baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

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last minute visit

Recipe: espresso chocolate sorbet

kaweah’s big giveaway
I am loving all of the responses to the Kaweah Birthday Giveaway! It looks like the majority of entrants are thinking: Dutch oven, knife, KitchenAid stand mixer, food processor, or baking equipment. Thank you for all of the sweet birthday wishes! You have no idea how many wags and butt wiggles Kaweah would be sending you if she could comprehend anything outside of the Here and Now :)

menu for hope 6
Please take a look at the Menu for Hope 6 post! I definitely encourage you to check out the master list of bid items, but if you are a local in the Denver-Boulder area or plan on a trip out to our beautiful part of the country then please consider placing a few raffle tickets toward two of the terrific items I’m hosting from two amazing local businesses: 1) a $100 gift certificate to The Culinary School of the Rockies (UW24) and 2) a $100 gift certificate to SALT the Bistro (UW25). Thank you for supporting this great campaign!

where are i now?
I find it incredibly cute and entertaining when Californians are bundled up in scarves and hats and it’s 50°F out. Our car rental lady said, “Keep warm!” when she handed us our paperwork. Jeremy and I laughed. We are in the bay area taking care of some matters for my grandma while having a pleasant visit with her. California is so different from where we live. They still have leaves on their trees – some green, some brilliant reds and yellows! We’ve been relishing the array of ethnicities walking about town, the sound of so many languages. We practically cry tears of joy at the countless Mexican, Thai, Viet, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Indian restaurants. When we lived in Southern California we used to take year-round flowers for granted. This morning I squealed with delight at the sight of some weeds blooming on the side of the road. To think just a couple of days ago we were telling one another how warm it was on the slopes.

21°f is positively balmy

Don’t get me started about more Trader Joes than you can shake a stick at. And booze – it’s EVERYWHERE. Not that I’m a big time boozer (you could hardly call me a small time boozer), but it makes me realize how much I truly loathe Colorado’s antiquated liquor laws. Anyhow, let me shut up already and get on with the recipe because I have to get up early…

coffee and chocolate – an alluring combination with dusky charms

Sorbet is a dessert apropos of summer, yet certain flavors appeal to my idea of a holiday season treat. I have always loved chocolate sorbet because it’s a non-dairy frozen sweet that tastes uber indulgent without all of the transgressions of ice cream.

pouring brewed espresso into the saucepan

I had the recipe bookmarked for a while, but when I finally set out to make the sorbet a few days ago, I noticed a recipe for a mocha sherbet on the same page. The sherbet called for dairy, but I wasn’t having any of that. I decided to add a caffeinated twist to the sorbet by replacing the water with espresso. Use Dutch-process cocoa as it is smoother with a more pleasant finish on the tongue.

add chopped chocolate

Once the chocolate melts, stir in the rest of the liquid and toss the mix into a blender. Give it a spin for a creamy texture absent of lumpy chocolate. If you taste it before freezing, the coffee flavor isn’t terribly pronounced. After the sorbet sets up in the freezer, you’ll find yourself with a velvety and intensely chocolate delight.


Espresso Chocolate Sorbet
[print recipe]
slightly modified from The Perfect Scoop by David Lebovitz

2 1/4 cups (555 ml) espresso or strong coffee
1 cup (200 g) sugar
3/4 cup (75 g) unsweetened Dutch-process cocoa powder
pinch of salt
6 oz. (170 g) bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, finely chopped
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Combine 1 1/2 cups (375 ml) of the espresso, the sugar, cocoa powder, and salt in a large saucepan (large because it bubbles up during boiling). Bring to boil, whisking frequently. Let it boil for about 45 seconds then remove from heat. Stir in the chocolate until melted. Then add the vanilla extract and remaining 3/4 cup of espresso. Pour the mixture into a blender and blend for 15 seconds. Let the liquid cool completely, then freeze it in your ice cream maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

38 nibbles at “last minute visit”

  1. Andrea says:

    Oh, that photo is breathtaking and the sorbet sounds delicious! I have been wanting to try a chocolate sorbet.

  2. deana says:

    Ditto.. photo is great and the recipe… a few less calories than ice cream and chocolate? I’m in!

  3. Kristin says:

    Oh yummy yummy! I love what the green & yellow do for that photo.

  4. Free says:

    I am off to the kitchen to get it started.

  5. Chiot's Run says:

    MMMM, that looks wonderful.

  6. Fiona says:

    Californians *are* funny about temperature. My students at UCLA used to wear down vests when it hit 60F. With flip-flops, of course.

    Chocolate sorbet is so odd. I made one last summer and the mixture tasted and felt gross. Really, really ucky. Then I froze it and…magic. It was pretty good. This year I bought DL’s book, so I figure my next batch will be substantially better. But isn’t it odd how some products really need that temperature/texture change (and some ripening time) to get their groove on?

  7. Jenny says:

    I can truly say that I’m assimilated (sp). It happened my first winter here too, so it would be pretty difficult to move anywhere else, although somewhere as beautiful as you are would give me a good reason to put up with the cold!

    That looks totally delicious but I still refuse to get an ice cream maker, there will definitely end up being even more than 20 pounds that I need to lose!

  8. Lauren says:

    Oh my goodness. This looks heavenly =D.

  9. Rosa says:

    That sorbet looks divine!

    I’d love to live in your corner of the world! I love cold weather and winter.



  10. Neel | Learn Food Photography says:

    Ohhh! the last photograph is just too good. Love the color combination and presentation here. white plate on black background makes food really pop out. I will be visitng your blog often to look at your food photographs.

    Thank you for sharing this with us.

  11. Dragana says:

    Oooof! You’ve made me salivate again! Can’t go wrong with a DL or Jen recipe!

  12. Phoo-D says:

    Gorgeous photo! I’ve made the chocolate sorbet recipe from David’s book and it is one of our favorites. I can only imagine how great it would be swapping in the espresso. We will have to give this a try stat!

  13. Pat says:

    We’re pretty silly here in Phoenix too what with the decidedly COLD 40’s – 50’s temps! Never heard so much complaining about a brisk day! (of course I was the one complaining, too!) I look back at my former hearty upstate NY-livin’ self and shake my head.

  14. Manisha says:

    Hey things have improved on the liquor law front since we moved here. I like to think that we made all the difference! Liquor stores are now open on Sundays – yay! Enjoy the warm weather! I was just telling someone how warm it was yesterday – in the low 40s, hee! That’s like a heat wave after the -10F we had a few days ago.

  15. Karyn says:

    Well, we had some seriously cold temps here in the Bay Area a few weeks ago, but I’m with you – 50 F isn’t exactly *cold* :)

    This recipe looks yummy. I got some coffee beans as a gift recently but I’m not thrilled with the flavor so have been meaning to make your coffee ice cream recipe soon, but this sorbet should work fine with that coffee too. And considering the amount of holiday crap/goodies I’ve been eating already, the sorbet would be way better for me!

  16. Whitney says:

    Love the picture of the chocolate bar and coffee beans! Such a perfect combo.

  17. Krista says:

    Wonderful rich colors – so delightful :-)

  18. B says:

    The Trader Joe’s comment cracked me up since my husband and I are planning a marathon run to another state for the soul purpose of going to Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods. Its an 8 hour trip one way, so we are stealthily planning our list as well as the actual trip. We think we can do all of this in maybe 21 hours even if we take our pup with us. Can’t wait to see how it goes.

  19. Maria says:

    I have made David’s sorbet and it is beyond amazing!

  20. marianne says:

    seriously, jen, are you trying to kill me?

  21. Susan says:

    Thank you for the lovely recipe, photos, and narrative. Can’t get much better than coffee and chocolate. I look forward to each and every post from your delicious blog.

  22. winfu says:

    gosh… that sorbet looks absolutely sinful~ the skiing is enticing too! ;D

  23. Asianmommy says:

    Oh–50 degrees sounds pretty good to me. Actually, it’s 35 degrees right now in Chicago, & I really can’t complain.

  24. Brenda S 'Okie in Colorado' says:

    The sorbet looks fantastic!
    You had to go and say the TJ word. I moved to Colorado from California. I think I could handle living here a little better, IF ONLY WE HAD TJ! Wouldn’t it be nice to buy groceries and a bottle of wine in the same store again?

  25. Linda says:

    I love anything coffee and chocolate.

    I loved the tele-ski picture. We just got our season’s passes here in NE PA, but haven’t gotten out yet. I know my husband will go Saturday morning, but I’ll be responsible and do Christmas things. I also live a life devoid of Trader Joe’s, and I’m guessing PA’s liquor laws are just as bad. Archaic blue laws.

  26. Memoria says:

    Wow. What a lovely, perfect photo of gelato. Wow.

  27. Lisa says:

    Three years ago, our area had 1st TJ, is about 15 miles east of us. Now TJ opened another store in this area which is about 6 miles west of us in other direction. We are so happy to have one nearby. However, their $1.99 Charles Shaw is $3.29 here in Va. I believe it is the transportation cost added on to it. The store is always busy and with pleasant staff. How fortunately we are!!

  28. Chaitali says:

    Its hovering around 15 deg right now in WNY and everyone’s complaining about how we’re it’s too warm for december.When the temperature rises to 50, you’ll find people outside in their shorts merrily washing their cars. Seriously.
    Love the sorbet. I just bought a pound of Valrhona products..can’t wait to try this recipe out!

  29. Cate says:

    I’m one of those Californians that’s freezing when it’s below 60! Enjoy your time here.

  30. Katie says:

    Wow, that sorbet looks so deliciously rich! I want to try it..but that could be dangerous – I’ll end up eating the whole lot myself! :P

  31. jo says:

    Oh wow. Chocolate and coffee ..hmmmm a match made in heaven! I can’t wait to wrap my mouth around a scoop of this. Definitely, definitely have to try this out just to get my morning buzz. Wishing you, Jeremy and Kaweah a very merry Christmas. And keep warm! :P

  32. Mrs Ergül says:

    Yum! I love the intense darkness of this ice cream!

  33. jenyu says:

    Fiona – yup, this mixture was a tad odd to me as well until I froze it and then it was perfectly velvety, smooth. Love how that happens!

    Phoo-D – I think DL’s book is one of my absolute favorites precisely because they never steer me wrong.

    Manisha – living in CA, you take it for granted until you move to a state with ridiculous blue laws.

    B – we do that too!! :)

    Marianne – ahhh! I forget that I have ONE READER in Antarctica!! Not trying to kill you, sweetie. Just about 2 months before you’re back, right?! I miss you heaps! xoxo

    Susan – that is SO nice of you, thank you.

    Brenda – tell me about it.

  34. Jean says:

    Wow – looks fantastic! I’ve been looking for an excuse to buy an ice cream maker – what kind do you use?

  35. Caitlin says:

    Oh yes. One more reason why I love that book – this looks awesome! And while I find 21* to be pretty comfy, I must admit my fingers were in LOTS OF PAIN following my run tonight. It’s only balmy if you’re appropriately dressed, apparently :)

  36. jenyu says:

    Jean – Cuisinart (it was cheap – $40)

  37. Sher says:

    Do I have to have an ice cream maker or can I freeze this until firm?


  38. jenyu says:

    Sher – it helps to have an ice cream maker if you want a smooth texture. You could certainly freeze until firm, but no guarantees that it will be the same.

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