baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

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archive for May 2009

the way i like to spend a saturday morning

Saturday, May 30th, 2009

Our 9-mile hike began with sunny skies and cool air. Many of the roads accessing national forest trails in these parts don’t open until July because there is still a lot of snow in the backcountry. We prefer it that way.

this is my home

99.9% of the trail was under snow… a lot of snow

barely thawed alpine lake

clouds building to the west

thunderheads catching up from the east

frozen pond on the hike out

the one who had the most fun

daring bakers: strudel

Wednesday, May 27th, 2009

Recipe: strudel

This month’s Daring Bakers challenge didn’t so much as creep up on me as stalk me all month. I finally settled on a savory version less out of inspiration and more out of necessity, as I only had two days before the reveal!

i am a daring baker and we bleeping knead to bleeping bake!

Here is the official line: The May Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Linda of make life sweeter! and Courtney of Coco Cooks. They chose Apple Strudel from the recipe book Kaffeehaus: Exquisite Desserts from the Classic Cafés of Vienna, Budapest and Prague by Rick Rodgers. Of course, we must pay homage to our beloved, revered, and oh so beeeyootiful founders: Lis of La Mia Cucina and Ivonne of Cream Puffs in Venice.

simple dough: flour, salt, water, oil, and vinegar

the lumpy wad

**Jump for more butter**

the search is over (you were with me all the while…)

Monday, May 25th, 2009

Recipe: chocolate stout cake

If you were a child of the 70s and experienced your teen years in the 80s, then you will likely have (painful) recollections of that song from whence the title of this post is ripped. I was never a fan of Survivor (a generic 80s pop band for gen Xers – not the reality show, okay), but that song ran around my head when I took a taste of this chocolate cake. My search is indeed over for the perfect chocolate bundt cake, thanks (once again) to Deb.

But before we get to talking about chocolate cake, I hope everyone had an enjoyable Memorial Day weekend. If you don’t observe Memorial Day, then I hope you had a grand weekend anyway. No barbecues or picnics here. We had some deliciously cool, overcast, and at times, rainy weather. We trail ran, hiked, and mountain biked in our local mountains this weekend – call it high-altitude training. Now it hurts to walk, but in the good way.

kaweah soaks up the last rays of sun on friday

boulder flatirons in clouds

the mountain lakes are thawing

pussy willows

flowers are starting to pop up in our yard

**Jump for more butter**