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boulder: atlas purveyors

I’m not much of a coffee girl which might explain why I don’t get the coffee culture surrounding coffee houses, cafés, whatever you call them. And contrary to what some might think, I don’t get around downtown Boulder as much as the typical Young Urban Hipster (granted, I am NOT a young urban hipster). Half the time when friends suggest a place to meet in town I have no idea what they are talking about and the only reason I get there is because of Google. But I am slowly learning my way around. One of my favorite places in downtown Boulder happens to be a coffee shop.

atlas purveyors

My friend Andrew introduced me to Atlas Purveyors a year ago when I was looking for a coffee shop to supply the caffeine for our Food and Light participants. Actually, Andrew introduced me to Chris Rosen, one of the owners of Atlas and a genuinely kind and good individual. Chris is the one I blame for my addiction to tea slushies. I’d blame Kit, Brandon, and the rest of the staff at Atlas too, just that I usually hit Atlas during Chris’ shift. I always considered myself immune to the lure of coffee houses because I don’t drink coffee, but Atlas is much more than coffee.

atlas is part of our community

Boulder has a ton of good coffee houses in the downtown Pearl Street area. I once overheard someone walking on Pearl sarcastically remark, “Another coffee shop opening in downtown Boulder? Yeah, I guess we don’t have nearly enough!” But based on how full Atlas is at any given time, one might actually be led to believe that we don’t have enough coffee houses in Boulder. It’s popular and there are many regulars who frequent the establishment to have meetings, to work, and to just hang out.

i enjoy the chalk art and chalk graffiti

But how is their coffee? Well, I’m glad you asked because I’ve been on a mission for the past two years to drag Jeremy around Boulder to sample the coffee and espresso at various locations. He’s picky. More importantly, he’s got discerning taste when it comes to caffeine. I’ll mix it up and take him here and there, but in the end it always comes back to Atlas. Atlas has the best espresso according to the boy. Atlas also has a terrific staff according to me.

chris makes a latte to go

i love watching the latte art emerge

ta da!

Chris commands an extensive knowledge of coffee and tea. He really researches where their products are sourced and how they are made. At the beginning, I used to get a Thai iced tea boba, but one (sad) day, Kit informed me that they stopped serving Thai tea because of the dyes, which are bad for you. I appreciate that because addicts like me will order that over and over again. And my friend Kathya astutely pointed out to me that Atlas is more tea house than coffee house. Now that I think of it, it’s true. People order pots of tea all the time at Atlas. Their west wall is lined with jars of beautiful teas – every single one of them carefully selected for the best flavor, the best ingredients, the healthiest choice.

a patron enjoys her beverage while getting some work done

The staff at Atlas are always expanding and challenging my taste horizons. I’m that person who finds something she likes and I generally stick with it because why ruin a good thing? But half the time I walk in and request my latest favorite, I will be steered toward something new – which becomes my new favorite. See, Chris likes to experiment and make blends that aren’t on the menu and offer them up for a sample. I have never been a fan of Earl Grey and yet he has totally changed my mind with Pearl Grey and a history lesson on Earl Grey to boot!

matcha slushie with boba (of course)

Atlas offers breakfast fare, sandwiches, salads, and a few bottled beverages as well. They feature the artwork of local artists and host the Boulder Open Coffee Club (tech talk) every other Tuesday. It’s usually standing room only.

The only things I would really want as far as “improvements” go would be 1) a little sign that sticks out from the storefront so my friends from out of town can find Atlas easily from the street and 2) perhaps taking over the neighboring space (who needs that bank next door anyway?) to expand and install more comfy couches.

To be honest, even if Atlas didn’t have great tea and coffee, I’d still go there because the people are terrific. But lucky me and you – they have phenomenal teas and coffee (espresso) and know how to create a beverage that will make you pause after the first sip and say “wow.”

Atlas Purveyors
1505 Pearl St #104
Boulder, CO 80304
Ph: (720) 382 2930
Twitter: @atlaspurveyors
Facebook: Atlas Purveyors Facebook Page

Full Disclosure: I wrote up Atlas of my own volition. Chris gave me a few discounts and freebies on lattes, tea slushies, and experimental flavors when he learned I was planning to write a post, but it doesn’t change anything because I love Atlas absolutely and completely regardless.

18 nibbles at “boulder: atlas purveyors”

  1. Donna says:

    Sounds like a perfect place, wish I were there!

  2. Lisa says:

    We have an Atlas in my community, but it is global food instead of coffee and it would be a sad day here if it ever closed down.

  3. MollyCookie says:

    If I’m ever in Boulder I will definitely hit it up. Great post!

  4. Sally says:

    It makes such a difference when cafes are run like small businesses with a personal touch.

  5. kathy says:

    Sounds like a great place to hang your hat for awhile. I like it when a cafe owner gives a taste or two to the customer. It creates a warm vibe between customer and owner, and generally more business.

  6. Paulette says:

    At the sweet age of #$%@# I started to drink coffee and have not looked back. But recently I found out about green tea and like it, plus it’s good for you. Wish we had a place like that, reminds me of Cheers without the booze. Paulette

  7. Mary says:

    Loved this post! I left my own version of Atlas in Pasadena and have yet to find another in Colorado Springs. It’s encouraging to know that these places do exist! Your pictures are wonderful, too.

  8. Bing Chou says:

    Atlas definitely has great food and beverage…but I love them most of all for being such gracious hosts for Boulder Open Coffee Club every other week. It is definitely standing room only, with great energy and the staff doing a wonderful job of keeping up with the crush of patrons.

  9. T says:

    Love your posts on Boulder shops. Please keep them coming. They make me want to plan a trip there just to explore all the places you’ve written about.

    Chris, if you’re reading this, in the photo of the patron sitting by the window, what is the maker and color of that fabulous blue paint? It’s the exact color I’ve been searching for my kitchen! Thank you.

  10. marianne says:

    Love this place, love this post!

  11. Cristina says:

    yummm, i think i need to escape MD and go to Colorado!

  12. Ruth Ann says:

    I love their chalkboard.

  13. Margie says:

    Sounds like a place I’d love to stumble in to.

  14. ali says:

    i whole heartedly agree. everything about atlas rocks. especially the peeps :)

  15. Pei Lin says:

    I will love to hang out at a place like that! Bonus if it is within walking distance from where we are staying at!

  16. Krista says:

    every town has their own atlas tea shop… it’s lovely seeing such a warm atmosphere in any city with a big enough hipster population. i’ve recently cut out coffee and switched to tea for my caffeine, so I’d love any tea-based concoctions i can make from home– any suggestions?

  17. Andrea says:

    Thanks for featuring some of your local favorites! I spotted your most recent post on the matcha/boba slushie and it looks divine, I’m putting almond milk on my grocery list. I love to travel, and Boulder is high on my list, thanks to your many local spotlights on URB. Oh, and Krista, the “London Fog” is my favorite tea based concoction!

  18. jenyu says:

    Mary – wow, Pasadena is my old haunt! Well, the Springs are just 2 hours from Boulder :) If you’re ever in the area, swing by Atlas, you won’t be disappointed.

    Bing Chou – they are great, aren’t they?

    T – Next time I see Chris, I’ll ask him :)

    Marianne – xo

    Krista – try out the matcha bubble slushie I posted recently. It’s *GREAT*.

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