baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

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happy happy birthday!

Recipe: taco seasoning

It’s Kaweah’s eleventh birthday today! In celebration, we here at use real butter are having a giveaway this week in honor of Kaweah. Hmmm… what should we give away?

a puppy?!?

I can’t give that puppy away – that was Kaweah almost 11 years ago (it was sunset, so she looks brown). We tossed around a ton of ideas, but finally settled on this puppy:

how about a $100 gift card to chefs?

I’m giving away a $100 CHEFS gift card this week. What better way to launch the giveaway than on our little random number generator’s birthday? To enter, follow these rules:

Leave ONE comment on this post telling me what you want to do with the $100 gift card (e.g. What are you going to get? Is it for you? Are you going to give the card to someone else?) Multiple comments will be deleted. Entries will be accepted until midnight, Friday December 18, 2009 (12:01 am will be Saturday the 19th). The winner will be selected at Crazy Random courtesy of Kaweah and the Astrophysicist and announced on Monday, December 21, 2009. I’m pleased to tell you that CHEFS ships internationally, so this giveaway is open to ANYONE. Woohoo!

For Kaweah’s birthday, we did an early celebration because we have too much going on today. I’m sure the majority of you will think us insane, but I thought a little bit of steak might be nice for Kaweah’s birthday dinner. Just a little. That’s not the insane part. The insane part was finding ourselves in front of the Whole Foods meat counter. Hmmm, why was the dry-aged rib-eye $19.99 a pound? I asked what the difference was between dry-aged and regular. Curiosity got the best of us, so I pointed to one steak and said, “How about that one?” I thought it was 1.5 inches thick… when the nice gentleman lifted the steak out of the tray, it was 2.5-inches thick and the bloody thing cost me $30!

more wondrous snow

she even got dressed up

We grilled the steak and set aside a few thin slices for the birthday pup. The problem with giving Kaweah any kind of beef is that she scarfs it down without chewing. And just in case you thought it was because the piece of meat was too small – she does the same thing with large pieces of meat too (I have experimented with this in the past).

the birthday plate

it was gone in seconds

Jeremy and I sat down to share the remainder of the steak. It was like butter! So tender and melt-in-your-mouth. Can you dry-age beef at home if you have a cellar or some such thing? I’m tempted to look into it just for kicks (and well – to save having to pay out the nose). I don’t know that I will regard steak the same way again.

When Kaweah cleared her plate like a good girl, we gathered her favorite toys together for birthday cupcake. But that beef was fatty enough as it was, she didn’t need frosting too. Jeremy graciously volunteered to polish off the cupcake while Kaweah enjoyed a healthy carrot. She’s a simple girl, you know.

when kaweah really wants something, she won’t look at it until she hears her release word

what’s that mr. bunny? oh no, i’m 11 years old, not 11 months!

Because Kaweah is a simple girl, I thought a simple recipe was in order for today. A few days ago, Tami professed her love of crispy shell tacos on Twitter. It got me thinking about how much I prefer crispy tacos over soft tacos. Then I started thinking about all of the different styles of tacos I love – fish tacos, shredded beef tacos, carne adovada tacos, ghetto tacos… Ghetto tacos are the standard ground beef tacos you make at home with store-bought crispy taco shells. I suppose that’s a misnomer since all of the tacos I had in the ghetto in Los Angeles were mind-blowingly good, authentic tacos. Not to mention the added excitement of being in a drive-by shooting zone.

mixing up your own taco seasoning

In any case, when I would make ghetto tacos back in college, I used those little seasoning packets that read TACO SEASONING across the front. I’m happy to say that over the years, I have attempted making many things from scratch. If they were just as easy, easier, or cheaper to make myself, then I could ween myself off of this false dependency. Taco seasoning was never something I thought of as a convenience – I just never thought about what taco seasoning was. Then one day, I didn’t have any taco seasoning on me, our local grocer was closed (we were eating a really late dinner), and I was making ghetto tacos. One quick search on the interwebs (access to information – I am a fan) and I had a very simple recipe for my own taco seasoning using basic ingredients that I always have on hand.

screw single packets, i have a jar of the stuff

This blend of spices tastes just like the packets from the store, but it is inexpensive to make and about as simple as it gets. Seven teaspoons is the equivalent of one envelope. And yeah, my ghetto tacos are the crispy versions.

more cowbell!

Taco Seasoning
[print recipe]
from this site

12 tsps chili powder
10 tsps paprika
9 tsps cumin
5 tsps onion powder
1 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp cayenne

Mix together. 7 teaspoons equals 1 package of taco seasoning. [To use: when ground beef is browned, drain off fat, add 1 cup of water and 7 teaspoons of taco seasoning to the meat. Bring to boil then reduce to simmer. Simmer until the liquid is gone.] Store in a sealed container in a cool, dry place for up to six months.

526 nibbles at “happy happy birthday!”

  1. Julia says:

    I would probably buy some nice kitchen stuff for my boyfriend. I’ve been trying to convince him to start cooking, but he has exactly one pan to his name. Happy Birthday Kaweah! Amazingly adorable, even at 11.

  2. Kathy says:

    Hi Jen and Jeremy: You certainly have one pretty girl. Your photos of her always show how pretty her black coat is. Happy B- Day Kaweah!

    If I won, I would purchase one of those gel mats for the benefit of my lower back. I can’t sit when I cook or bake, I need to stand. However, when I stand for any length of time, my herniated disc drives me practically crazy. I can’t afford a mat, and my clogs aren’t enough. This mat would greatly help.

    Thank you for your generousity!

  3. Y says:

    Awww Happy Birthday to Kaweah! What an excellent birthday treat. *I* don’t even make steak for B when it’s his birthday :P

    Gift voucher? I suppose a few more baking pans wouldn’t go astray!

  4. Jennifer says:

    What a sweet birthday celebration, and I think you should’ve given away a puppy :) Please don’t include me in the raffle (not that I wouldn’t want a $100 Chefs gift certificate)— I just wanted to stop by and say hello. Be well my dear and have a lovely holiday.

  5. Topper says:

    I want. I need. I lust for. a mandoline….

  6. Rebecca says:

    I would use the gift card to buy a food processor, it would help my baking and my husband’s cooking quite a bit.

  7. JEP says:

    My granddaughter is moving into to her first apartment…I would let her choose something on her long list of “I need”….

  8. Maria says:

    Happy Birthday Kaweah! You are just one goodlooking birthday girl!!

    The gift card, I would use to get some additional things for my Kitchenaid – which cost a fortune here in Brazil.

  9. Asha@FSK says:

    OMG!! Kaweah is soo adorable!!!! :)) I love labs!! they have the kindliest, most loving eyes!! :))

    I am still furnishing my kitchen.. and the gift card would really help towards that :)

  10. Lori says:

    I would love an Immersion Blender, a le creuset dutch oven, a microplane zester/grater, a candy thermometer, cookbooks, oh the list could go on and on and on….What an adorable dog! Such pretty eyes! : ) thanks for the chance and your generosity!

  11. norajeans says:

    Actually to dry age your beef at home you don’t need a cellar, just a (dedicated) fridge will do. There was a wonderful article a few years back on different aging techniques you can use to age your own beef that I can no longer find. You can even wet age beef too, which is a lot easier than dry aging as you don’t have to be as strict with the fridge temperature.

  12. Wendy says:

    Kaweah is just too adorable in the photo with her toys! I’m glad you have such a lovable companion – Happy Birthday to Kaweah! I think I’d choose to get a food processor, since it seems like a kitchen essential.

  13. Lisa@The Cutting Edge of Ordinary says:

    Happy Birthday Kaweah! Thanks for the chance at winning this Jen! I’d love a pasta machine, or some new spatulas, or a chopping block.

  14. Emily says:

    I would LOVE a microplane zester or even just a waffle maker! Kaweah is gorgeous, makes me miss my dog even more. Well, only a few more days until I’m home from university and I can see her (and my parents) again!

  15. carmen says:

    Such sweet pictures of Kaweah enjoying her birthday – happy birthday!! :) I would love a nice All-Clad saute pan. :)

  16. Gretl says:

    I would love to finally get a KitchenAid Stand Mixer and a Le Creuset dutch oven. Kaweah is so adorable!

  17. Mom24 says:

    I would buy a roaster–a small to medium sized one. I am really craving one of those.

    Thanks for the chance.

  18. Amy H says:

    I love Kaweah’s green ribbon.

    I would use the gift card for myself, then cook fantastic flavors for my partner and all our friends – so, you see, there are multiple beneficiaries :-)

  19. bekah jones says:

    Jenny, I love that you fed Kaweah on her birthday! My children insist on giving our cats a dish of tuna and a saucer of milk on the cats’ birthday. It also gave me a sweet reminder of my Gram who would always wrap up a delicious bone from the butcher and put in under the tree for her dog to find and rip open with her teeth. As a child, this was my favorite part of Christmas!

    I would buy silpat mats with the Chef’s certificate.


  20. sweetmaggie says:

    An ice cream maker! I’ve wanted one for so long. It’s time. I’m also due for a new kick ass chef’s knife. LOVE this blog! Thanks for making it happen. That is one lovely pup. Doesn’t look a day older than seven…

  21. Charleen says:

    Awww, what a cute puppy! Our little Schnauzermonster turned a year a couple of weeks ago, but she didn’t get steak… such a lucky dog, and very well trained, compared to our horror in pelt! (And yes, I love that dog to bits. Except when she rolled herself in hedgehog turds…)

    I’d buy a good knife, first thing. My cutting skills are not quite where I’d want them to be, but it’s just no fun with that cheap-ass kitchen knife my boyfriend brought into the relationship. Besides, we only have that one knife, so my now-ex-boyfriend couldn’t help prepping even if he wanted to…

  22. Lizzie says:

    Great dog such expressive eyes Happy Birthday Kaweah. I would get a new stainless steel roaster pan

  23. Susan Hosterman says:

    I would buy a new food processor. I have had mine for about 20 years and it has seen its better days. My husband has recently super glued the lid because a piece broke off. It will not turn on if the piece does not slide into the unit properly. I love my food processor and cannot do without it. The birthday pictures are fabulous. He reminds me of a dog we previously owned and has died. Sweet memories. Enjoy that special pet.

  24. chefsheree says:

    I would buy my husband a Nespresso espresso machine. Kaweah doesn’t look a day over 2 yrs.! She’s beauthiful.

  25. Kim says:

    Happy birthday, Kaweah! I love that stare. And I’d invest in a good knife and learn how to maintain it correctly. Thank you for sharing that lovely steak.

  26. CT says:

    My brother, for whom it took a good long time, has finally matured and is currently working as a sous chef. I don’t know how to explain this, but he was one of those boys who was interested in doing nothing for so long and then suddenly in the past year food totally clicked for him. I love being able to nurture his growth into a fully-fledged adult (RESPONSIBILITY, OH NOES) and give this card to him.

    I think it’s probably easier to grow up and aspire to do something when it’s something you’re passionate about, right?

  27. pumpkinpie says:

    I would give it to my sister, who is getting married soon. I don’t have any remaining counterspace for new appliances anyway.

  28. Shannon says:

    she’s gorgeous! and what a great bday for her :) Hmmm, I have limited space in my kitchen and everything I need right now, so I’d probably gift it to my mom or a good friend who loves to bake ;)

  29. amanda says:

    My pup turns 4 tomorrow! He’s having a pasta dinner and a pupcake :)

    As for the GC, I would give it to my dad who is planning to buy a KA professional mixer.

  30. Carrie says:

    I love December birthdays but it was tough turning 50 on Saturday. Happy Birthday pup – you are adorable. I would buy a pasta machine because I would never splurge on that on my own.

  31. ernski says:

    That’s one lucky dog! Thanks for the taco seasoning recipe. I’ve been looking for a good one… I love taco night!

    If I won the gift card, I’d buy a pasta-making attachment for my kitchen-aid mixer. It would be really nice, because every year for the past few years my grandma would buy me a new attachment or accessory for the mixer (she and I always bonded over cooking and baking and both loved that red kitchen-aid). Unfortunately, this is the first year she won’t be around to continue the tradition. I was hoping to honor her and keep adding a new attachment every Christmas, I think she’d think that was funny.

  32. rita in mi says:

    i’d probably put it toward a nice cast iron skillet.

    happy birthday, kaweah!

  33. Paula says:

    A mandolin!!! Happy Birthday Puppy — all dogs are still puppies to me.

  34. annie says:

    I need a new food processor…. after 15 years of use (abuse?) mine has “done quit on me”

    Happy bday Kaweah! We celebrated our pups 6th birthday yesterday! This morning she seemed to look at us and say, “What? No treats today?”

    You can dry age your beef at home. I think I saw articles regarding process over at Cooks Illus. a few years ago. Simple as I remember… involving refrigerator and waiting waiting waiting

  35. Julie says:

    Le Cruset.

  36. Fran says:

    OMG! I love love love those shots of the birthday bash. And I’ve always wondered what’s in taco seasoning mix. If I had a 100$ gift card for ChefsCatalog I’d probably head straight to the Sale tab to see what kitchen tool I can’t live without. :)

  37. Rebecca Martin says:

    Ooo . . . I need a new kitchen knife, a really good one.

    Kaweah is a beautiful dog!

  38. Madeline says:

    I recently moved (to a new continent!) and would love to get a few more nice things for my new kitchen!

  39. Jane M says:

    I would buy something for my daughter who cooks for herself in college.

  40. Kristin says:

    Oh the baby photo…I can’t stand it! Happy birthday Kaweah! Well, after making 3 batches of toffee, precariously propping up my candy thermometer, a better engineered thermometer is high on my list. Then I don’t know…trash the old baking pans that are all scratched & rusty-ish?

  41. Ruthie says:

    I would get a hand mixer (because my arm’s getting tired) and a mini food processor – both of which would fit perfectly in my zero-counterspace dorm apartment kitchen and make my life SO much easier!

  42. Kathy says:

    I fall in love with Kaweah all over again every time pictures of her are posted. Happy birthday!
    Re: Chef’s card…..I need baking pans for the holiday cookies and gingerbread men.

  43. April in CT says:

    Happy Birthday Kaweah! Those pictures are so precious! She’s such a beautiful girl with the kindest face and expressive eyes.

    My word.. how on earth would I decide what to use that card on… It would probably take me an entire week of decision making because I am nuts about kitchen stuffs! I have been wanting some stoneware baking pans so I’d probably go in that direction.

  44. Andrea says:

    I always make my own taco seasoning too, I think the stuff from the store is never quite spicy enough.

    I feel pretty well equiped at the moment, I think I might do a little Christmas shopping with the gift card.

  45. anda says:

    Happy birthday Kaweah! I’d probably put the gift card towards a stand mixer.

  46. Tricia says:

    Wow, such a cute birthday plate! Happy Birthday Kaweah!!!! Such a perfect face!

    If I won the $100 gift card I would put it towards a dutch oven. I have been wanting one for ages. I am getting married in 8 months and I just think that would be the perfect item to have before starting my own home. It is not something I would normally buy so if I win this contest what a treat it would be!


  47. Hilary says:

    Happy Birthday Kaweah!

    I would use the giftcard to get a present for my dad; he loves to cook!

  48. Bridget says:

    I’ve been wanting an All-Clad 3-quart saucepan for a couple years now, but I haven’t found an excuse to make the splurge, so I think I’d put the money toward that.

    Cooks Illustrated has a recipe, I think it’s for roast beef, in which they leave the meat, uncovered, in the fridge a couple of days before roasting it, which is supposed to mimic the effects of dry-aging.

  49. Mom2Four says:

    I have been dying to get my hands on a Le Creuset 5.5-Quart Round French Oven with Cover, so this would go to the purchase of one. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed.

  50. Julie says:

    I would keep the gift card! My boyfriend and I just bought a house and our kitchen is sad and empty, so it would be just the boost I needed to get started on buying essentials.

  51. Lisa says:

    Happy Birthday, Kaweah, and many many more to come!!!!! She is so adorable. Hope to see her soon.

    No, I don’t need the gift card. Our kitchen has maxed out the hiding spaces. Besides, my baking skills is zero so there is no needs to get any more stuff into the kitchen. One less competition.

  52. Sarah says:

    Happy Birthday Kaweah! I would love a Silpat and some mini muffin tins!

  53. Leigh says:

    I would actually prefer a puppy to a card, even for cooking supplies – Kaweah’s so cute! And looks like she so wanted that cupcake.

    With the card though, I’d be tempted to find a food processor for me – but would probably save it for my sister’s birthday. She’s in cooking school now, studying baking, and I have a list of silicone baking mats and tart pans with removable bottoms and candy thermometers that I think she could use. I’m not sure how my little sister became the one of us who’s patient enough for elaborate feats of baking, but she’s good!

  54. Rebecca says:

    I would use the card to help with my baking supplies — I most definitely need a mixer!

  55. Tiffany says:

    I’ve been dying for a new chefs knife or a Le Creuset French Oven, this would go towards the purchase of those items…at least that would be my plan going in. It might change once I start perusing the merchandise. :)

    PS – Happy birthday Kaweah!!!!

  56. Alexandra says:

    OH MY GOD YOUR DOG IS ADORABLE. Looks just like my dog back when I was a kid! ‘Cept skinnier :)

    To be honest I’d probably get a bunch of little things like a nice vegetable peeler or a cookie sheet or just small things I’ve been needing to have on hand but don’t. Oh, and that brownie edge baking thing would be fabulous to get as well… *happy sigh* chewy edge brownies<3

  57. Pat says:

    Very VERY Happy Birthday Miss Kaweah! She looks wonderful, and very happy… My 14 y.o. kitteh salutes your long life!

    If I received the gift card, I’d put it towards a *decent* saute pan, which I own not! One cannot brown in nonstick! ;-)

  58. Liz says:

    Happy birthday Kaweah. Lots of love from London!

    I’d love to get a food processor (:

  59. Tawnia says:

    Ahhh, Happy Birthday to that sweet girl! Wasn’t it Jaden that just did a post on dry aging? I would get my mother some real knives–OMG–you could kill yourself in frustration using hers!

  60. Amy says:

    Happy Birthday Kaweah! Too cute!

    I would probably spend the money on me… I could use a few random kitchen items…. baking sheets, whisks and spatulas.

    I’m so happy you posted this recipe! I make tacos (the ghetto kind) at least once a week with lentils and everytime I pull out the taco seasoning packet I always think about how I should try to find a recipe to make my own. Yay!

  61. Nikki says:

    That is one adorable puppy who has grown into one beautiful dog. Makes me miss my two (Beavis and Butthead – my dogs – passed away a few years ago).

    I would probably find a good Le Creuset (sp?) baking pans. Or a really good tart pan. I miss making my pear and almond tarts.

  62. AJ says:

    I love your ‘puppy’. She’s beautiful. I’ve been a visitor many times to your site and the pics of this adorable dog almost take precedence over your lovely food.

    With a $100 gift card, I would get a few supplies for my fledgling baking business like cooling racks, wooden spoons and whisks.

  63. Amy says:

    Aww, happy birthday Kaweah! I wish I had her self-control. Speaking of which, if I got the Chef’s gift card, I would invest in good stainless steel cookware (have to get rid of the not-good-for-you nonstick stuff).

  64. Katie @ goodLife {eats} says:

    Happy Birthday Kaweah. You are beautiful!

    I would put the gift card to a full sized Cuisinart Elite. I just have the mini chopper, but I would like a bigger one too.

  65. Nicole says:

    I would probably put the gift card towards a good bread knife or an immersion blender, or some new square cake pans. Or I’d use it for a bunch of odds and ends that probably need replacing in my kitchen :).

  66. Anna says:

    Hooray! An immersion blender would be on my list…

  67. Danielle says:

    Happy birthday to Kaweah! I love your pictures of her. She looks so soulful.

    If I got the gift certificate, I would give it to my mother. With both me and my younger brother out of the house now, she doesn’t have much to do BUT cook–a passion we both share and one which she loves to constantly tell me about. This gift would be wonderful for her.

  68. Leah says:

    Happy Birthday, Kaweah! Still as cute as she was 11 years ago!

    I just discovered Chefs Catalog a month or so ago. I’ve already bought a couple of Le Creuset pieces from them and have been so pleased with their customer service. I’d love to invest in a good scale or a new immersion blender from them as my last one just bit the dust.

    I know my dad’s used the fridge for dry aging beef, but am not sure of the particulars…

  69. Michelle K says:

    If I had a $100, I would get a nice heavy pan.

  70. Becky from MN says:

    Kaweah is such a beautiful girl. Her coat looks slick, shiny, black in your photo’s; her eyes glow with health and vitality. I’m going to have to share with my sister, she’ll love them as well.

    I’ve been wanting an all clad 12″ stainless fry pan; but a food processor would be tempting as well.

  71. Eileen says:

    Yum – tacos! Lucky dog! I would use the gift card as a gift for my sister’s wedding in February. I have about everything I need in the kitchen, she is just coming around to cooking and needs good tools!

  72. Susan says:

    Beautiful pictures of Kaweah. Happy Birthday.
    I would replace a very worn soup pot I use alot–maybe Le Creuset or All-Clad.

  73. Valerie says:

    Of course I would keep the certificate for myself! With it, I would get a pasta maker *swoon*

  74. Jennifer says:

    I would buy a new slow cooker as mine is over 20 years old!

  75. Katie says:

    I’ve been coveting a nice pizza stone, so I would most likely get that!

  76. Nikki in CO says:

    Happy happy birthday to the beautiful Kaweah!

    If it were mine, I’d buy a dutch oven. :)

    ps fingers crossed for snow down here in Denver

  77. Peggasus says:

    I would get two of those new-fangled edgy lasagne pans, one for me, and one for my Mom!

  78. TheKitchenWitch says:

    Love Kaweah and the cake! She is too adorable! What a feast she had! I’m dreaming of a new coffeemaker–mine died yesterday! Argh!

  79. Silvia says:

    Kaweah is such a photogenic dog! I don’t really like dogs, but I always like pictures and stories of her.
    I’d go for a good knife and some cute ramkins. :)

  80. Cindy K says:

    Found you through! Love the homemade taco seasoning mix- and Love the Pooch! Happy Birthday~ Off to check out the rest of your site.

    What would I do with $100 from chefscatalog? buy more great kitchen tools, to cook more great food for my family and friends!

  81. Maria says:

    I LOVE that you celebrate your dog’s birthday. Kaweah is gorgeous! Such a pretty dog! I would love to buy my dad some new knives. He never spends money on himself. Thanks for a great giveaway and Happy Birthday to Kaweah!

  82. Paula - bell'alimento says:

    Ah, How incredibly cute is Kaweah? What a great birthday dinner too! I of course would keep the gift certificate for myself and put it towards an immersion blender *swoon* : )

  83. Bobbie says:

    Love that dog! Every time you post new pics of her, it makes me consider getting a lab from the shelter. If I could hug her adorable little neck and plant a big kiss on her forehead, it would really make my day! So glad she has big birthdays. Our sweet pup gets to celebrate his birthdays too. If I won the contest, I would apply the certificate to a nice stand mixer. Hope you have a Merry Christmas and a very blessed New Year!

  84. Dragana says:

    Cute birthday celebration for a pretty dog!
    I would get some much needed baking pans and a modern (longer) rolling pin. Thanks for the giveaway. You are always so generous with your recipes and other stuff.

  85. L. says:

    I would have commented regardless of the raffle just to say your taco seasoning was *perfect* timing for me. Just yesterday I was wishing I had my own taco seasoning recipe. (I cook predominantly veg cooking and to layer all that MSG over fake meat just seemed like an excess of fakeness, somehow.) Except it didn’t occur to me that I could do some research and make up my own recipe. Thank goodness the internets delivered one to me in the form of your RSS feed!

    I would love that GC, either for a pasta maker or, you know, can’t have enough All-Clad stainless steel.

    Happy birthday, Kaweah!

  86. Amy says:

    What a lovely treat for your Baby Dog!! I would buy something Le Creuset for post-skiing braised meals. It’s one thing my kitchen is sorely lacking.

  87. KatieC says:

    She’s the prettiest girl ever, and she looks fab for an 11 year old beast. Of course she does, though…you’re a wonderful doggie-mama. Happy birthday, Special K!

    Here’s what I’d do with $100 at Chef’s: Invest in my first piece of Le Creuset. When I got married, I was given the ubiquitous 5-piece non-stick cook set, and three years on, I’ve finally realized that if I truly cared about cooking, I’d start with better pots and pans.

  88. Kacey says:

    I love this post! So awesome!

    If I had a $100 Chefs gift card, it would probably go towards the purchase of a much desired KitchenAid stand mixer.

  89. Annyka says:

    I would get a much needed saucier – definitely need a pan with the rounded sides!

  90. Allison says:

    Lots of belly rubs to Kaweah! She’s aging well.
    I would buy a real adult chef’s knife and get rid of my tolerable but not good enough stand in.

  91. Amy says:

    I have to say I would put the card toward an ice cream maker! Over the past year I’ve seen so many creative ideas for frozen yogurt, sorbets and ice creams galore! I would LOVE to get in on the action and try my hand at it!

  92. Leanna says:

    I would buy a cast iron dutch oven and a mandoline.

  93. Vicki says:

    Happy birthday to the beautiful puppy! I have no idea what I’d get from Chef’s, but it would probably be something sharp.

  94. Robin says:

    Wow, taco seasoning! I’ve been thinking about making this for christmas gifts, I’d better get cracking! If I won the giveaway I’d buy a new pot or two! My boyfriend bought nonstick pots and then his friend thought he’d be nice and clean them with steel wool :(.

  95. Phoo-D says:

    Happy Birthday Kaweah! You look very young for 11 – no gray hair! My mom has always made taco seasoning from scratch, it is a cheap and wonderful way to go. She uses a bit of cornstarch to thicken the mixture but otherwise the recipe is very similar.

    I would browse Chef’s for a new skillet or chinois sieve. Both of those are on my near-term list!

  96. Jim says:

    Chef’s Choice 610 Food Slicer would be my pick! Chicago Italian Beef sandwiches sliced thin in an Crusty French roll soaked in juice, topped with melted mozzarella and served with giardinara. Philly cheese Steak’s, thinly sliced ribsteak, cooked with onions on an Italian roll with melted Provelone. Of course, my dogs Ginger (a Pug) and Gurf ( a Yorkie-Poo, named after Lucinda Williams guitar player) would get some! Maybe?

  97. Karen says:

    Happy Birthday, pup!

    Selfishly, I would make this prize a happy holiday for myself. I’ve been getting deeper and deeper into my cooking–and cooking for more people. So by getting gadgets/cutlery for myself, everyone will benefit! I call that a win-win. I would like to get some better knives or a food processor. I would be a kid in a candy store, really.

  98. DeniseEPL says:

    That puppy picture is adorable! What a lucky bday puppy! I would use the gift card for odds & ends that seem to always go missing, like wooden spoons, a sandwich spreader, and my tablespoon measuring spoon. I don’t know where they run off to but I sure do miss them!

  99. Amber says:

    Jen, love-love-love urb. This is my first reply, but not my first visit. :) Thanks for your many additions to my culinary education!

    Happy Birthday to your sweet girl!
    I would use the g.c. for Kyocera ceramic santoku knife. I’m so intrigued by them!

  100. knitopia says:

    I would probably put it toward a food processor.

    I love Kaweah’s eye in the picture of her eating her steak.

  101. Diane and Todd says:

    waaahhhh!!! So friggin cute!!! LOVE LOVE every single picture of Kaweah, what a lucky pup!! Happy Birthday sweetie pie, we love you so much and hope you get more STEAK for your birthday week! (geez, that’s the least the ma and pops can do) ;)
    Kaweah looks so pretty in that green ribbon, nice contrast!
    Taco’s look bad-ass too, just need to pop open a couple of beers and we’ll all be celebrating Kaweah in style ! xoxo

  102. annie says:

    Probably toward a pasta maker so I can make some pasta for my Italian boyfriend!

  103. Liz says:

    Brilliant! I also never thought to make my own taco seasoning. I’m in desperate need of a nice glass bowl to use as a double boiler, some tongs, a bundt cake pan.

  104. Shawna says:

    awesome giveaway! i would put it towards a kitchen aid standing mixer:o)

  105. NaKesha says:

    Baking is my new thing (hobby) so I need tons of stuff!

  106. michelle says:

    I’ve been wanting a smoker from Chefs so how perfect is this timing?!

  107. Kate @ Savour Fare says:

    Kaweah is one lucky dog! Look at that spread!
    Am torn between a Gelpro Mat and a Scanpan, but I might just blow it on even more Le Creuset.

  108. Wendi says:

    I’d get more half sheet pans. And some new cutting boards. I don’t have enough of either.

  109. Di says:

    Well, my step son just got engaged AND put an offer on a new home. I would give it to them to start outfitting their new digs!

  110. Whitney says:

    I would buy a nice All-Clad saute pan.

    I love “ghetto” tacos. I buy taco seasoning from the spice house and add a little cayenne to give it some kick.

  111. amy says:

    I’d try not to buy anything under the sun first and foremost! I can’t decide bw the bread maker, ice cream maker, pasta machines, standing mixer…yeah the list goes on…As it were, my kitchen items badly need to be updated.

  112. Laura B. says:

    Happy Birthday Kaweah! I would use the giftcard to buy some new knives!

  113. karen b. says:

    I’m not going to lie: I’d use it for myself. I love to cook and we are not exactly rolling in it these days so it would be ridiculously lovely to get some cool gadgets from chef’s catalog. Deciding exactly what to get would be the hard but fun part.

  114. Caden says:

    I would also put it towards a KA stand mixer. Unless Chefs sells black lab puppies.

    In which case I would get a puppy.

  115. angie says:

    Happy Birthday Kaweah!

    And a giftcard? I’d put it toward a santoku knife. I’ve been soo curious!

  116. Amy says:

    I’d get a tart pan with the removable bottom. I make cupcakes for our dogs birthdays too….only for photos though. We get to eat them:)

  117. Allison says:

    Aww, she is so adorable. <3 Happy Birthday to her!

    I'd probably end up getting something for my boyfriend. His birthday is coming up, and I know he wants some new kitchen things.

  118. Deb in Indiana says:

    Since our dogs and cats are most often of birthday unknown (pound puppies, strays, …) we associate their birthdays with the nearest family birthday or holiday. Our current pup shares my daughter’s birthday, and consequently gets to share her request for favorite birthday food. This year it was pork roast, and he was one happy dog. I think, possibly, even cuter than Kaweah, but I am somewhat prejudiced, and she is a beauty.

    I just love the opportunity to try for a give-away. Thanks! I don’t know whether I would give the card to my new daughter-in-law or use it to get myself a mandoline, but I will enjoy the small pleasure of being in the contest.

  119. Kristina says:

    What an adorable dog…she reminds me of my sister’s black lab, Emma! Black labs have the best “puppy” eyes…

    …it’s easier for me to think of things I -don’t- want (read: already have) for my kitchen! Off the top of my head, silpats, food processor, and while I’m dreaming, new cookware…

  120. Megan says:

    Oh a silpat, and some kitchen shears, and one new knife!

  121. John says:

    I would buy some new pans that I have something nice to cook in for my new years party!

  122. Kathy says:

    Happy birthday, Kaweah! She’s just beautiful.

    I would get new Silpats (mine are pretty mangy), some half sheet pans, new measuring cups and spoons, and a nice new tea kettle.

  123. Laura says:

    What would I buy if I win this giveaway? Decisions, decisions! Maybe a mandoline, some nice new mixing bowls, or even some new bakeware! Thanks for the opportunity. And Happy Birthday to that pretty girl!

  124. Richard says:

    I would definitely use the gift certificate for a Dutch oven!

  125. Natalie says:

    Happy Birthday to Miss K! She’s a lucky girl.

    CHEFS for me is the equivalent of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition for all my male friends. I salivate over it! To that end, my purchase list would be a mandolin (for me) and a nice sturdy set of mixing bowls (for mom) because our old ones keep tipping when you mix something vigorously in them. Oh and wooden spoons since you can never have too many.

  126. Lily says:

    Happy Happy Birthday Kaweah! What a lovely birthday celebration! Many hugs and kisses to you!

    I would love a new 10 inch chef’s knife from Shun or Wusthof.

  127. Shannon says:

    Your dog is adorable! She’s half the reason I visit your site ;) I love how intent she looks when the whites of her eyes show as she’s scarfing down that steak.
    If I had the certificate, I’d probably put it towards a set of new pots or pans, seeing as the ones I have now are all either rusty, crusty, or banged up. Gross.

  128. Dawson says:

    I would probably buy one thing for me and one thing for my mom!

    Kaweah is so beautiful and cute. I am in the middle of finals week so it was really nice to see some adorable pictures of her. May she live 11 more years! :)

    Thank you!

  129. Teressa Harrington says:

    I would put the gift certificate towards a LeCreuset dutch oven. Then I would only feel half as guilty for spending so much money.

  130. Jennifer says:

    A great chef’s knife!

  131. Jess says:

    I’d buy myself a new blender. My current blender is a pain in the but to use and clean.

  132. Debbie says:

    1st: Happy Birthday to Kaweah, she is a beautiful & very well trained dog. I’m glad you explained about her not looking at something she wants, I wondered why she wasn’t looking at the meat in the steak photo. My favorite was the cupcake/friends photo though.

    Were I to win the gift, I would probably be like a kid in a candy store: don’t get to shop for kitchen stuff that much due to finances. Anyway, I would use whatever I got to cook/bake for friends/co-workers since I live alone with 3 cats (crazy cat lady) & they do not eat people food. I love to cook for friends & they are always very appreciative. Thank you Jen.

  133. Carolyn says:

    Kaweah is a beauty, looks a little like my Sydney although she’s going on 12 years. Since my kids are treating me to the Tramontina cookware set for Christmas, I would buy a large saute pan at Chef’s. Hope you have a great new year!

  134. Erin says:

    Heck yes, it would be for me! I’m about to move from Michigan to live with my boyfriend in Boulder and I don’t own any kitchen equipment. I’m not entirely sure what would be on my shopping list, but it would definitely include a rubber spatula because my boyfriend DOES NOT OWN ONE. For reals.

    Happy birthday to Kaweah – those pictures are great!

  135. Jennifer says:

    Happy Birthday Kaweah! I wouldn’t mind winning a puppy, but since that isn’t an option, a new bundt pan would be nice!

  136. sheauen says:

    Happy Birthday Kaweah! She’s my favorite blog mascot. =)

    The chefs gift card is a great idea! I would use it towards a food processor, a kitchen aid, or an electric griddle and a french press. I can get carried away pretty quickly…maybe a blender….the possibilities are endless.

  137. jie says:

    before i read this entree, i have always been thinking that she is only 3 years old..i don’t know where does that come from..have you mentioned it anywhere in your old entrees? Or maybe i am not reading thoroughly enough.. anyway…
    happy birthday to Kaweah!!! many happy years to come and hope she live a long long life.

    Gift cards?hmm..i don’t really need to buy anything right now, so if i am the lucky person, you can give it to someone who really need it

    holiday season, everything goes a little crazy, but hope you are having a relaxing holiday and again, Happy birthday to little baby it!

  138. Red Fern says:

    Beautiful dog! Don’t worry about her “scarfing” down the beef, she’s not really supposed to chew in the same way that humans and herbivores do.

    Also, the tomatoes in your tacos look positively luscious! Yum!

  139. gfpumpkins says:

    I would likely buy a new skillet, as I currently only have one. And perhaps fill my order out with a second medium sauce pan! (can you tell I’m still building my kitchen?)

  140. Barbara says:

    I would love to have a panini press/grill.

  141. Jenni says:

    I would use it to get a dutch oven and spring form pan for myself.

  142. Carter @ The Kitchenette says:

    Hmmmm I am in dire need of a roasting pan. So I’d probably put it toward one of those!

  143. lisa says:

    I love making my own pasta, it just never comes out right. I can never seam to get the dough rolled thin enough. I would splurge on a pasta roller.

  144. Lindsey says:

    After making pancakes two at a time in a skillet this weekend, I’m totally in the market for a double burner griddle. And I’m sure I’d find lots of other fun things that had to be had with a gift card if I won!

    Happy birthday Kaweah!

  145. Kim says:

    I have an 11 1/2 year old dog. Kaweah’s puppy picture really tugged at my heartstrings!! Whenever my dog Ella was competing in agility, each time she got a qualifying score at a trial, she got a steak (or special meat) dinner. Now she’s retired, but she still gets plenty o’ home cooked meals.
    Happy birthday to your sweet girl!!

    I’m facing a kitchen remodel in the coming year; we have a vintage 1967 kitchen that needs some modernizing. So $100 at CHEFS would really be a sweet reward for my patience and fortitude through the remodel, which I’m told will make me crazy. I’d love some baking pans; don’t have any for layer cakes! I’ve been really wanting to experiment with some of the new silicon (silicone?) cupcake pans, too.

  146. Cassie H says:

    I’m a sad clown . I cant used real butter my cholesteral is to high. Alas, If I do win I will buy something for my mother since she feed me great food for years.

  147. Amy says:

    I would start with whatever people do not get me for Christmas gifts (silpat mats, microplane, etc) and go a little crazy from there!

  148. Stephanie says:

    I would love to get myself a nice stand mixer so this gift card would put a nice dent in that!

  149. Jenni says:

    I would use the gift card for things I need when I move into my own place again in a few months.

    Kaweah is so beautiful! Happy Birthday!

  150. Tamara McGll says:

    Steak for birthdays = PURE LOVE…. regardless of species! I Love your blog! I have made, and given out via link your chocolate dipped butter cookie with candied orange peel recipes a zillion times… mmmm… They are simply amazing! With $100.00 gift card, I would be extremely decadent (Just like your cookies!) and use it for all the little things I lust after, yet NEVER buy for myself…because of a little thing like the needs of teenagers and husbands! Who knows the next thing you know I might do something totally selfish like order a pizza with the toppings I like! :)

  151. Nancy says:

    Oh, with the gift card I could just happily browse and buy. I haven’t had much ‘mad money’ in a while, so it would be nice to pick out a few extras to make cooking fun!

  152. bima says:

    I will cook some yummy stuff up for the holidays and donate 50 percent to Best Friends!

  153. clare says:

    i would invest in some le creuset– $100 wouldn’t cover a 5.5 quart french oven (in carribean blue, flame or kiwi) but it would be enough of a dent for me to let myself spend the rest.

  154. Jessie says:

    A really nice shiny knife! Badly need in this kitchen!

  155. Leah says:

    Could I put it towards a sous-vide machine? :)

    more likely I’d put it towards some nice knives. my little grad-student kitchen only has ancient hand-me-downs.

  156. YDavis says:

    Happy Barkday Kaweah!
    I would get me a new food processor. The one I had is now out of commission.

  157. Kim says:

    I need a really nice knife, the one I got at the fair 20 years ago just … doesn’t … cut … it.

  158. Neel | Learn Food Photography says:

    Happy Birthday Kaweah!! And What a great idea. Wonderfully done and executed! Super Great and Truly Unique. Never seen anything like this.

  159. Melanie says:

    I would totally get a dutch oven!

    I love this post, your pup’s bday celebration looked like great fun. :D

  160. Tanya says:

    I laughed so hard at Kaweah not looking at the cupcake. My dog does the same thing! I think with the gift card, I’d get a ceramic knife if they have them. I’ve been dying to get one for a long time now. :) Love the blog!

  161. Jean Badgley says:

    I would use it to purchase a dutch oven…or an immersion blender for my daughter

  162. gwendolyn (Patent and the Pantry) says:

    I love Kaweah updates! Happy Birthday to my favourite online puppy!

    As for the certificate, it seems to be a very popular item but I, too, would get a mandoline. Paper-thin slices of things for the win!

  163. Kaitlin says:

    I love the pictures with the cupcake!

    I’d buy tons of bakeware!

  164. heather says:

    my boyfriend and I love to cook, which of course comes with it the skill of slicing and chopping. if I were to win the $100 GC, I’d buy us a much-needed sharp, large knife that would allow us to cut steak as beautifully as Kaweah’s birthday treat. and how adorable that he gets a cupcake with a candle — did he blow it out? I bet he wished for meals like that all year long.



  165. averagebetty says:

    I saw your tacos on tastespotting and had to pop over and tell you how mouth-wateringly gorgeous they look! Bonus for me, you’re having a rockin’ giveaway! I would use the Chef’s card to purchase a large, heavy-duty pot… I am in dire need!

    Happy Bday Kaweah!

  166. Jason says:

    Spatulas because I keep breaking mine!

  167. Hannah says:

    I would be like a kid in a candy store! It would be a hard decision, maybe a food scale?!

  168. Rosa says:

    Happy Birthday Kaweah! What a sweet soul! I love the bow… A very lucky dog.

    OMG, i LOVE Tacos! Those look marvelous!



  169. Stephanie says:

    What a beautiful dog, gorgeous.

    I would definitely put it toward a food processor, or a microplane zester, or an immersion blender… I don’t know! Oh the choices!

  170. Nancy says:

    I would buy a good chef’s knife for my mom. All her knives are dull and partially broken and she refuses to spend money on new ones!

  171. Jen says:

    Love the dog, looking forward to trying the recipe.

    I want a GOOD knife. :-)

  172. Dave says:

    Happy Birthday Kaweah! My first visit to your blog by way of – great post (coming from a proud father of 2 black labs).

    I would buy a proper blender so I could start making my own proper smoothies… the immersion blender doesn’t do it for me in this department.

  173. Ronine says:

    Kaweah’s raffle – of course I will join! Congratulations to the beautiful girl – and her lucky family :)
    With a surprise gift like this, I would go for speciality items such as the Chocolate Truffle Shaver, and a torch and a set of ramekins for Creme Brulee so I won’t have any excuse not to take my dessert skills to a higher level.

  174. Valérie says:

    Oh, that is just precious! The pictures of Kaweah really warmed my heart!

    And I’ve been looking (half-assedly) for a good taco seasoning recipe, so thank you for sharing!

    With the gift card, I would probably get myself a really good sashimi knife…

  175. Georgia says:

    I moved out of my ex boyfriends house almost three years ago, and I still mourn the loss of the panini press that I had to leave behind. I mean, he was swell and everything, but oh that panini press! So yeah, I would get a press of my very own with that gift card.

  176. Dawn says:

    I am in love with Kaweah. *sigh* My own pup died a couple years ago, and I miss him every day. Thanks for giving us a virtual seat at Kaweah’s bday celebration – she couldn’t be cuter!

    What would I do with a $100 gift card? Hmmm… probably put it towards a stand mixer, which is something I’ve always wanted. But with so many great items available on that site, it will be a tough choice!

  177. Emmy says:

    I would buy a toaster; we’ve been using the broiler for toast for the past year or two and the amount of burned toast/burned hands/burning crumbs on the bottom of my oven is just ridiculous.

  178. Mandee Jo says:

    Happy birthday Kaweah! On our golden’s first birthday i made him peanut butter dog cupcakes and us a coconut cake. Our counters and low and he is VERY tall and he ended up scarfing down a third of the human cake before I could rescue it (: Good memories. As for the gift card I really want a pasta roller. Best wishes in your eleventh year Kaweah.

  179. Helen says:

    New knife, new knife!

  180. Mary says:

    Happy Birthday Kaweah!
    What I would do with the $100 dollar Chef’s catalog card would be to purchase a 5qt All Clad Saucier. I need something bigger for making candy in at the holidays.
    And I’ll go to the store here in Colorado Springs to get it, since it’s right up the road from work!

  181. Madhavi says:

    First time commenter, long time lurker. I love your photography … that’s what brought me to URB but then went on to try a few recipes as well.
    Kaweah is one beautiful dog. And I love her puppy pictures. Happy birthday to her.
    I really like what you did for her birthday. We have a mutt, the sweetest doggie in the world!! Unfortunately, couldn’t celebrate his birthday in style because I was defending my thesis the next day!
    As for the gift card, I would love to buy something special for my sister who is going through not so happy times personally and financially (even worse than my own grad student stipend!)

  182. Megan says:

    New kitchen toys for me and my new husband to play with! We could maybe use some “real” knives, or perhaps a large pot…. :)

  183. Crystal says:

    Happy birthday, Kaweah! I can’t believe my lab mix just turned 2 … our big challenge has been addressing her ever-increasing allergies :/

    Hmmm, I would get something enameled cast iron probably … or containers for flour, sugar, etc. Or bakeware for something that pops on my radar between now and then :)

    We keep a whole container of homemade taco seasoning on hand too! It’s one of the few things Chris is comfortable tackling on his own.

  184. Valerie says:

    I think I would have to get some decent mixing bowls and measuring cups and spoons…. My kids keep putting them in the wrong place in the dishwasher and they are all melted!

  185. Catherine says:

    I would probably get steak for my black lab Ella, who also loves to celebrate any and all reasons to have STEAK. And some cooking porn for my husband, who is the chef for both of us.

  186. Kirsa says:

    wow Kaweah is so cuuutteee… If I were to get that gift card, I think I’d go for some serious knives, candy thermeter…. silpat…. cooling racks…the possibilities are endless ! I’m discovering the art of baking and cooking at the moment, so I kinda need much of… everything. :)

    Also, I’d like to eat the dog’s plate.

  187. Lisa says:

    Happy BD, Kaweah! Hmmmm, I would love to get some gifts for others with the Chefs card, but would also love to get something fun and frivolous for MYSELF too. ( :

  188. Susan Marie says:

    It would be so hard to narrow it down, but I would lean towards knives or some kind of attachment for the Kitchen Aid mixer.

    And Happy Birthday to Kaweah – my yellow Lab, Rosie, will be 11 in January, and she has always been guilty of gulping down her food, too!

    Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  189. jennywenny says:

    Bless her with her lovely ribbon for her birthday! She’s such a good girl waiting like that!

    I would spend the voucher on a le creuset casserole.

  190. Kat Leonard says:

    I will probably be using it to buy some chocolate making gear. I’ve decided to make truffles and chocolates for Christmas to give away as gifts and I’m kind of at a loss for some of the things I need (Double boiler, silicon baking sheet, etc). On the other hand my knife collection is lacking… baking needs come first though! (Despite the fact that I am a terrible baker… )

  191. Jill says:

    FIRST…Happy 11th Kaweah! How lucky of you to have found J&J!

    AND…if I won the gift certificate I would give it to my sister who has provided more lovely meals in our time of need, without question, without wanting anything in exchange. Just out of love.

  192. Rosella says:

    Such a cute dog! And a nice celebration for her birthday. I know I’d buy a couple of new knives to replace the ones my husband uses (and loses) as box opening tools. And maybe that swiper blade for my KitchenAid. Oooooh, but a Le Creuset casserole sounds nice too …

  193. Asianmommy says:

    Happy Bday to Kaweah. I am in desperate need of a mixer. Can you believe I’m using the hand-held one I bought in college?

  194. Anne Henry says:

    I am craving a wafflemaker to make crispy waffles to be topped with sweet, fruity amd savory toppings. Yum. Happy Birthday Puppy!

  195. Melissa says:

    I’m smiling yet again – you really do talk a lot like I do (or vice versa) and you crack me up. Thanks for the easy taco seasoning. I’ve oft considered making my own.

    Happy Birthday to that face that always, always makes me melt. *Sigh* Much love and sloppy dog breath kisses to Kaweah.

    I don’t always enter your giveaway posts, but I must say I would love that $100 certificate. I’d use it toward a stockpot or one of the Wusthoff knives.

  196. meg says:

    i would put the money towards a dutch oven. . . because i desperately want to make braised ribs.

  197. Kassy says:

    Happy Birthday Kaweah! Such a beautiful dog! We like to pamper our beloved dog as well :) If I won I would totally buy a food processor!!

  198. Kristi says:

    What a cute pup! Who wouldn’t love a nice steak on their bday!? I started making my own taco seasoning when I was pregnant and craved Taco Bell all the time. I couldn’t live with the guilt of what “else” I imagined was in their taco meat, so…voila! Tastes much better than the packets too!
    My husband has wanted a citrus juicer for awhile, so I would get him one if I won the GC. I’ve also had my eye on a Krumkake iron.

  199. Jill says:

    I would use the gift certificate on a dutch oven, which I have been wanting for SO long – preferrably of the Le Creuset variety ;)

  200. Esi says:

    Happy birthday to Kaweah! I would use it towards a dutch oven..

  201. Chaitali says:

    I would love to get my first Le Creuset or a nice Shun or Wusthof knife. Or maybe an ice cream maker. A kitchenaid? Ok yeah…I’m would definitely get a Kitchenaid.

  202. Tera says:

    I think I’d have to put the money towards a dutch oven…

  203. Craig says:

    I fully applaud your birthday meal, I always made something special for my dog on his birthday!

    I am doing some baking this holiday season for the first time and am in dire need of some new baking sheets, pans, and a silpat or two!!

  204. Rachel Marsh says:

    I love the pics of your pupper…

    I would put it toward a Cuisnart processor…

  205. Beth R says:

    I have such a wish list already at Chefs that I would have to narrow it down to one of the following:
    A piece of Le Creuset in my favorite colors kiwi or caribbean
    Cusinart Griddler
    Wushtof knife
    Oh man this would be the perfect Christmas gift for me, something for my kitchen!
    Thanks for the chance, I will keep my fingers crossed!

  206. nicole williams says:

    happy birthday beautiful girl. i have a male version of kaweah…he just turned 5. and is my giant teddy bear. :)

    sadly…i would probably use it for a real salt and pepper mill. i can’t afford the good kind right now, and my walmart version just isn’t cutting it. sometimes i get whole peppercorns, sometimes i get nothing.

    i would also like some new baking pans…i inherited my mothers…and, needless to say, they’ve seen better days.

  207. Linda says:

    Chicago Metallic sheet pans. And maybe a nice chef’s knife.

  208. Luney says:

    I’d get a set of nice, niiiiiice knives for when I go to college and don’t have access to good knives. But I doubt they would let me take them on campus. That or a personal rice maker, something every asian kid should have when they leave the house!

    Happy birthday Kaweah! My dogs are pushing thirteen now. Sadly, I know neither of their exact birthdays, but I’m definitely doing something special when my baby cat turns one year old.

  209. Michelle L says:

    I would use it to by my friend a nice cast iron skillet and some nice new knives for home. That would be awesome

  210. Heidi says:

    I would buy kitchen supplies for myself… As selfish as that sounds, I really don’t have anything :(

  211. Amanda says:

    I would buy invidual cheesecake pans so that my dear family won’t have to fight about who took the biggest piece :)

  212. Angie says:

    Love the pic of Kaweah and friends around the birthday cake. I’ve been wanting to get a kitchen torch for creme brulee (my bf’s favorite dessert).

  213. Jonathan says:

    It would go towards a nice Dutch Oven.

  214. Manisha says:

    Happy Birthday, Kaweah!

    I’d put it towards a cast iron skillet and a whistling tea kettle and invite you over for dosas with tea!

  215. Lisa says:

    What a sweet puppy you have.

    If I were to win and I was going to be completely selfish and use it all on me, I would put it towards a nice mandolin.

  216. Susan Abbott says:

    I “might” give it to my sister and her partner, Sarah and Judy. You think Kaweah is spoiled? You should watch the feeding ritual that takes place with Bella, a rescue Boxer and Gabriel aka Peed, a Boston Terrier. Gabe is the alph dog, and will not eat unless his dry food is mixed with canned, spread on a paper plate, and the empty “wet” food container plopped on top of the food on the paper plate, with a few of the bits distributed on the floor around the plate. Bella graciously goes to her food, eats, leaves. Gabe licks the empty container, eats the food on the floor, eats the food in the bowl, and then cleans up around Bella, including licking the wall around Bella’s bowl. Do we know any other “alpha” dogs that assert themself in this way? By the way, Sarah, Judy, Bella and Gabriel live in the north woods of Wisconsin and are most likely jealous of the ski-time you get in CO.

  217. shelley says:

    if you want to extra ghetto your tacos – I grew up in the LA area also, fill your shells with your meat or non-meat as we do and top with cheese, put them in the oven at 350 or so for a few minutes until the cheese melts, then serve with bowls of the toppings, not only is this more ghetto, but it also allows the oils from the cheese and filling to reinforce the shell by softening it just enough that it won’t crack and break when you cook it

    .. when you eat it, I meant it reinforces it for eating…

  218. Amy H. says:

    What a gorgeous pup!

    I love to cook, but am a poor graduate student (for now) :). I think I would put it towards my first Le Creuset oven-ware piece or maybe some really nice knives!

  219. Jess says:

    Thanks for the giveaway, Jen – that pup pic of Kaweah melts my heart.

    I’d either buy gadgets my kitchen is still lacking (decent knife, colander, mixing bowl, silicone baking sheet, microplane) or put the card towards the cost of an espresso machine for my parents! We don’t do Christmas gifts anymore but I think this would be a nice surprise.

  220. Betsy Voigt says:

    I’d give it to my best friend as a wedding gift when she gets married in May. She’s a great cook, but doesn’t have any good equipment to work with.

  221. Stacy says:

    I would put it towards a dutch oven. I’ve been dying to try and teach myself how to braise short ribs.

  222. Tessa says:

    Ahh what a cute dog!!! :):) I would use the gift card to by myself a bread knife because I just moved and currently don’t have one so now crusty bread is my nemesis which is a really sad thing.

  223. Johanna says:

    I would love to get a microplane zester and a mandoline.
    What lovely pictures of Kaweah!

  224. Bri says:

    Happy Birthday Kaweah! I don’t know exactly when my pup’s birthday is, so we always celebrate right after new years. He’s going on 10 and as cute as ever (like someone else I “know!”)

    I dropped and broke my pepper mill a week after I bought it 5 years ago and the tape/super glue solution just isn’t cutting it. I’d love to have a new pepper mill. And maybe a sharpening stone for my knives. I live down the road from Kershaw so I can have my knives sharpened any time, but it requires a 5 hour investment on a weekday. Not something I can swing on just any old day. Besides, the geek in me would love to be able to put a razor’s edge on my knives any time the mood strikes!

  225. Jenny says:

    I’d buy a new toaster…my parents gave me their old one (combo microwave/toaster) but it smoked so much when i plugged it in that i had to chuck it.

  226. Andrea S says:

    Happy Birthday Kaweah!

    I would put the gift certificate toward a tart pan and some baking sheets/pans. I’ve been wanting to try some tart recipes. Thanks for having the giveaway!

  227. lynn @ human,being says:

    Knife. Fo’ shizzle. I did luckily gain custody of my wedding-gifted knives in the divorce, but I want more. And more bamboo cutting boards.

    Wow at getting K to sit for a picture with steak in front of her. That’s some training. And thanks for the taco seasoning recipe. I just tossed out a huge Costco bottle of nastiness, and this looks easy and delicious, with no MSG even.


  228. Rachy says:

    Cheers to the Birfday Girl! :)

    I would love to win the $100 gift certificate to put toward a food processor I need to make dozens of new recipes I want to try. umm…hello grilled corn & chilpotle soup recipe! ;)
    Also I would love the certificate because my sister can’t share one of the TWO food processors she has with me! At least she’s making up for it by alerting me to your give-away!! :p


    p.s. PLUS i’m graduating from UW-Madison next Sunday and it’d be a great grad gift! :D

  229. Sherry says:

    I totally “AWWW’ed” through this entire post. Kaweah is just so cute!

    And I would use that to buy some much needed kitchen supplies… As I venture more and more into the art of cooking and baking, I’m finding what I have on hand is just not enough or not good enough and it’ll give me a chance to expand my collection of supplies.

  230. Maya says:

    That’s some fancy dog food. I’m a cat person, but that dog is just adorable. I would totally buy me some metal bowls and ramekins. Mini bowls are so cute.

  231. Sheryl says:

    I would have a hard time picking something! Today I think I would get a food processor or put it towards a LeCreuset dutch oven. I love those!

  232. Marian says:

    Hey Jen! Puppy Kaweah is too adorable!

    I would get either a food processor or a stand mixer, it would be for myself and my husband. We’ve wanted both of these items for years and years but never had the spare money to get either.


  233. Courtney says:

    I would definitely give it to my friend who is huge into cooking but doesn’t have the funds to buy cool stuff (read: she’s in grad school). It’d make the perfect gift.

  234. Emily says:

    I would most likely use it on myself. I want to invest in a nice kitchen scale!

  235. Salena says:

    Happy birthday, Kaweah! I can’t believe she’s 11. She looks like a puppy.

    I would buy something for my fiance–probably a cast iron pan or food processor, which he’s wanted for a while.

  236. Katie McNeely says:

    Happy Birthday Kaweah!

    Jen, we met at Ignite last week and it was great to meet you in person. Thanks for the truffles! They made a great night even better.

    And if I won…I’d buy a nice knife and hmmm….whatever I didn’t get for Christmas!

    Katie (From Seattle, now living in Boulder)

  237. Kaja says:

    I would put it towards helping my mother buy the kitchen tools she so desperately needs.

  238. Tara says:

    im on my own and in my 1st apartment by myself and slowly building up my kitchen goodies. there a tons of things i wanna make but i don’t have all the things i need. i would love to win because it would really help out in this, since im in law school and perpetually broke!

  239. Amy says:

    Aww, what a cutie! Happy Birthday to Kaweah! She still looks like a puppy.

    I’d probably use the GC towards a food processor.

  240. Keeley says:

    I *need* a mandoline!

    Thanks for the “ghetto taco” recipe and the cute story with it. I still buy the huge warehouse-sized containers of taco seasoning. Maybe I’ll make my own next time. I’m shocked that your seasoning didn’t include salt.

    I made your carne adovada (with a 3 lb. pork loin) last night and the family enjoyed it very much! Oh, and your Kaweah is adorable!

  241. Lauren says:

    Such a beautiful dog! My puppy is about 4 and a half years old, and I love him to bits. I love Kaweah’s fur – its so shiny and gorgeous! If I won, I would get some kitchen things that I can take with me when I go off to school.

  242. Laura says:

    I would put it towards a Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer. I’ve been lusting after one for many years and have not yet been able to afford one!

  243. sb says:

    i would use it to get some of my most desired “wants” on my kitchen list!

  244. Justine says:

    I would use the gift card to anonymously buy a kitchenaid mixer for a good friend who has always wanted one, but would never spoil herself that way … she is one of the most generous and good-hearted people I know, and is always making food for others!

  245. joolz says:

    i can hardly believe that puppy is 11 years old. she looks amazing for her age. :)

    those tacos are gringo tacos, not ghetto. lol

  246. Ishelle says:

    What a pretty doggy!

    Also, cheers on making your own taco seasoning. Playing with spice ratios is the best!

    And finally, with the gift certificate, the first thing that comes to mind is a BLENDER, because I do not have one. And I would get a fancy one. Also I would consider finally replacing my dear 20-year-old coffee maker that no longer works but which I am keeping because I hold on to the idea that it can be fixed.

  247. Kelly says:

    Happy Birthday Kaweah! I would use it to upgrade some very old small kitchen appliances, like the crock pot. And hopefully have enough left to get some cool kitchen gadgets that I can’t justify spending hard-earned money on. But hard-won money, that would be different!

  248. Lori says:

    Hmmm, wow, I think I would get the 4 quart All Clad casserole pot. I have collected 3 All Clads so far. Little by little as they are so expensive. Well worth it though.

    I love, love, love that pic of him waiting to get the release command to eat his cupcake. So adorable. I just love lookin’ at your dog.

  249. Shorey says:

    so hard to answer this question!!
    I’d probably get some beautiful baking dishes so that I am even more inspired to share all my creations with everyone I know.
    thanks for all your inspiring writing and photos.

  250. Caitlin says:

    Aawww, K is just too adorable! It’s unfair, getting to see but not pet her :P

    Oh, and ghetto tacos? Awesome – I miss those. And crispy taco shells are a MUST.

  251. marcie says:

    i love tacos!

    i would get a dutch oven….i want one soooooo bad!

  252. Grace says:

    Happy Birthday Kaweah!!! She’s like my dog… when presented with food like that, he’ll hork it down without chewing. It’s a wonder he hasn’t choked yet. LOL. I call it, zest for life.

  253. Carmen says:

    Kaweah is adorable!! Thanks for the taco seasoning recipe – I keep looking for one that I like so I’ll definitely try this out.
    As for the gift card – I’d say that would be all mine! I love kitchen tools! I’m not sure what I’d buy with it, but I’d sure have fun shopping!

  254. Brenda says:

    Happy B-day dear Kaweah, and many more!! I love seeing all the dog dogs are OBSESSED with their stuffed pals! Thanks for the great giveaway….I am all about the all-clad, but I really need the gel floor mats more, oh my aching back!! Happy Holidays!

  255. lindsey says:

    i would use it for myself as an early birthday gift (12/23)…i’ve been eyeing a tart pan and some loaf pans

  256. Karen says:

    I would buy more plates and utensils so I can invite more people over for dinner :)

  257. Shirley says:

    Kaweah’s chocolate eyes melt my heart. So adorable! As a college student whose dinky old 4-cup coffeemaker barely made it through this past round of finals, I would definitely splurge on a nice new one to start off the new year. Happy holidays! :)

  258. Janet says:

    I would use it for a espresso machine or a start on a set of All-Clad stainless. Gave both of the “kids” sets of All-Clad for wedding gifts and I’m still using my 27 year old Farberware. That does say something for Farberware though!

  259. JessW says:

    Aww, Happy Birthday!! Super-excited because we just bought my Dad and new Lab puppy for Christmas :)
    I would love to splurge on myself with a gift card! Espresso machine, awesome new chef’s knife, ceramic knife, food processer… I could go on and on!
    Thanks for an awesome giveaway~

  260. Sara says:

    You are so lucky to have such a beautiful pup! Happy Birthday Kaweah!!
    For the gift card, I’d use it towards a stand mixer.

  261. Tyler says:

    Definitely a Gel Mat for my Fiance. She’s a baker, hopefully it will help with the long hours standing

  262. Caitlyn says:

    Very nice birthday party! The gift card would most definitely go towards gifts for my sister, whose birthday is right around the corner. Great giveaway!

  263. Twila M says:

    I love the b-day pictures!!

    My husband and I would definitely use the gift card – we love kitchen things….knives, spatula, pots, pans, maybe something decadent!

  264. Jean says:

    Wow – that is one disciplined dog! I would use the gift card towards an ice cream maker or a new chef’s knife or a yogurt maker or some new baking pans – the possibilities are endless!

    One of the earlier commenter was right – Jaden @ Steamy Kitchen just did a post on ‘How to Dry Age Steaks with Drybag’

  265. Amy says:

    Oh, absolutely a chef’s knife for my boyfriend (and me!). He used to work in a nice kitchen (now in art school) and I think the only thing he misses about the job is his nice knife…

  266. Ryan says:

    Looks like a very nice birthday birthday for the pooch. She looks great, like always. I really need a nice long serrated knife…and new pans…and new baking sheets…and…the gift card would be great.

  267. Christi says:

    We love celebrating our lab, LuLu, and her sister Sophie, a lhasa apso, birthdays too. They usually get a delicious treat of some kind- I don’t think our lab could handle sitting in front of a cupcake without losing her mind.

    I would love to get some good quality kitchen utensils so I can throw out the ones that I have from my college days in Boulder. :)

  268. Hope says:

    Kaweah is beautiful. I would buy a pasta roller; too bad Chef’s doesn’t sell puppies.

  269. EY says:

    I lust for a KitchenAid stand mixer and La Creuset.

  270. wing@foodarts says:

    Feliz cumpleanos to the big girl! I have a cancer survivor pal who I have been baking Lahey’s no knead bread for and I would love to be able to get her a lovely and colorful dutch oven of her own. Many thanks for the great posts, photos and reflections.

  271. Dawn says:

    ooooh, my greedy-me is in full swing! Thanks, Kaweah, for having a birthday! :) There’s no way anybody else but me would benefit from this card! Well, to be honest, I guess others would, because I usually bake for the staff at work, or for family…
    first on the list is the BeaterBlade. I have coveted one ever since I heard of them. The other option would be to top it up and get a French (Dutch???) Oven from LeCreuset. Or (again, with a top-up) a KitchenAid food processor. Now I have to stop writing, since I need time to peruse the website…

  272. Eat. Travel. Eat! says:

    Kaweah is so adorable! She looks great in every photo with beautiful and shiny outer coat :).

    With the gift card I think I would buy a pan. Need a stir fry pan that is not nonstick which is not too heavy…

  273. Emma says:

    Kaweah is so good at posing! What a cutie.

    I’d buy a Wustof chef’s knife! My mom has a few Wustof knives and I loooove them. My line cook boyfriend would also appreciate having a really quality knife around at home, not just at his work!

  274. caroline says:

    I would love some new baking tools! :)

    Happy birthday Kaweah!

  275. Nirmala says:

    Happy b’day to Kaweah! We too had a doggie (a spritz vareity) a year back. It came to us as on month old! I like the combo of the taco seasoning. Try adding 1 teaspoon of corainder powder. It will take the seasoning to the next level. I would very much like the gift card and I would buy a bunch of items I need to make macaroons! My recent dream is that. Failing miserably without lack of proper equipments!

  276. Mrs Ergül says:

    I think I will need to learn how to make tacos! Your photo had me drooling even when I was having lunch while reading this post!

    That photo of Kaweah and her toys is simply beautiful :DDDDDDD

    As for CHEFS….. I have been lusting for a Le Creuset grill pan since I do not have any grill pan in our kitchen. Most important of all, they are not china made! Either that or those lovely Glass Pedestal Candy Jars. They will look so good with all those treats!

  277. Georgia says:

    Beautiful dog! I would use the gift card to take my husband out to dinner — just the two of us at Antoine’s in the French Quarter!

  278. Caitlin says:

    OMG I have to start off with saying you are adorable (and a little bit crazy) for going all out for your puppy’s birthday! I love seeing/reading/”knowing” other people who get crazy for their pets but aren’t…you know, crazy in general. Or, at least not in the bad way. I threw a big tea party for my cats’ 1st birthday party (an arbitrary date as they’re strays) and everyone brought cool cat gifts. I was looking through old pictures and found one of my fat cat as a kitten sitting inside a hat-box like gift box. I’m not even sure she could fit her head in there now.

    As for the gift certificate. I’ve never checked out before, so I would have to methodically go through every single item they own, probably implement some sort of tracking and ranking system and then stress about the decision for a few days. And then I would probably buy way more than the gift card covered. I am stretching my wings in the world of bread making lately, but I also need some essentials like an extra bowl for my kitchen aid (multi-tasking). I also want to start vermicomposting, and they have some attractive counter top compost holders…ack, I need a spreadsheet. Thanks for letting us share in Kaweah’s birthday…happy snakes eyes, pup!

  279. Angela says:

    I especially loved this post because it was all about Kaweah. She’s seriously one of the most gorgeous black doggies I have ever seen. Her coat is sooo lustrous and I love her eyes. Hard to believe she actually gave you a minute or two to shoot her pics before scarfing down that steak sitting in front of her, tantalizing her nostrils. Or the fact that she actually looked directly at the camera instead of gluing her eyes to that piece of raw steak being presented to her…lol. So behaved!

    And as for Chefs, I would spend a portion of it on a new grill pan for myself and the rest on something nice for my best friend.

  280. Free says:

    no doubt about it….. cast iron fry pan and a microplane. All for me. I have been wanting this for years.

  281. Leona says:

    Don’t laugh but what I really want is a zester. And since that probably won’t take up the whole $100 I will be free to drool over baking pans and mandolins and sharp knives and popcorn poppers and oh so many other things!

  282. Karen says:

    I would buy a pasta machine. Happy birthday, Kaweah!

  283. Henry says:

    Cast iron dutch oven.

  284. Brenda S 'Okie in Colorado' says:

    Kaweah is the most beautiful dog I have ever seen.
    Happy Birthday Beautiful Kaweah♥
    I would probably get an All Clad skillet to replace my worn skillet, or I might get a new panini press. I just bought a Cuisinart panini press for my son for Christmas and have thought how nice it would be to have one for myself.
    The steaks at Whole Foods are nice, but, lately I have found the greatest thick ribeyes with wonderful marbling at Costco. Tender and juicy. You can’t beat them.
    Have a great Christmas and hope your New Year brings good health, love and lots of laughter.

  285. Leitha says:

    Happy Birthday to Kaweah! If I won, I would share the prize with my niece who also loves to cook and get something I want but would never get without it being a gift. :) Pans?

  286. Marisa says:

    Kaweah is one good-looking dog! Happy birthday from South Africa!

  287. Ruth S. says:

    Not 100% sure, but perhaps a pizza stone or cooling rack.

  288. 1pretzelgirl says:

    we would use the card to purchase an immersion blender or a new chef’s knife!

  289. JenJen says:

    I wish I got steak, cupcakes and a Mr Bunny for my birthday!
    I’d totally go for a mini food processor, ooor use it towards a big one :-)

  290. Erin from long island says:

    i would LOVE to be able to purchase a ricer!

    happy bday to your adorable little darling!!!

    I make my “taco” style seasoning the same way, only I use smoked paprika. you gotta try it!

  291. Viola says:

    Happy birthday Kaweah :)
    the picture at 11months is so cute…

    wat a treat.. cake then tacos…

    with $100 i would buy a Le Creuset casserole dish.. need one of those…

  292. Pomme says:

    Aawwwww, Happy birthday Kaweah!! That steak did look goooodd!!!

    With the voucher, i’d probably go for the pizza stone kit. My boyfriend’s special dish is pizzas and he has been lusting for one of these for months (and I love his pizzas too!!)…

    Wish you all amazing holidays with plenty of snow!

  293. Julia says:

    I just moved to a new apartment with a nice Kitchen (finally!! yay!!) and a it has “real” oven, so I would probably get a Le Creuset dutch oven to make nice stews this winter.

    But I would be happy with a nice hug from Kaweah! She’s just too adorable. Happy birtday!

  294. Patricia Scarpin says:

    Happy birthday to Kaweah! Here’s to many more birthdays to come! And she’s really celebrating it with style, Jen! :)
    That is such a wonderful giveaway – I was mesmerized on CHEFS website – so many great things I cannot find to buy here in Brazil!

  295. Maya says:

    Happy Birthday to Kaweah!!! She is too cute!!!

  296. Lucy W says:

    I still want a KitchenAid – but my sister is hoping to open a shop one day – helping her get started in the kitchen is a priority too!

    Now – how to use Kaweah to talk my husband into a puppy….

  297. Dawn says:

    Happy Birthday Kaweah! I would use the gift card to get some new knives.

  298. SallyBR says:

    She is soooo delicate eating that steak! Our dalmatian would wolf down the plate. He is turning 13 in March, and not doing too good lately, I am so worried

    What would I do with $100 at Chef’s? I think I would finally get a cast iron Dutch oven – 5 qt size – it would not be enough to pay for it, but it would sure help. I’ve been dreaming of getting one for years

    Happy Birthday, Kaweah!

  299. Kate says:

    What would I do with a $100 gift card? The Wusthof on the front page looks pretty tempting… but they have edge-brownie pans, and a pasta roller… I’d probably buy all the odd and end kitchen things I’ve been meaning to buy for months!

  300. Sil BsAs says:

    Mmmm… I’d buy so many things… but I think a dutch oven is the priority.
    So nice pictures of Kaweah… loved them!

  301. kitchen tigress says:

    Happy Birthday, young lady! Muah! Muah!

  302. Patricia says:

    Those pictures make me miss my puppy! Labs are INCREDIBLE! Happy Birthday, Kaweah!

    I would love to use that giftcard toward a KitchenAid Limited Edition Pro 620 Stand Mixer KP26M8XMC, or a Cuisinart Brick Oven, or aWaring Professional Deep Fryer, or a Chef’sChoice Deli Slicer #610, just to name a few (see, I have already been shopping! LOL)

    Have A wonderful Christmas!

  303. Elizabeth says:

    Happy Birthday to Kaweah! So many things to use it for… but I would probably use it toward a KitchenAid!

  304. Isaiah says:

    That’s so cute! Give her a happy birthday nuzzle for me. I would buy my mom something nice for Christmas like a dutch oven.

  305. Wend says:

    Happy Birthday to the number generating pup!
    I would share the card with my partner, as he and I are in the process of furnishing our first real home together. He will probably want something in stainless steel, and I will drool over kitchen aid mixers but not be able to cough up the rest of the dough for one…we both love cooking. Maybe a “real” pizza stone is in order, with a heavy-duty stock pot (as opposed to our aluminum one that is missing a lid…).

    oh how fun it is to dream

  306. Alexis Ellis says:

    I would get some bread pans – sick of slaving over bread and then stressing about varying degrees of doneness. Happy Birthday to Kaweah!!

  307. Amanda says:

    The birthday celebrations are so cute! I just moved so I’d buy some kitchen stuff for the new house…mmm, exciting.

  308. Aria says:

    I would probably invest in a good kitchen knife for my friend Sydney, she literally has ONE knife that is useable in her entire house and the handle got eaten by her dishwasher’s insanely hot temp.

  309. Joyce Di Rienzi says:

    I would buy butternut squash, carrots, corriander, cardamon pods and cardamond ground
    and make a healthy soup for a depressed friend.

  310. Kristen says:

    i would get something all clad…

  311. Liana says:

    Happy birthday, Kaweah! You’re one lucky dog!
    I’m not sure exactly what I will get from Chef’s, but most likely bakewares.

  312. Patty says:

    I’m taking my first chocolate candy making class and I’d buy all the things I’d need to temper chocolate and other candy making tools. And maybe a small torch for making perfect, caramelly, sugary, crispy crusts on my favorite dessert – creme brulee!

  313. Peggy says:

    Hi Jen, thank you for the generous birthday giveaway! Kaweah is one lucky girl! I would probably get a meat grinder attachment for my kitchen aid. I’ve been wanting to try making homemade sausage. I would also get a couple more half sheet pans, silpats, miscellaneous baking stuff. Somehow I think I could spend it!

  314. Kelly Dugan says:

    oh wow i might give it to my boyfriend so he can buy me a le creuset oven this christmas! haha or just buy a few smaller things for me, the boyfriend and friends.

  315. The Flying Quiche says:

    Happy Birthday doggy! You cute girl! As for that gift card- I would probably get some jelly roll mats because I keep burning my cookies due to a tempermental oven :(

  316. liz says:

    i would give it to my partner who is a cook

  317. Kristin says:

    I’d buy a new rice cooker (or at least put the gift card towards it),

  318. Auntie Kathy says:

    Well, I’d drive over to the Chef’s store (because it’s in MY TOWN, mwaaaahahaha!) and drool over stuff. Then I’d get a magnetic spice rack/utensil system to go behind my stove, to keep me from walking back and forth like a crazy woman to the pantry every time I want to tweak my seasoning! And some small bone shaped cookie cutters so I could make Tegan the Wonder Dog gift bags for her 6th birthday party next month.

  319. MsAngelaMarie says:

    probably first and most important, a good zester. I know I’m not going to the right places for one, but I can’t find one anywhere. I’ve been wanting to make those lime meltaways for literally months now! I also would like a springform pan to start experimenting with cheesecake, yummmm. Very cute pics of the birthday dog, by the way. & the tacos look delicious… time for lunch now! :D

  320. Anthony says:

    I’ve been in serious need of a food processor! Although once I start searching through the chefs catalog at time of purchase theres no telling what my mind will do…

  321. cd_mcg says:

    kaweah seems like such a great dog! i tried putting treats on my dogs’ noses like you do with kaweah, but they just look at me dumbfounded wondering why the treat is not going in their mouths, haha. i’m still a beginner at cooking and, actually, most of my better dishes have been from your site, so if i get the gift card, i would buy a dutch oven to help build up the few tools i have in my kitchen. thanks for doing the giveaway!

  322. Sheri says:

    Hi Jen,

    Happy 11th Birthday to my favorite black dog! Please give the card to someone who will really really use it, I just wanted to wish the girl a Happy Birthday!

    Hello to Jeremy and I wish you both a wonderful Holiday together.

  323. JMc says:

    Happy Puppy Birthday!
    That 100 bucks would go towards an dutch oven!

  324. Jessica says:

    Happy Birthday to Kaweah!! What a lovely celebration. Love the food, admire the photography! I would use the gift card towards a food processor since my husband won’t let me near the knives…. ;)

  325. Jaime says:

    Happy birthday Kaweah!! I would use the gift card towards…finishing my Xmas shopping — maybe something nice for my fiance since he’s so nice to me all year! :)

  326. Johna says:

    What a pretty dog! I sometimes make dog biscuits for my dog’s birthday, but never steak. I’m kinda jealous.

    I don’t know what I’d buy… maybe a new nonstick frying pan, a dutch oven, or a food processor. Of course, cake and tart pans would be nice too.

  327. Nekkutyttoe says:

    Congratulations Kaweah! That’s such a wonderful deli plate for her, she must have been happy. Adorable look on her face.
    I would use the gift card to get some bakeware that’s ridiculously priced here. I’d love some small tartelette tins for example. You’ve got such a good selection over in the US, I’m envious! :)

  328. Yarnbabe says:

    Pick me to win!!
    Your pup is such a cutie and so well behaved! (in the pictures, at least! )

  329. Pam says:

    Gift card – lets see. I’m sure I could find some wonderous new think for my kitchen and my passion for cooking or a great Christmas gift for my mother-in-law.

    11 years old, she sure looks young. My black labs are 8 and 7 and are a showing a lot more gray around their nose and mouth.

  330. esmerelda says:

    I would send the card to my sister-in-law who graciously allowed my mother to move in with her & my brother 6 years ago. My brother passed away 3 years ago and my SIL told my mum “don’t worry, your home is here with us always”. My SIL is a hero! I live overseas and my mum can’t travel to come live with me, so her generosity is a great gift to us all.
    Kaweah must have had a great birthday, her party food definitely looked great1

  331. mirinblue says:

    A dutch oven! (La Crueset!) or an All Clad stainless (huge) skillet. You have The Most Beautiful Dog I have ever seen! Happy Birthday sweet pup…

  332. Yosha says:

    Wow well that’s quite the birthday treat!

    Well I just moved countries and one my best friends bought a house. I have to restock my kitchen (got rid of stuff I’ve used since my student days) and she has to update her kitchen as well. I really really really want a madeline pan, some new spatulas, measuring spoons oh and a muffin top pan! I am not sure what she’d need but it would be fun perusing the catalogue together and splitting a prize!

    Thank you so much for the chance!


  333. chris says:

    I would use the GF for a cupcake stand and piping tips.

  334. Elizabeth says:

    Kaweah is so cute, now and as a puppy. I love how all her favourite toys attended her birthday cake. Cute!

    With the CHEFS gift card … I’d probably put it towards a dutch oven.

  335. Laura Vanderschaaf says:

    Cute birthday pics : ) If I won the CHEFS gift card I would finally purchase the dutch oven I’ve been pining over for years.

  336. Katherine says:

    Looooove Kaweah’s toys! I would get a dutch oven so I can try baking my own bread, in additional to a million other things!

  337. quynh says:

    Happy Birthday Kaweah! She’s beautiful! & her birthday dinner plate looks mighty tasty.
    with the card.. i’d love to get a food processor.. my mini chopper takes forever to grind up things :)

  338. Carly says:

    I would buy baking tools. I just busted my 1 cup measuring cup while finishing up my Christmas baking.

  339. Alison Pepito says:

    I would buy lots of baking tools for myself. I deserve it!

  340. Paula says:

    Happy Birthday, Kaweah! With a gift card I think I would either get a Shun santoku knife or replace my aging springform pan.

  341. Carrie says:

    I am craving a Le Cruset Dutch oven in that lovely robin’s egg blue color!

  342. Nanette says:

    using it to buy groceries to cook for my family since I’m moving home from college, and without me, they eat poorly and unhealthfully! They (and I) are happy for me to be back so we can eat home-cooked meals again together!

  343. Kristin says:

    I would put it towards a Le Creuset casserole….and maybe a new cookie sheet (simple I know….but I need another one)! Happy Birthday Kaweah!

  344. Tammi says:

    Great pictures and recipe. My duaghter (13 years old) is competing in our 4H cooking show. She won Best of Show at the State Fair of Texas this year. So I bought her a new Kitchenaid mixer, but it only came with the paddle attachment. So I would purchase the whisk and dough hook for her new “toy.”

  345. Kevin says:

    A KitchenAid stand mixer has been on my wishlist for quite some time, I would put the gift certificate toward giving my hands/whisks a break and letting the KitchenAid work its magic.

    Kaweah is so lovely and well-trained, my pup could learn a lesson or two!

  346. Stephanie says:

    That is TOO cute! My dog, Tegan, won’t look at her treats until we tell her “Get it!”

  347. Sharon says:

    I’m looking at going to pastry school next fall, and will be needing tons of new equipment. I’d spend the 100$ on…. man, I don’t know… there are so many choices! I think for now, it being Christmas time and all, I’d really like to get a good pastry bag & accessories set, and some cookie cutters.

    Happy day, puppy! I wish I had my own Kaweah!

  348. Alice says:

    Happy birthday, Kaweah!

    I would buy some mini loaf tins.

  349. a says:

    Aw, happy birthday Kaweah! Raspberry! :)

    I would give the gift card to my sister; she’s the chef in this family!

  350. Adelina says:

    Absolutely love your dog… you can give Kaweah to me, ANY TIME!!! Kidding!

    I don’t know what I’ll use the gc for….if I win anyway! But I like to think that I need a nice Dutch oven, if I could get it!

  351. Diana Banana says:

    Happy birthday to the pup!!! I love how she tries to lessen the temptation of a tasty treat in front of her by averting her eyes. Out of sight, out of mind, right? What a good girl…

    I really need new pots, the handles of the ones I still have from college are falling off. It’s really not helpful when I’m trying to dump the contents of the pot into a colander!

  352. Laura says:

    My Dad has dry-aged a prime rib a couple times for past Christmases. I think he does it in the fridge… unwrapped, covered in towels, which he constantly changes. That’s about all I know about his process, I’m afraid…

    As for the gift card, It would be mine, all mine! And would go towards some new pans to replace the sub-college-grade ones I’m still using.

  353. anna Murphey says:

    Your dog is so cute!

    What i would get? Oh goodness, I have a whole list of kitchen utensils I want, I would get one of those nifty infrared thermometers I think.

  354. Donna says:

    Happy birthday to Kaweah! She is a beauty.

    Cake pans, oh my goodness, cake pans. Mine are ready for retirement.

  355. Jim says:

    Happy B-Day to your puppy, dogs are the best!

    If I won the gift card, I would buy some pots and pans, etc.. for the local shelter that provides meals and food for those here in my community that don’t always get a good hot meal, especially now around the holidaze.

    If everyone did one, small selfless act to help another, a lot less people (read… families), would be in need and have a much happier holiday time knowing people out there really do care… ;{)}

  356. sharon Brown says:

    new cookware

  357. Kylie says:

    Happy Birthday Kaweah! She is absolutely gorgeous.

    I am dying for a mandoline and one of those cast iron griddle plates.

  358. Ilana says:

    Oh wow! Great giveaway! I’d love to get one of those Chef Mats! I’ve had my eye on one for a year. I love your blog :)

    Every time I read it I feel the need to make glorious 20-step meals and attain a large, black dog to sit at my knees while I do so.

    <3 Ilana

  359. jenn says:

    i can’t believe Kaweah is 11 years old! Her coat is so shiny black and her doesn’t even have a white muzzle!

    As for the gift certificate…i’ve always wanted a cast iron skillet and i need to replace my whisk

  360. Jenny says:

    Happy Birthday Kaweah!! My birthday is the 16th!! I’m in good company. I would use it to go toward a new food processor as I think mine is on it’s way out!

  361. Jayme says:

    I have the same birthday as Kaweah! Hooray for Dec. 14th what a great day to be born ;)

    and if I won the gift card, I’d buy more tartlet molds and maybe a couple new baking sheets. You can never have too many!

  362. Karyn says:

    Happy Birthday Kaweah!

    If I won, I would buy… world peace.

    hahaha – OK, what I’m really coveting is one of those oval shaped deep fry pans that I’ve seen on Rachel Ray’s show. Or maybe a really good knife… so many choices!

    Love your blog, and your recipes. Mmmmm!

  363. Andrea says:

    Happy Birthday Kaweah! I think I’d spend it on the Zojirushi Rice Cooker that my husband has been eyeing for a couple years.

  364. Jamie Zaj says:

    I would buy bakeware. I am a graduate student with very limited funds and just realizing my joy for baking. I would love more tools to help me become a better baker (decorating tips, pans, etc.)

  365. beth says:

    I just moved and discovered a wonderful friend-of-a-friend who has made my new place feel like home. She’s a fantastic cook and we’ve been working to try one new recipe a week. Some recipes are on the hold list waiting for one of us to come up with the extra money to buy special tools . . . would love to speed up that process!

  366. Phong says:

    Aww, happy birthday, Kaweah!

    I just love your photos, but your photos of her are just amazing! Her coat is always so shiny!

    If I won, I’d buy some baking essentials, like silicone mats, more cookie sheets, etc. And I think I’m gonna have to spend some on a knife block for my mom, she seriously needs one of those.

  367. stacy says:

    I’d love to get a nice pepper mill. Your dog is a cutie!

  368. Shel says:

    Happy Bday doggie! I would get some real nice commercial cutting boards. Thanks for the chance to win such a generous prize!

  369. farmerpam says:

    I need a really big stainless steel pot for cheesemaking. Mine is too small to do double batches. Thanks for a chance……….love the big bow on Kaweah, my girl would have rolled around and ripped it off in two seconds!

  370. Diana says:

    happy bday dear kaweah! i’d go for a cuisinart griddle!

  371. Taryn says:

    I just bought my first house, and it has an impossibly small kitchen – I’d use it to buy a hanging pot rack!

  372. Adrienne says:

    I’d buy a waffle iron so I could eat them every day and become fat and happy!

  373. Christina B. says:

    I would buy my mom a nice hand-mixer. Hers is probably from the 70’s!

    PS – I LOVE the meals you make for Kaweah on her birthdays! And she always looks so well behaved.

  374. Memoria says:

    I would get pots and pans or a steam pot to make tamales. My mom would love that.

  375. kim says:

    I am dreaming of some nice pots/pans.

  376. ivanka says:

    I don’t know yet… so many things to choose from! Probably a new Le Creuset pot. Or maybe a Wusthof knife. Or an All-Clad pasta pot. Can I borrow kaweah to help me choose?

  377. Min says:

    We dry age our standing rib roast every Christmas. We use an old dorm fridge. Just put the roast in there for about a week. Slice off the dried bits. Cook with only salt and pepper.

    For Christmas, I want truffle salt and truffle butter.

  378. Jamie says:

    Your photography is gorgeous! I’ve just spent hours looking through your site this evening. I am so glad I stumbled on it. I would buy a dutch oven and my husband has been dying for a quality pepper mill.

  379. Suhartini Perkins says:

    Happy Birthday Kaweah!!

    If I won $ 100.00 of Chef card, I would love to buy Le Cruset small Dutch oven. I bought the knock off one from Sam’s and loved it. I would love to experience to cook with the real Le Cruset.

  380. Andrea Meyers says:

    Our black lab used to give us that same soulful look when she wanted something. What is it about labs and their eyes? Melts your heart.

    My lovely children broke the knobs on our toaster oven, and of course now it no longer works. I would choose a toaster oven replacement, probably one without knobs.

  381. Jennifer A. says:

    For some reason, those pictures made my day! She looks so sweet I love the captions! That is one lucky pup :)

  382. Andrea says:

    some lovely new bakeware to help me and my cousin in our holiday baking :) Happy Belated Birthday to Kaweeah!

  383. Kris L. says:

    I have been inspired to make bundt cakes of ALL sizes so I’d use it to stock up on a few cake pans :)

  384. Jessica T. says:

    I’d use it to buy cake pans and a new shiny wok, because I can.

    And happy birthday to the bundle of cuteness!

  385. Marie says:

    Aww. Love that you did not skimp on presentation for her birthday meal! :)

    As for the CHEFS card, I would finally buy some proper baking/roasting ware.

  386. Sarah says:

    Ooh, I think I’ll definitely be mixing up the taco seasoning. Not a fan of the packets, they always get all hard and gross in the cabinet!!

    I’d use the gift card as a present to my mom- her birthday is Christmas Eve!

  387. Tammy says:

    A food processor so that I can make that fantastic looking tomato soup.

  388. Amy says:

    What a sweet puppy! I would probably stock up on all the little odds and ends that you never think to buy, lol.

  389. Amy I. says:

    Happy birthday, sweet girl! I’d choose a Chef’s Mat. I’ve been spending so much time playing in the kitchen lately; my body would be quite thankful for something cushy to stand on. Just had waaaay too much fun poking around that website :)

  390. Nate says:

    I think I’d buy Annie a few more Silpats.

  391. jo says:

    Happy birthday to Kawaeh! Pls give her a virtual big, big hug from me … she is so, so adorable. Not sure if entries from Singapore is counted but I would love some cooling racks and bakeware (huh, as if I don’t have enough already).

  392. Lisa says:

    Happy Birthday Sweetie! I would use the gift card for one (or maybe more than one) of the following: a mandoline , a zester, a new knife, a few more cookbooks.

  393. yjiean says:

    Happy bday kawaeh! I will get silpats, and add more $$ to get a stand mixer.

  394. christina says:

    i would get new kitchen essentials for my new apartment!

  395. Erica says:

    Happy Birthday beautiful black dog Kawah from my black girl dog HayleeBug!! now if only mine would sit that still for pics!

    I would likely give the chef’s gift certificate to my Father-in-Law, he is a very good cook and loves to make meals & treats for family and friends :-) which is good since we like to eat! He makes a fantabulous White Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie and an even better Lemon Sour Cream Pie (which I beg for whenever we go to visit ;-)

  396. Marcia Morse says:

    I’ve been “putting together” a kitchen for my youngest daughter and this card would be a great bonus.
    As an aside….I was wondering if you could recommend a practical book on making vegetarian sushi. My daughter has a great interest and I would like to light the spark in her kitchen creativity.
    Thank you……Marcia
    PS….Happy Birthday wishes to Kiaweah. Such a beautiful furry freind.

  397. Pam says:

    I would probably buy some books or knives.

  398. Megan says:

    Happy Birthday Kiaweah!

    I’d outfit my dad’s kitchen with what he needs, as well as what I’d like there when I visit.

  399. Duffy says:

    What a terrific birthday for your amazingly well-behaved dog! Our Australian Shepherd just turned 15 and all she got was a special trip to the vet to make sure she’s doing well.

    Offering a Chefs card to your readers is a way-too-generous birthday prize. I hope it comes with a picture of Kaweah; we’ll show it to Sophie and see if any old-dog sparks fly.

    My partner does most of the, um, experimental cooking around here. I’d use the money on the card to help cover the cost of a stand mixer, which he desperately needs.

    Thanks! Duffy

  400. Kelly @ The Wicked (awesome) Whisk says:

    Mmm… I would get the pasta maker attachment for my Kitchen Aid. Making pasta is one of the last bastions of homemade cooking that my husband and I have not conquered. Happy Birthday Kaweah!

  401. Sarah Welch says:

    Happy Birthday Kaweah!

    As for that lovely gift card, I would buy a new Dutch oven! :)

  402. DeeDee says:

    PUPPY! Or I guess $100 will do. Do they sell puppies? Then I guess I buy a piece of La Crueset or a knife or microplane zester. :)

  403. Ella says:

    I absolutely love your puppy. I cannot wait to get one. I would use this gift to buy a few things for my aunt who has two small kids and they live on less than 2,000 a month. It amazes me how she can pay a mortgage and everything else. She is the coupon queen and I think she would love a splurge gift like this. Thanks so much for your site. It’s great!

  404. Jenifer says:

    Happy Birthday Kaweah! I’d like a puppy….but I suppose a $100 gift card to chefs would work too. I’ll probably end up buying a couple new pans and maybe a knife, just a few things to make whatever I do in the kitchen a bit easier.

  405. Steve says:

    I am so going to make that taco seasoning. As for what I would do with the CHEFS gift card, I think I would get a nice non stick pan to make eggs in!

  406. Janet says:

    Happy Birthday Kaweah! And, many thanks to you for the give-away!

    I would use your gift card to replace the mixer I knocked off the counter preparing Thanksgiving mashed potatoes! I’m still not over it… Sniff. Sniff.

  407. Jenn says:

    Happy Birthday to Kaweah!

    I have no idea what I would get with the gift card. Attachments to our new-to-us (and free) KitchenAid mixer? A burr coffee grinder because my old cheapo is about to bite the dust? Some new cake pans? Hmmm…too many choices. :)

  408. kms says:

    omg…that puppy photo! she is one lucky doggie. i would buy little used kitchen gadgets for my husband. he loves them.

  409. chriesi says:

    Happy Birthday to Kaweah! How adorable! Mine is going to get kind of the same dinner for Christmas. :)

  410. Elisabeth says:

    What a precious puppy!

    With that other puppy, I’d buy a new knife!

  411. Hilary says:

    You have such a pretty puppy :)

    I would use a $100 Chef’s gift card to buy new spoons, spatulas and other items like that. Mine are old and some have melt-marks on them from hot skillets. Time for an upgrade!

  412. Elsa says:

    Ooooh, what I would choose…. First, I would respect our house rule: don’t buy anything for yourself in the weeks leading up to the holidays. But on December 26th, I would go COMPLETELY NUTS and buy myself:

    – a tapered rolling pin
    – a biscuit-cutting set, either plain concentric circles or fluted circles
    – new flexible cutting mats
    – a Microplane
    – some Spanish smoked paprika
    – an omelet pan

    Oh, yes, I could have some fun with this prize.

  413. Doris says:

    Le Creuset all the way! T’would be a X-mas gift for me. So touched by your little party for Kaweah–used to do the same for my dog too. Love your blog by the way!

  414. Nancy says:

    I think I would buy a stand mixer to assist with baking homemade birthday cakes for my loved ones! Then it would be the gift that keeps on giving. Happy Birthday, Kaweah!

  415. Kim says:

    Happy Birthday Kaweah!! :) You are a precious girl!

    I would use the gift card to buy a much needed stand mixer! It would help so much.

    Thank you for the generous giveaway.

  416. Dana says:

    Joyeux Anniversaire Kaweah!

    I would get a steam cooker!! I’m a novice at cooking, so I would love to play with creating easy, healthy meals using a steam cooker. :D

  417. Maria S. says:

    I just found your site through the Menu 4 Hope fundraiser… it’s great! Beautiful photography :). If I can play along in the giveaway, too, I’d definitely get a new saute pan, since I always overflow the one I have.. and cleaning the stovetop just isn’t fun.

  418. Jennifer says:

    Beautiful Puppy and I love her birthday dinner. It looked perfect.
    I would probably get a whole bunch of special tools that I have been needing oh and a new cookie sheet with an insert. I have given so many as a gift but have never bought myself a good one.

  419. Jennifer O says:

    Love the puppy celebration! I would use the gift certificate to buy a new, full set of matching ramekins to improve my baking capabilities for baking in the new year!

  420. Joan says:

    I’d get a really good saucepan, All-Clad probably.

    Happy birthday Kaweah!

  421. Kelly says:

    I only wish my birthday dinner looked that tasty!

    In some ways it’s hard to justify another kitchen gadget for my overflowing cupboards, so while I would love to put the money toward a Le Creuset cast iron pot – I would probably put it toward the purchase of a really good all purpose knife.

  422. Unplanned Cooking says:

    Your puppy (now dog, I guess) is sooo cute! I would definitely use the gift card towards a new blender. I broke mine.

  423. Sherylyn says:

    If I were a nicer person, I’d donate it it to the needy or something…but the idea of getting $100 CHEFS gift certificate, all for me, makes me kind of giddy. I am desperately in need of some bakewear, but a roasting pan would also serve me well, as would some cooling racks…oh the possibilities!

  424. Anna says:

    I would buy a pasta machine because hand rolling pasta is exhausting work but I love fresh made.

  425. Vespertina says:

    I would buy some really nice non-stick skillets. I’m an unemployed college student trying to cook my own food instead of falling into the trap of eating out all the time, and I absolutely LOVE cooking and do it as often as possible. However, my tools are generally bought at the “Everything under $10” store, so they make it a million times harder. A good, quality skillet would make ALL the difference!

  426. Margaret says:

    Happy birthday Kaweah!
    If I got the giftcard I would probably gift it to my sister who is starting culinary school in January! I’m almost more excited about it than she is and I think she would put that $100 to very good use.

  427. elizabeth says:

    A Soup Pot! I’ve been lusting after a particularly wonderful soup pot for some time…. although… A Chef’s Knife! A really good sharp Chef’s knife…. and then again,,,, A new Teapot! Oh so many great items to choose from! Item 24430 Old Dutch Cookware stand! That’s the ticket!

  428. Caroline says:

    I think I would put it towards a Le Creuset pot.

  429. Mysticmeg says:

    Bark…Bark…Happy Birthday from Allie (my puppy girl) to Kaweah! (Just do not tell puppy girl when she turns 14 years in January she is old) She has a very young spirit as a terrier mix-given away because she tried to take the legs off a Great Dane. Small but bold.

    As for the gift certificate, I would like to the warehouse store for Chef’s in Colorado Springs and find some fun new baking pans and a knife. Also, try to find a gift for my 79 year old neighbor who is cooking challenged. She loves me because I can get her into the kitchen and not be afraid. This is a new type of fear.. I never experienced this in my lifetime. She is a pampered lady. But we are ying and yang….

    Jen and Family – Merry Christmas and a Very Very Happy New Year for 2010!

  430. David says:

    I would buy my wife a home canning kit. She has wanted to delve into it and I’m sure the kit would inspire her.

  431. Dani says:

    Belated Happy Birthday, Kaweah! She is just adorable with the ribbon! Okay, she is just adorable without the ribbon, too. Thanks for the recipe. We love ghetto tacos. When we have an extra day though, homemade shredded beef tacos are our favorite. I would give the gift card to my (adult) daughter. She’s as much of a foodie as I am. Thanks for a chance at the giveaway. And Happy Holidays!

  432. Bev says:

    Great birthday!!

    For the 100$ gift cetificate I would give it to my daughter in law so she could get some “real” knives!!


  433. Karen says:

    I would buy something for me….not sure what, maybe an ice cream maker or a new silpat.

  434. sweetbird says:

    Recipe is def getting bookmarked, Kaweah is possibly the cutest dog in existence, and if I were to get my hands on a $100 gift card to Chefs I would give it to my sister to replace some of her things lost in a hurricane.

  435. Emily says:

    Happy Birthday Kaweah!!! I think it’s super cute of you to have such a nice meal for her birthday! We do that with our dogs too! :)

    I would buy replacements. For instance new spatula’s and bowls that have been worn out and used too much!

  436. Rebecca says:

    I would let my mom in on the $100 card as well. We’d probably spend hours on the website picking out what we want. I’m particularly keen on getting myself a new hand mixer, and maybe a nice mandoline, since I’ve yet to own one.

  437. Lee in KY says:

    I think I’d just savor the card for a while and spend several days lusting over all their goodies! I’m not sure what I’d actually buy. Happy Birthday Kaweah!

  438. MegsP says:

    The DeLonghi Cool Touch Roto Fryer for my husband (nice that I would get to enjoy it as well!). A nice hand mixer would be tempting as well….

    Steamy Kitchen had a post about dry-aging beef a few weeks ago ( It was more of a product review, but still lots of good information on the process.

    So well behaved – Happy Birthday Kaweah!

  439. Amy says:

    The card would definitely go towards a food processor for me and my boyfriend. We like to make a lot of Indian food, so having a food processor would definitely make all that chopping go by faster (which means the food gets to table and to my mouth faster — a total win win!). :) Thanks for the give-away and happy bday to Kaweah!

  440. Dot O says:

    Happy Birthday Kaweah !
    Your dinner looked fabulous ! What a great looking dog. We have a 9 yr old Choc. Lab from a pet rescue and just love her so much. We lost our dog to cancer 1 1/2 yrs ago. The loss was so great, we had to get another dog. Coco is wonderful with the 5 grand-children and keeps me company when I’m alone. She just goes on wagging that tail of hers and is so happy to be with us.

    If I won the gift card, I would buy Coco a steak dinner for her birthday in April, when we adopted her, since we don’t know her real BD. I would also buy a Prime Rib to make for our family when our son comes home from Germany to visit. I only have one good knife, so I would probally look for another knife.

  441. Reagan says:

    Thanks for posting the pictures, I personally love the one of her favorite toys sitting around her cupcake =D.

    I would put it towards a Kitchenaid mixer, as I love to bake.

  442. Sally says:

    I’d probably invest in a meat grinder after the E. coli scares this year…

  443. Laura says:

    I paint pet portraits and I’d love to do one of your baby! You have so many beautiful photos of her. Check out my work at .
    I would give the card to my daughter who is a photographer and budding chef. She got her photography degree from MICA and now is pursuing culinary arts. She loves to try unusual things. She has started her own food blog called Good for the Palate. I hope you check it out and help advance her culinary career!

  444. Kathleen says:

    These are some of your best photos…….

    Happy Birthday to Kaweah….belatedly so.

    as for the card…

    i am sorely in need of a new Chef knife (s). and a nice size mortar and pestle.

  445. Shirley says:

    Happy Birthday Kaweah! You look just like my niece’s dog, Pepper but she’s only 5.

    Have been wanting a stand mixer for the longest time so would the gift card for that.

  446. Katie says:

    WOW! Happy Birthday Kaweah! Looked like a yummy dinner! I’ve purchased the same cut of meat from the same place and have to say that it is worth the price!!!

    If I won the gift card I would put it toward a Kitchenaid Stand Mixer….I’ve wanted one for so long but just can’t afford it!

  447. Maytina says:

    Ha! I *love* that you made Kaweah a special birthday supper. So sweet.

    If I won the gift card, I’d put it towards a Kitchen Aid food processor – to go with the mixer I got last year! :)

  448. ali says:

    I have to say that ever since this post, I have been scouring my city for black lab puppies. I’ve always thought Kaweah was cute but baby Kaweah is super cute. I suppose if I won the gift card, I’d either buy a new chef’s knife, or an ice cream maker.

  449. Laura says:

    Happy Birthday Kaweah! If I won I would get some things for myself. Not sure what yet.

  450. Maja says:

    Ooooh, happy birthday, Kaweah! You look so pretty with that green bow. :)
    If i’d win the certificate, i’d most defenitely go for the kitchen aid mixer. Or extra bowls for my ice cream maker. But kitchen aid would be number 1. :)

  451. Alexa says:

    Happy Birthday!
    I am near the end of 13 months of traveling with my husband, that we left for just after our wedding. So I would use the $100 on all the bake ware products I wanted but didn’t ask for as gifts because I didn’t want to store them while we were gone.

  452. LizzieBee says:

    Wow, happy birthday Kaweah!! I hope you had a great awesome day with your Mum & Dad!

    I would probably split the card between myself (to buy a present for us at home, something new and bakey!) and my best friend, who is moving in with her boyfriend (and going back to the other side of the country to do so) – for the first time! (She’s never moved in with a partner before!) I’d get them some sort of very nifty bakeware for their looooove pad :) :)

  453. Ainhoa says:

    Happy birthday! And nice way to celebrate it, the food looks amazing!

    I’d loove to have a KitchenAid standmixer for my new home, do they ship to Spain?

  454. Jodie says:

    Happy birthday to Kaweah! Our Colorado (originally Alaska!) dog just had his birthday, too.

    If I won, I’d help my youngest brother start his first kitchen. We have everything we need, but he’s just now learning to cook. Maybe some baking pans and a food processor?

  455. DrMeglet says:

    Happy birthday Kaweah!
    I would get a new toaster oven, and maybe a nice chef’s knife (I’m still using a 14 year old cheap set from our wedding registry), depending how things added up in price.

  456. Nancy L says:

    Your puppy is so sweet! And so well behaved!! Happy Birthday Kaweah!

    I have a list of things I need to get…knives, pans, gadgets! I love shopping at CHEFS!!

    Happy Holiday!

  457. Jessica says:

    Oh, how I miss my Lab as a puppy. They are just adorable.

    As to your giveaway, I would get a Dutch oven. Sometimes I have to feed a lot of people and I never have anything big enough. And it’s nice that they can go from stovetop to oven!

  458. Michael Z says:

    I’ve been trying to decide which comes first on my wish list. Deep fryer or pressure cooker. I am going witht the pressure cooker. Wish me luck. Great puppy photos there.

  459. Sare says:

    I’d definitely put it towards a mixer.

  460. Debby says:

    I got so lost in Kaweah’s eyes, that I totally forgot about this also being a contest. Her eyes are too precious, looking at her toys. Where was I? $100.00 would buy a pasta maker. I’ve always wanted to learn how to make it, but I can’t justify the expense. So, if I won– I’d be thrilled. No matter what, I still follow your blog faithfully for the recipes AND the gorgeous photography of Colorado.

  461. Eesh says:

    Happy Birthday puppy! I love her birthday ribbon. In celebration of her birthday, I passed my dissertation proposal defense and am now ABD. With the gift card, I would probably buy a food mill and an attachment pack for my KA stand mixer.

  462. tanya says:

    I would probably buy my partner a pasta maker, he’s been wanting one lately. (I’m sure he’d rather have a puppy though.)

  463. Judith says:

    Ooh, I’d probably jump on the dutch oven bandwagon, though I saw a stainless fry pan that is very tempting. All my cookware is cheap and nonstick, and I’ve been job hunting for 14 months, about to go really destitute, so I can’t afford any sort of kitchen stuff right now. *crosses fingers*

  464. Sarah says:

    Happy Birthday! I wish my birthday celebrations looked as fabulous… Hmm… mixer for me as well…

  465. Krista says:

    Ohhh, I’d have to go for the Wusthoff knives :-)

  466. Chris says:

    She looks like the best doggy in the world ! I’ve been looking for a pup and haven’t found just the right one. Probably a stand mixer. I’ve been wanting one to make traditional Sienese ricciarelli cookies :) YUM

  467. Carole says:

    She looks much younger than her age!! :)
    I would probably get a good knife, mine are quite old.

  468. Melissa says:

    Happy Birthday! We have a bday candle for our doggy but she’s scared of the flame :). I’d get a dutch oven.

  469. Lydia says:

    Love your pictures of Kaweah! As for the gift card, I’ve been wanting after a larger food processor for quite a while!

  470. Liz says:

    Happy Happy Birthday to Kaweah! If I won the gift card, I would use it to buy a pasta maker or pasta attachment for my Kitchenaid. We LOVE cooking at home, and this would be just 1 less thing that we’d have to buy!

  471. ChrisB says:

    I would be very selfish and put the $100 gift card towards one of these puppies:

    I am not a big fan of cooking but I love to bake and have wanted one of these forever and ever!

  472. Susan says:

    Happy Birthday to Kaweah!! She is a gorgeous lab! You can tell that she is incredibly well cared for–her coat is so shiny, her eyes are bright, and she is in beautiful shape. I have a Westie that turns 1 y.o. in January!

    If I were fortunate enough to receive a gift certificate, I would purchase a cast iron skillet for my Mother. She has wanted one forever. She just finished chemo, and cooking with a new pan would hopefully help her regain her appetite.

    Happy Holidays to the three of you :)

  473. Annalese says:

    I need a good frying pan. Mine is scratched and dented from moving house. It needs to go to the big kitchen in the sky….

  474. Margie says:

    Happy Birthday, Miss K!

    (a gelpro mat)


  475. Betsy says:

    Really cute dog. Gift card? All those special baking things I want to buy….silpat, silcone, offset spatula and the like.

  476. soopling says:

    A food processor, and maybe some silpat!

  477. Eva says:

    Happy Birthday!! What a sweet puppy, and a sweet giveaway! I would replace my round cake pans or maybe an ice cream maker.

  478. Stefanie says:

    hi – i would stock up on some proper wine glasses that don’t crumble when i wash them! thanks!

  479. Laurie says:

    Oohhhh – a Shun Santoku!

  480. eden says:

    i think i will get a stainless steel skillet as i noticed that the nonstick ones we have are now stripping

    and a decent knife :)

  481. Tanis says:

    Beautiful pup!

    This is my first time visiting your site. I’d get the KitchenAid Slow Cooker. I need a new one and that one would be great!

  482. Cindy says:

    A good cutting board for my cousin who is just starting to cook. She has a good chef’s nice and a glass cutting board! “gasp”

  483. Jenn says:

    I would buy a kitchenaid stand mixer. ever since I was a little kid and watching cooking shows on tv, i’ve wanted one!

  484. Jeanny says:

    Me, too! KitchenAid stand mixer!

  485. Jess says:

    I really think that my mom would appreciate this card in her stocking!

  486. Wendy says:

    A decent wok..I’m a college student so of course all my kitchen stuff came from IKEA. The high quality $7 wok I purchased is starting to flake and I’m afraid my lack of money will end in my poisoning myself and my friends.

  487. Linda says:

    Your pup’s a baby. My beautiful yellow Lab Bailey turned 13 in April. She did not get steak, but she did get roasted chicken, which she loves. Labs rule…and drool! :)

    Hmmmmmmnnnnn…I’m thinking a Wusthoff chef knife. Yes, that’s it.

  488. Kathy M says:

    If I won the gift card, the best part would be taking my time and choosing which thing to buy. An attachment for my KitchenAid mixer? A really good knife? Put it towards a food processor? A stainless steel stock pot? Put it towards a Le Creuset Round French Oven? The anticipation of it all, ya know!

  489. Kristen says:

    Dutch oven. Definitely a dutch oven.

  490. Maria maria says:

    If I won I’d be looking for some cups and saucers to serve coffee when I have guests. Sometimes mismatched mugs just don’t set the right atmosphere.

  491. Deanna B says:

    My kitchenaid mixer is not sounding too good – I call him my Big Guy. (As in “Dear, can you get the ‘Big Guy’ out). I think I need to invest in a new Big Guy.

  492. Susie-K says:

    Tough call – It would come down between going toward a stand mixer (I’m a multitasker), a food processor (would open up a whole world of recipes my chopper cannot handle), or a VitaMix (I want to be able to liquify a whole pineapple…RIND AND ALL!)

  493. Avanika (Yumsilicious Bakes) says:

    A KitchenAid, for sure!!

  494. Sarah says:

    I would get a few half sheet pans because those things are so handy!

  495. Melissa says:

    First, what a super cute puppy! As for the $100 CHEFS gift card, I’d put it towards fancy pantry items that I don’t usually splurge on!

  496. Traci says:

    I would use it to buy nice cookware that I will need when we move out of my in-laws house. I love to bake and cook but I don’t have any cookware worthy of it :D

  497. Lana says:

    Oh, I’d definitely spend every last penny on some LeCreuset. Man, I love that stuff!!

  498. jacquie says:

    Happy belated birthday to Kaweah. i had been hoping that the give away would an autographed (or should i say “paw-graphed”) portrait of Kaweah herself. none the less, if i was by any chance lucky enough to win i would most likely spend the card toward some good knives since i have never had any. though i could use a good set of mixing bowls also…… my kitchen is so un-equipped it wouldn’t be hard to find needed items to spend the $$ on.

  499. Corey says:

    Very happy birthday, Kaweah!! Those pictures are incredibly precious; thanks for sharing them. And I’d use the gift card on a non-flimsy cutting board and some knives.

  500. Lindsay says:

    I love those pictures of Kaweah. She really its a most adorable pup!
    I would buy a foley mill (yeah kinda lame but I really need one) so I can make my mom’s homemade applesauce. And I’d probably buy some other kitchen gadgets as well (can never have enough).

  501. Helen says:

    Happy birthday, Kaweah!! She is adorable!

    I’d use the gift card to buy a salt mill and some bakeware.

  502. Christy says:

    Happy B-day Kaweah!

    I would use the gift card to buy a waffle iron. A realllly nice belgian waffle iron.

  503. Monica says:

    Puppy Kaweah is breathtaking with the sunlight streaming above. I would get a silpat mat and some other items to give to my friends.

  504. Bri says:

    Well it’s my birthday tomorrow too so I’m glad I can almost share a birthday with something so cute! I would keep it all for myself. :) Sorry guys, no re-gifting here. Probably a really good knife, so I can make myself some delicious birthday dessert. Not sure what it is yet, but I know that it involves pears and blood oranges.

  505. Paula Bohan says:

    Happy Birthday to Kaweah! She is a beautiful dog! I think I would use the gift card to buy a waffle iron … I love waffles and my Chef’s Choice waffle iron has given up on me, and my Vitantio one sticks now …

  506. Bethanie says:

    What a beautiful pup, and great pics! I’d get some stuff for me, and then some stuff for my parents’ and sister’s kitchens so that when I cook there I don’t have to bring knives and other tools with me!

  507. Emily says:

    Your dog is so sweet and so well trained.

    If I won the gift card, I would buy one of those all-edges brownie pans. I’ve been wanting one for awhile, but it seems so frivolous. I love me some edge pieces!

  508. Donna Siebold says:

    Who can say what they would buy. First I have to go through the catalog and mark about $10,000 worth of items – that I want, but honestly can’t say I NEED. Then I start winnowing it down into the items I might actually use. I would probably buy tons of small things – like canoli forms – or use it as a down payment on that red KitchenAid. God knows I love my blue one, it works just fine – but I heart that red one, big time!

  509. Deb Kozikowski says:

    It IS the season of giving soooo …. I will give it to my son’s fabulous, wonderful girlfriend — who loves to cook and since presentation is everything — that taco seasoning all mixed up in a prettily packaged Ball jar with the recipe handwritten and the gift card tied on with Christmas ribbon should make a very nice stocking stuffer.

  510. Beth Fleming says:

    Hi Jen. Long time no see. Happy Birthday to the pup.

    I would spend the giftcard on new knives. Man, that would be awesome!

    I made a whole bunch of chocolate bark with pistachios, candied ginger, & dried cherries as party gifts for the holidays. You’d be so proud. They came out gorgeous. Merry Christmas!

  511. Win says:

    I’m definitely looking toward getting my hands on a replacement wire whip for my stand mixer, I haven’t been able to replace it for a long while… and I’m also looking toward getting my grandmother a new rice cooker. Her’s hasn’t been functioning correctly for half a year, and we’ve been meaning to replace it for her.

  512. Win says:

    Oh, dear… I guess time zones are a bit different. Oops.

  513. Tartelette says:

    So I missed the deadline …that’s ok, I’m missing all my social deadlines this week (but not the work ones -woohoo!!). I just wanted to wish Miss. K a very happy birthday! She is just so hot still :)

  514. Isabel says:

    Kaweah looks darling. And very obedient.

    I would like a new blender, as my old one exploded in a great geyser of black bean soup.

  515. boogie says:

    omg… TOO cute!!! my dog was adopted so he’s never celebrated a birthday. i should change that!

  516. jeanne says:

    Hi Jen, I just moved and really need a lot of stuff – like an island to chop veggies on.

  517. wandernut says:

    Kaweah is a beautiful dog! I have a 4-year old yellow lab girl… and I love her to bits. Kaweah doesn’t look 11 though… Some friends of mine have black labs and the fur around their muzzles (the dogs, not the humans) started turning gray at around 6 years of age. Kaweah still has those puppy eyes. And such a good girl!

  518. Liz says:

    We’re moving in January ’10. We’re going from a galley kitchen with stuff stored in hallway closets, on temporary chrome racks, spare bedrooms and furnace room storage. Let’s see… the mixer is in the front closet, the spices and baking forms are in the hall closet, and the pans are in the back bedroom. Now, the serving platters are in the basement storage room, and where is…?? Our new kitchen is U-shaped and twice as large. Now baking won’t be spending 15-20 minutes of hunting-and-gathering! So, I’d love to buy some counter top accessories, or a really great knife for my DH! I’m a great admirer of your blog. Just baked a second batch of Cranberry Oatmeal cookies for extended family this weekend!

  519. jenyu says:

    Thank you, EVERYONE for your sweet birthday wishes to the pup and for sharing what you most want to get for your kitchens. It gave me a ton of ideas :) Hope you all have a terrific holiday season!

  520. Waffelrezepte says:

    Hmm YUM! ;). Thanks for the share

  521. Passionatemae says:

    omg, your doggie is just so adorable :) and pretty :)

    I miss mine.

    More post with Kaweah please!!

  522. Jackie Brown says:

    What a blessed, beautiful dog you have. I would love to have a nice grill pan for those rainy days when you can’t grill or those snowy days like we keep having in NC.

  523. Homemade Taco Seasoning « The Rookie Baker says:

    […] Annie’s Eats, who got it from Use Real Butter, originally from Mex Recipes Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)Homemade Taco […]

  524. Matilda Foss says:

    great post

  525. Jim says:

    Beautiful pup (who eats better than I do). Thanks for the recipe for taco seasoning. It always great to replace a store bought package with your own creation. Can’t wait to try it out on our own ghetto tacos.

  526. Make taco seasoning mix at home! Toss out the store bought packets says:

    […] did awhile back, and the fact that I left you in the lurch, asking you to click through to the blog Use Real Butter which features the recipe for homemade taco seasoning mix instead of just teaching you how to do it […]

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