baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

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archive for 2009

beans to kick you in the gonads

Tuesday, August 4th, 2009

Recipe: dinosaur-style bar-b-que beans

Technically, we have more than half the summer left. But every one I know has been exclaiming, “I can’t believe summer is practically over!” That’s because some folks are tied to the academic calendar whether by profession, attendance, or the fact that they have spawn old enough to catch the yellow bus to school. So the end of August ushers a premature end of summer. And if that doesn’t do it, Labor Day here in the States seems to mark the end of vacation season, or at least the end of wearing white. Well, that last one is an old rule I heard about growing up in the South, because *I* break all manner of fashion rules (my idea of getting dressed up is rummaging about for a clean t-shirt).

Yet, from my perspective – and that is from the perspective through my lens – summer ends when summer really ends. It’s around the equinox when the aspens begin to turn yellow and that crisp chill hangs on the air. The autumn light has a completely different look and feel, call it a glow. It is my favorite season even though I thoroughly enjoy all of the seasons.

Okay, snap out of your reverie! *clap clap* It’s still summer and we are doing summery things, yo!

indian paintbrush

herd of elk running downslope… perhaps running from mr. mountain lion?

**Jump for more butter**

i always hike

Saturday, August 1st, 2009

Recipe: red currant cake

Today, August 1, is my sister’s birthday. Kris would have turned 43, but it’s been over five years since she passed away and so there are no pranks for her best gang of gals to pull on her, no flowers to send, no cakes to order, no surprise parties to plan, no phone calls to make, no cards to send. When I remember my sister, I find myself bursting out laughing more often than I need to reach for a tissue. I like that.

there were many laughs

I have no patience for Drama. It sucks up so much energy and is incredibly unproductive. So I make myself scarce on days like today, going with Jeremy and the pup into the high country where my thoughts are my own and Nature reminds me of how wonderfully insignificant I am. I take comfort in that.

some flowers i think she would have liked

**Jump for more butter**

very cool

Thursday, July 30th, 2009

Recipe: chinese spaghetti (zha ziang mien)

I believe Peabody is going to move in with us soon if the heat wave in Seattle continues and our cool spell in the Colorado Rockies lingers. As most of you know, sun and heat do not make for a happy me. Yes, I recognize how vital the sun is and yes, I do enjoy basking in the warm rays of sunshine… when it’s 20°F out. We were beset with a few rather warm (okay HOT) days in the Colorado Front Range, but thankfully a string of overcast afternoons infiltrated our forecast. Along with the instability aloft, we got our light shows back!

in summer, we choose outside seating when it’s cloudy

i have this thing for lightning

Now it is downright chilly. And I love it. My friend said it was snowing in the basin (I assume that is A-basin – a fine place to get your ski tele on). The deck read 32°F this morning. Unfortunately it wasn’t snowing, just raining. That’s okay by me. We need the rains.

fleece weather

**Jump for more butter**