baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

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missing out, but not really

NaBloWriMo day 31. LAST DAY!

Halloween is my favorite holiday, but this year our house remained dark and there was no one home to distribute candy to the dozen or so kids who come by our place each year. Instead, we spent the day with Jeremy’s family in New Mexico. Friday night’s service was beautiful and heartfelt. Despite the tears that were shed, there were plenty of laughs and smiles over the shared memories.

dan and jeremy

We indulged in New Mexican food, shopped for quilting fabrics, spent time talking together, saw a movie – it was a nice time. When we dropped Jeremy’s parents off at his aunt’s house, it was already dark and children were walking the sidewalks in their costumes. I saw glowing jack-o-lanterns and orange lights lining walkways to homes as we drove back to our hotel. Even though we didn’t have much of a Halloween this year, the time with Jeremy’s family was certainly more precious.

I look forward to resuming my normal posting schedule now that NaBloWriMo is finally over. Don’t forget to set your clocks back an hour! What will you do with that extra hour?

11 nibbles at “missing out, but not really”

  1. Rosa says:

    I hope you had a great Halloween!



  2. Kristin says:

    Congratulations…you did it! I’ll miss the daily posts. Glad you had such good quality time with Jeremy’s family even though the reason for gathering wasn’t ideal. I’d planned to sleep for the extra hour to help squash a cold but, as usual, someone forgot to tell the cats about the time change & that they needed to wait an extra hour to be fed. Sigh.

  3. Caitlin says:

    Family time is good, even if the reason isn’t the happiest.

    As for the extra hour? I made checkerboard cookies with it :)

  4. TheKitchenWitch says:

    You did it! Good for you!

    My kids were up and still sugared up at 6am….ah, the old days when “Fall Back” meant an extra hour of sleep…

    Safe travels home, Jen.

  5. Phoo-D says:

    Hooray for making it through! I must say I really enjoyed reading something from you each day. Glad you had a meaningful trip and safe travels back to snowy Colorado!

  6. Ronine says:

    We sat our clock back already last weekend and I spent the extra hour reading :)

  7. Y says:

    Well done! I’ll miss the daily posts (I don’t know how you managed it!) but I’m sure you won’t :D

  8. Mrs Ergül says:

    Congrats on completing NaBloWriMo! It is nice for the family to gather despite the sad cause.

    No extra hour for me! I need an extra day perhaps.

  9. Margie says:

    What will I do with my extra hour?

    I will spend it wishing I had daylight savings time back…..

    Seriously. I hate when it becomes nightfall at 5 p.m.


    Kudos to you on your writing endeavor. 30 days! I think you deserve a break.

  10. jenyu says:

    Ha ha, I’m not sure where that extra hour went, but I think I spent it watching Law and Order SVU in the hotel :) So glad NaBloBlahBlah is over!!

  11. Eesh says:

    Lol… I find that the amount of Law & Order I watch increases exponentially in the number of hours I spend in a hotel room.

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