baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

copyright jennifer yu © 2004-2023 all rights reserved: no photos or content may be reproduced without prior written consent

archive for caffeine

it was nice while it lasted

Thursday, January 22nd, 2009

Recipe: chocolate macarons

My overhauled website is up! The gallery is not up. That will probably have to wait until after Chinese New Year because I am a paranoid Good Chinese Daughter. If you happen to find errors or broken links, please let me know via email. I got tired of proof-reading it after several hours. Sometimes I think I should just shut up.

I looked across to the Continental Divide this morning when I let Kaweah out into the yard. Cooler weather is coming back. There is a formidable bank of dark, angry clouds sitting over the mountains, screaming past overhead. The winds are up. They sound and feel violent. I love weather.

Just yesterday I was skiing in a short-sleeve shirt and a thin, hard-shell jacket, gliding down the mountain with my ladies in the sunshine. It was 50°F. Too hot for goggles, I pulled out my sunnies. Felt like spring. But anytime is a good time to offer your friends a box of chocolate macarons. Nothing works up your appetite like a morning of tele, and these betties earned it.

i am in love with dutch-process cocoa

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Tuesday, December 16th, 2008

Recipe: chocolate pistachio biscotti

There is much to catch up on, but now I can finally catch up!

I saw my honey off yesterday at noon (conference), and then had a lovely and relaxing lunch with my friend in Boulder at Sushi Zanmai while it was freezing ass cold outside (1°F – you could call it a little cold snap) before sending her on her way to the airport. Despite the 51 hour visit, we packed a lot in and had a grand time of it! It snowed Saturday night, so we had fresh powder on the hill Sunday morning. It was also 0°F in the parking lot.


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a low-entropy state

Thursday, December 4th, 2008

Recipe: earl grey tea cookies

We had a wonderful upslope that delivered nearly a foot of fresh powder on the local hill and a half foot at the house. All of this WITHOUT WIND. That’s quite a feat for our area as the wind is almost always an ever-present menace. However, it was cold. I am talking *ass cold*.

that’s probably off a few degrees

Jeremy and I spent the morning skiing and enjoying all of that wonderful powder as it continued to rain down on everything. After a while it did get mighty chilly seeing as it was 6°F in the parking lot (that’s -14°C for the metric world).

kaweah checkin’ out the snow

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