baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

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archive for cake

a slice of sunshine

Saturday, May 24th, 2008

Recipe: crystal almond pound cake

Well I am a bleeping idiot. I spent so much time fussing over the making of this cake that I didn’t read the last bit through and now I’m waiting for the glaze to crystallize the way it was supposed to. I guess you will find out by the end of the post if it worked out or not!

lemon and orange zest

While flipping through some of my old cookbooks, I was struck by the recipes that appeal to me today as opposed to the recipes that appealed to me three years ago. Funny how our tastes and preferences change as we cooks and bakers evolve… perhaps I dare use the word mature? Nah, screw that!

whisking eggs and vanilla

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my quest continues

Thursday, May 15th, 2008

Recipe: chocolate raspberry cake

I live in a snowglobe! It’s snowing beautiful, white flakes outside right now and for once – for once it’s falling vertically instead of flying past on its way to Kansas. Lovely. Really lovely.

looking up valley this morning

Folks may be sick of seeing pictures of the weather around here, but for me, weather is an integral part of nature and I love it – love to read it, study it, feel it. Weather is beautiful to me. If you don’t understand and respect the weather, you really have no business climbing in the mountains.

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torta di ricotta

Tuesday, May 6th, 2008

Recipe: torta di ricotta

Here’s a curious phenomenon revisited… One place I worked, which I affectionately refer to as Clusterfucks-R-Us, had a lot of questionable shenanigans going on. Like one of the married directors boinking his secretary and then moving her into my group for a job she wasn’t qualified to do. Anyway, when things got quite ugly, I decided they weren’t paying me enough to put up with all of their bullshit – so I tendered my letter of resignation with two weeks’ notice. Two weeks. Two weeks of me walking around the company with a big “fuck you” grin on my snarky face. It’s a good feeling. Teflon, I tell you.

crush the yolks like you would crush your enemies

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