.

    Louise – I like them to bloom now versus T-giving or Xmas ;)

    Fiona – He is *amazing*. I laughed almost non-stop. Kaweah’s coat is nice thanks to Iams. Eukaneuba turns her brown (and farty).

    Peabody – tell me about it!

    Mrs. E – absolutely :) Hope things are going well!

    Asianmommy – thanks! Yeah, he was terrific!

    Frances – and I will gladly take it! :) Thanks dear, you are very kind.

    Astrid – there are a lot of you! Some of whom are among my favorite people :)

    Bridget – no worries, you were in the drawing. They carry FC in some bookstores, but not all. Art Culinaire I have not been able to find anywhere except the restaurant I just reviewed.

    Gay – thanks!

    Candace – isn’t he great? Glad you like him too!

    Bunst – thank you.

    Nate – I’d gladly trade!!

  21. White On Rice Couple says:

    I would have loved to watch a show like that. I need a good big hour of laughs!
    Kaweah, you just glisten in that beautiful sun. Your mommie and daddie take such good care of your coat. Is it mommies cooking that makes you shine so much?

  22. jenyu says:

    WoRC – nope! It’s Iams.

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