baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

copyright jennifer yu © 2004-2023 all rights reserved: no photos or content may be reproduced without prior written consent

be merry

Our Year in Photos digital greeting card is live:

Happiest of holidays from our pack to yours! xo

colorado mountain dog festive

5 nibbles at “be merry”

  1. Anna Engdahl says:

    Happy Holiday and thanks for another year of sharing.

  2. Veronica says:

    Merry Christmas !

    Love your pups, recipes and beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing ❤️

  3. Lisa says:

    Enjoy the festive season! Thank you for another year for great recipes, photos and sharing your life with us!

  4. Jeana S says:

    Merry Christmas! Love love love everything that comes from you! <3 Thank you for taking the time to share with us.

  5. jenyu says:

    Anna – Thank you!!

    Veronica – Aw, thanks xo

    Lisa – Thank you for reading along <3

    Jeana - Thanks! xo

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