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the fun never stops

Recipe: blueberry hand pies

I’m sleep-deprived and behind on my work, but I’m not (too) stressed out because I’m having a good time. I got to watch and minimally participate in the filming of a television segment for Frank Bonanno and my good friend, Ellen, in Denver last week. I say minimally because I really REALLY did not want to be on camera. Besides, it was HOT in the kitchen. We were all happy when that part was done so we could head outside to watch the filming of the cocktail segment.

prepping for cocktails

Aside from my desire to support a good friend, do you want to know the real reason I left the mountains to head to Denver (because it usually takes a plane ticket to get me to drive down to Denver)? A hedgehog. SQUEEEEEEE!!!!!

her name is rosie and she belongs to frank’s kids

My parents arrived Friday evening and we met with them to go out for dinner. It used to make me a little crazy and headachey when they would both hold simultaneous, yet separate conversations with me. But now… now I just laugh and try to listen to both, and laugh some more. They came up to our house for dinner over the weekend. It feels good to cook for my folks – to spoil them since they were always spoiling me (and now us). More than ever, I just feel that I want my parents to be happy. Isn’t this what we wish for the ones we love?

this dish never fails to please: pan-seared scallops on fresh corn and roasted tomatoes

The weather got uncomfortably warm right around the time the pine pollen got ridiculous (i.e. everywhere). But before all of that happened, I made some fruity pies. Remember the mad loot I scored in the way of organic blueberries from Whole Foods? I used one of those pints for something other than jam. Pie is great and all, but HAND PIES are like… presents.

puff pastry, blueberries, egg, cinnamon, salt, lemon, cornstarch, sugar, turbinado sugar

mix the cornstarch, sugar, cinnamon, and lemon zest

mix the blueberries, lemon juice, and salt together

The ONLY reason I’m willing to make these right now is because of this wonderful store-bought puff pastry that I LOVE. I’ve gone on at length about how much I hate the regular commercial brands and their utterly disgusting hyrdrogenated fats that leave a horrid film coating your mouth, but this one uses real butter, flour, water, salt, and lemon juice. It’s spendy, but it’s worth the occasional splurge for a treat like hand pies.

combine the sugar mixture with the blueberries

toss to coat

slice up the dough

pile 1-2 tablespoons of filling

You don’t have to use puff pastry (I’m partial to it). You can use a pie crust dough, or any pastry dough that you happen to like. Just make sure to adjust the baking time accordingly for your dough of choice. Also, don’t try to overstuff the pastry (which I sort of did) because the fruit is going to bubble over and out and all over your pan (for that reason, I highly recommend lining the pan with parchment or foil).

whisk the egg wash

brush the edges of the pastry with egg wash

crimp the edges

There’s no need to be a perfectionist with the pastries. The dough will puff out as it bakes and smooth the irregularities (think of an averaging function). This is another reason why hand pies are AWESOME. Do remember to give it a once over with the egg wash (for a nice and shiny finish) and please cut a few vents into the tops to allow steam to escape.

brush with egg wash

slice venting slits

top with turbinado sugar

baked to a golden color

I had a good deal of bubbleage during baking, which leads me to believe that I overstuffed the pastries a tad. Some bubbleage is to be expected, but I think I had a little too much of the precious fruit juices boiling into a fruit leather on the pan rather than in the pies. However, the pies were wonderfully balanced and fruity. Despite how fast and easy it is to devour one hand pie after another, we managed to ration them out over a few days. They didn’t last more than three days because we polished them off, but they were still good on that third morning. So I’d say they keep for three days in an airtight container either on the counter or in the refrigerator, that is… IF you can make them last that long.

a happy pile of blueberry hand pies

it’s blueberry goodness in a little package

Blueberry Hand Pies
[print recipe]

1/2 cup sugar
3 tbsps cornstarch
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp lemon zest, freshly grated
1 tbsp lemon juice, fresh
2 cups (1 pt.) blueberries, fresh
pinch of salt
1 egg yolk
1 lb. pie crust dough or puff pastry dough (you can use this recipe for puff pastry)
turbinado sugar

Whisk the 1/2 cup of sugar, cornstarch, cinnamon, and lemon zest together in a small bowl. Mix the lemon juice, blueberries, and salt until the berries are wet. Toss the sugar mixture into the blueberries and mix until the berries are evenly coated. Roll the dough out to about 1/8-inch thickness and cut into 8-10 square or rectangular pieces (you are welcome to make circular or whatever funny shapes you want). In a small bowl, whisk the egg yolk and 2 tablespoons of water together. Place 1-2 tablespoons of blueberry filling on half of each pastry. Brush the edges of the pastry with the egg wash and fold the pastry in half, sealing in the blueberries. Press the edges together then crimp with a fork. Chill the hand pies in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 375°F. Remove the hand pies from the refrigerator and brush the tops with the egg wash. Slice a few vents in the tops of each pie to allow steam to escape. Sprinkle the pies with turbinado sugar. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until golden (this will depend on the pastry you use). Makes 8-10 hand pies.

more goodness from the use real butter archives

bourbon peach hand pies blueberry pie homemade blueberry muffin larabar chicken pot hand pies

23 nibbles at “the fun never stops”

  1. Katrina @ Warm Vanilla Sugar says:

    That hedgehog is SO CUTE!! Love! Also, these hand pies are a dream!

  2. Paige says:

    Where did you buy the puff pastry? I’d like to try it, making your own is a pain. I really enjoy your blog, thanks for doing it.

  3. Zainab @ Blahnik Baker says:

    Beautiful hand pies!! Need to make some soon :)

  4. Kathya says:

    Man, those look great! xo

  5. hungry dog says:

    Um, I want that hedgehog.

  6. Dina says:

    rosie is adorable and the hand pies look delish!

  7. Rachel @ Bakerita says:

    So gorgeous, and with a bit of whipped cream, they’d be the perfect summer dessert!

  8. Carla says:

    I found Dufour puff pastry at Whole Foods..and you aren’t kidding…it’s expensive, but SOOOOO worth it.
    I missed the big blueberry sale, so I’ll try this with the organic apples I get in my CSA share a couple of months from now.

    Rosie is too cute!!

  9. jill says:

    Mmmmmm, I’m gonna see if my sissy will make a peach, OR CHERRY, hand pie!!!!!!! And those scallops….look so yummy!!!!!! Put it in my belly!

  10. angelitacarmelita says:

    I had to laugh when I saw Jill’s post, because if her name had been Tami, then I’d have known my sister was also reading this post. That’s exactly something that my sister would also say “here’s the recipe, now please make it for me” and I would… I am going to make this for my sister (of course) and for my mom this weekend, we have dinner together every Sunday, and they would both love these. And yes, all that matters as we grow up, is to see our parents happy and to listen them, whatever they’re saying and for as many times as they want to repeat it…. And I’m wondering, would a hedgehog let you kiss it on the nose? don’t you just wanna do that after seeing that picture? I did! Stay cool…..

  11. Ashley | Spoonful of Flavor says:

    Love the hedgehog, so cute! I have a ton of blueberries to use and these look delicious.

  12. Russell at Chasing Delicious says:

    Yum! These guys look amazing! I could eat a whole plateful no problem.

  13. Chung-Ah | Damn Delicious says:

    That hedgehog is adorable! And those scallops? Amazing.

    I could also use a couple of these hand pies right now. I have a ton of blueberries to use up too!

  14. Sei says:

    I’m just relieved that I’m not the only soul who always has oozy handpies. Every time I try they make an unholy mess. Still delicious, but messy. I think I overstuff them as well, but how can I not? More filling is always better!

  15. Margarita says:

    Love Love Love!! The Hedgehog is the cutest!

  16. Chef V says:

    Yum, DuFour does have the best Puff Pastry. It’s munchie time here in NY, this looks better than standing on a line for a cronut right about now!

  17. Christine says:

    These look so good I had to run out this morning and get the dough…they are in the oven now can’t wait….they also had a chocolate pastry dough so going to stuff some raspberries in the chocolate dough…

  18. Power of the Pin: 3 | The Shelled Pea says:

    […] 4. blueberry hand pies // use real bacon […]

  19. Mara says:

    What is the recipe for the corn and tomatoes salad under te scallops? Looks delish!

  20. jenyu says:

    Katrina – I know, right?! I love the hedgehog.

    Paige – I bought it at my local Whole Foods in the freezer section. Or I think you might be able to order online if you can’t find it in a store.

    Zainab – thanks!

    Kathya – :) xo

    hungry dog – yep.

    Dina – thank you.

    Rachel – right on (or ice cream) :)

    Carla – yeah, I had to do a mental calculation of my time versus the cost of the Dufour. Obviously, I value my time a little more than the puff pastry’s cost ;)

    jill – :)

    angelitacarmelita – ha ha ha!! That’s cute :) That hedgehog was pretty jumpy. I guess they do this as a defense mechanism, but when we got near her, she would sneeze and make her little spines stand up. Still, super cute!

    Ashley – they’re quite easy if you have the dough already made (or use a pie crust dough).

    Russell – it’s dangerous, I tell ya.

    Chung-Ah – I’m jealous of everyone who has a surplus of blueberries right now!

    Sei – yeah, I have never made a handpie that didn’t spill it’s guts. I think it’s more the juicy fruits and berries than our baking skills ;)

    Margarita – :)

    Chef V – I want to try a cronut!!

    Christine – oooooh!!! I hope they turned out!

    Mara – I just sauté the corn in a little butter and salt, then roast the tomatoes like I did here: and mix them together.

  21. Lindsay F says:

    These are beautiful – I’m going to make hand pies for my 5 (going on 6) year old’s birthday party next weekend. I think I’ll use pie crust … anyway though I have a question:
    What’s the difference between turbinado sugar and dusting sugar? Can I use that turbinado sugar for dusting? Its nice and chunky… Thanks for your advice in advance!

  22. jenyu says:

    Lindsay – I don’t really know the difference, but you sure can use turbinado sugar. That’s what I use and I love the crunchy texture! Happy soon-to-be birthday to your little one. What a lucky kid! :)

  23. Sarah says:

    Thank you for posting your recipes. My boyfriend’s mom celebrated her 60th birthday recently so I hosted her party. We did a pie bar, and these beauties were featured. They were delicious! I love your recipes. One of my most requested dishes is from you–the teriyaki pork chops. Yum!

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