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archive for cake

chocolate-dipped strawberry (cake)

Friday, August 31st, 2007

Recipe: chocolate-dipped strawberry cake

Figs are not only delicious on their own or with prosciutto, but they are also fantastic with balsamic vinegar! Case in point, I put some in our salad tonight:

salad of goodness

I love fresh figs.

**Jump for more butter**

tandem motion

Monday, August 20th, 2007

Dinner went very well considering that Beth double booked and arrived late. I didn’t mind her arriving late so much as I was a little surprised that she left her date with an empty seat for a few hours at a wedding reception while she drove his convertible up to our place to eat dinner with us. We were finally able to get Dave and Fran up to our place – which is nearly impossible because they are always traveling for work and play. Most of all though, I realized that I am going to miss Nicole and Andrew a lot when they move. It makes me sad. Well, all the more reason to visit Seattle!

Here’s the cross section of that strawberry everything cake I made for dinner last night:

strawberry down to the last crumb

**Jump for more butter**

now where was i?

Sunday, August 19th, 2007

My allergy symptoms are pretty much under control now that 1) the steroids are in full effect and 2) I have learned to keep my grimy fingers out of my itchy eyes. It took me a while to get that second one through my thick head, but after the second day of being incapacitated because my eye was pink, oozing crap, and swollen shut, I began to accept that yes, you really do need to just deal with the itch or make it worse. Usually, I find some sort of distraction helps in that regard.

Jeremy and I have been painting the exterior of our house. It’s wood siding and so it isn’t painted a color per se, but rather we desperately needed to seal it before winter. Everything needs to get done before winter. I feel like a pika running around preparing for winter. We were joking the other day about our two seasons: winter and almost winter. Actually, I like that because I think I can generally stand a month of summer. Too bad autumn is all of 2 weeks here, but the thrill of getting an early snowfall is on par with my love for fall. Back to the house, we are still getting afternoon rainstorms and that – along with morning winds (assuming that is all from solar heating and mixing of air masses which usually starts up a few hours after sunrise) – makes the ladder work a little dicey when Jeremy is trying to paint the exterior of the third floor. Most of it is manageable except one part over our mudroom which will require me to belay Jeremy. But we need to care for the house properly considering the big bucket of weather that gets blasted at the south and west faces.

jeremy gets to work on the front of the house

**Jump for more butter**