baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

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thanks, dad

Thanks for teaching me to sail when I was 9 years old.

Thanks for taking so long to explain math theorems to me that I got impatient asking you for help and learned the material myself.

dad as graduate student

Thanks for being the silliest one of us all.

Thanks for making me sit and watch all of those NOVA series with you so we could learn about science together.

Thanks for those 3am fishing trips in which we caught the BIG striped bass!

Thanks for teaching me not to take BS from anyone.

Thanks for bringing home those Mars Viking Lander photos from work for me to daydream about space exploration.

dad makes his specialty lion’s head meatballs

Thanks for cooking all of those special meals whenever I come home to visit.

Thanks for outfitting me with fly fishing gear when I moved to Colorado.

Thanks for being my moral support when that company didn’t have any ethics.

Thanks for raising me to stand on my own two feet.

thanks for being my dad

18 nibbles at “thanks, dad”

  1. Wei-Wei says:

    LION’S HEAD MEATBALLS! I love them. So good. I love this tribute to your dad :) (Especially the math theorem part :D)


  2. Memoria says:

    What a lovely post. You are very fortunate to have had a supportive father. There are plenty of folks who can’t say the same. My mother was my mom AND dad, but I still love my father. Happy father’s day to your dad.

  3. shauna says:

    I love you. I love that last photograph. (I love that haircut you had. Didn’t we all at one point?) You are amazing, so I can only imagine what a fine man your father is.

  4. Veronica says:

    Wow. Amazing. You are so lucky. My dad did teach me something in between being at work waaay to much: Food. Taste it before you hate it. I ate a lot of crazy stuff already as a child because of him. I guess I am thankful. :)

  5. my little expat kitchen says:

    Just discovered your blog and read this very touching post. Happy father’s day!
    By the way, I have no idea what lion’s head meatballs are. I’m heading over to your recipe index! :)

  6. TheKitchenWitch says:

    I particularly love that first photo of your father. He looks so dashing! Tell your dad “thank you” from me, too: he raised a wonderful human being.

  7. Michelle in Chicago says:

    Lovely post.

  8. Collette says:

    Wonderful post and that photo of your dad with the pipe is great! I hope he had a fabulous day.

  9. Phoo-D says:

    Your dad sounds like a marvelous father all around. I didn’t know that you liked to fly fish! Moving to Colorado and not fly fishing would be like moving there and not skiing- tragic.

  10. Georgia Pellegrini says:

    What a sweet post. I think every good dad deserves a list like that.

  11. Annie says:

    Aw, I love this post.

  12. tea_austen says:

    What a wonderful, heartfelt post—I love the specifics. I never had a dad, so I’m a bit jealous of good dads like yours. It’s such a gift. Good on you that you appreciate it so much.

    Also, that first photo is awesome, what a dashing dad!

  13. Kath says:

    LOVE this post, Jen!

    Thank you Mr. Jen’s Dad for raising such an awesome woman and friend. Your daughter is a remarkable light in the lives of her friends. You (and Jen’s Mom) should be so very proud!


  14. Mrs Ergül says:

    We can all tell how closely knitted you guys are! Cheers to great fathers!

  15. Lisa is Bossy says:

    LOVE this. Your dad was a pretty handsome young man in grad skool. *rawr*

    LOL – can you tell I’m embracing my “singlehood”? Can’t wait to see you this weekend Jen!! :)

  16. joyce says:

    I love the pic of him with the pipe!

  17. jenyu says:

    Thanks everyone! My Dad isn’t perfect, but he’s a really funny, smart, and loving father. I think I’ll keep him :) xo

  18. John from Raleigh says:

    New to the blog but wanted to compliment you on the heart-felt loving message to your father. Both of my parents have past away and post like these remind me so much how much I miss them both.

    Your father is lucky to have such a great daughter.

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