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archive for fruit

heathen sunday

Sunday, March 23rd, 2008

Recipe: fondue

One of the joys of my heathen ways is that Christmas and Easter are typically empty slope days for a ski whore like me. Jeremy and I had a nice morning of fast corduroy, sunny skies, and the mountain practically to ourselves. I would have posted a picture, except Jeremy’s POS point-and-shoot craps out when the temperature is below 20F. All you need to know is that it was good and I skied it.

The other day when I met Beth for happy hour in Boulder, Jeremy couldn’t join us because he had a meeting with one of his graduate students. When he saw the fondue on the blog, he made a barely audible whimper at having missed out. So while we were running through the grocery store on Friday to pick up some raspberries, I whipped out the iphone and looked up a quick recipe for gruyère fondue: gruyère (of course), a baguette, some sausage, apples, and then some white wine. This being Colorado with antiquated liquor laws, we had to find a liquor barn to purchase wine. This being Colorado with antiquated liquor laws, we had only to walk next door as every grocery store in the state literally has a liquor store within 200 feet of its doors.

let’s have fondue

**Jump for more butter**

berry donna

Thursday, January 31st, 2008

Recipe: blueberry muffins (cake)

My days have been up and down. When they are down, I lay low and listen to my body and just try to recover. When they are up, I’m brimming with ideas and raring to go. Yesterday was a seriously up day for me. I was able to cook a ton of food and feel as if the kitchen was mine once again. Of course, there were a few changes to work through – like the fact that my taste has been heavily wankered, that my GI tract now rejects about 70% of what I typically love to eat (spicy, sour, salty, fatty, all that good stuff), and that I can’t eat berries. Well, I CAN eat berries, but I’ve been strongly advised to avoid eating raw berries (among other raw foods) for my own well-being.

I had bought some blueberries before my treatment began last week and Jeremy was taking a hell of a long time to finish them off. I really wanted those blueberries. And then I really wanted some… cake. And then I began flipping through my cookbooks and wondering what ingredients I had to make some cake with blueberries. I mean, if they’re cooked then I can eat them, right?

donna to the rescue

**Jump for more butter**

daring bakers: lemon meringue tartelettes

Monday, January 28th, 2008

Recipe: lemon meringue pie

Feeling puckery lately? If you’ve been cruising the food blogs, then most likely you’ve run across one or two or four hundred Daring Bakers brandishing their lovely Lemon Meringue Pies.

that’s right kids, we knead to bake

Jen of The Canadian Baker hosted the challenge this month and it was down to the wire for me this time. I started my treatment on Thursday and thought I’d recover with enough time to do the challenge yesterday but… things don’t always go as planned when your body gets pumped full of poison! However, I didn’t want to abandon my fellow DBers, so I managed to make a handful of tartelettes. Forgive me for the lack of detail I usually devote to my DB challenges. She’ll be right next time.

mixing the dough

**Jump for more butter**