baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

copyright jennifer yu © 2004-2023 all rights reserved: no photos or content may be reproduced without prior written consent

this may sound cheesy

Recipe: hot cheesy green chile dip

Since last week’s recipe was so long, I didn’t post any photos from the week’s shenanigans. I thought it might be nice to include them this week since I’d rather share some uplifting images rather than try to sort out what I’m thinking.

a beautiful sunrise

moose in the mountains

neva incognito – as a leopard

ice crystals along a streambank

I’ve also stepped back from Facebook because that place is just a freaking black hole of suck. A washing machine of emotions and assholery on spin cycle (I’m still pretty active on Instagram, though – so go find me there). Last week, I agreed to cook at one of Andrew‘s dinner parties, but as Friday neared, I felt so drained and exhausted that I wanted to bail. In the end, I decided not to. And I’m glad I didn’t. Engaging with people – with good, kind, positive people – energized me. Cooking with friends and feeding others got me out of this funk. Also? I learned about barbecue using a smoker from Andrew’s friend, Ben, who is now my friend, too.

ben and andrew manning the smoker (full of brisket and ribs – oh lordy!)

some of the dinner attendees getting ready for dinner

ben’s texas-style brisket

Cooking was a team effort with Ben at the helm on the barbecue, Andrew picking up the side dishes, and me bringing the start and the end of the meal – appetizer and dessert(s). In my ongoing attempt to use up frozen roasted Hatch green chiles from prior years, I stumbled across a crazy delicious dip that everyone seems to love. My neighbors gave it their approval a few weeks ago, so I figured it would be a good dip to start the dinner party at Andrew’s house.

cream cheese, jack cheese, diced roasted green chiles, mayonnaise, parmesan cheese, minced garlic

This probably needs to be stated for someone’s benefit, but peel and seed your green chiles before dicing them. If you can’t get frozen roasted green chiles, you can substitute canned green chiles, although I feel the flavor is somewhat inferior to frozen or fresh. Now this recipe is about as easy as they get because you mix everything together and bake it. That’s it.

beat the softened cream cheese first (makes for easier mixing)

add the garlic, mayonnaise, green chiles, parmesan, and jack cheese

scoop it into a baking dish

This recipe works well in an 8 x 8-inch baking dish, but I baked it in two smaller dishes: 7-inch round and 4.5 x 7.25-inch rectangle. The math works out. You definitely don’t want to use anything with significantly larger area or the dip will be on the thin side.

ready for the oven

golden on top

The dip was a hit at the party. Folks enjoyed it so much that some requested the recipe. And because it is particularly tasty with corn tortilla chips, it makes an ideal gluten-free dish. This hot, cheesy, spicy (but not too spicy), and creamy dip might be a good start to a big Thanksgiving gathering or holiday party or sportsball party – wherever you want people to get that warm cheesy feeling in their belly.

serve with tortilla chips

dig in

Hot Cheesy Green Chile Dip
[print recipe]
adapted from this recipe

8 oz. cream cheese (not whipped, get the block), at room temperature
1 cup mayonnaise (full fat)
1 1/2 cups jack cheese, shredded
1-2 cups diced roasted green chiles (preferably Hatch chiles, peeled and seeded), to taste
1 cup Parmesan cheese, grated
1 clove garlic, minced

Preheat oven to 350°F. Cream the cream cheese in a bowl. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix until completely blended. Pour into a baking dish (approx 8×8 inches, but there is flexibility – just don’t go larger). Bake 35-45 minutes until the top is golden and bubbly. Serve with tortilla chips or crostini.

more goodness from the use real butter archives

blue cornmeal-crusted green chiles the roadrunner (pepperoni and green chile) pizza hot chorizo sweet onion dip artichoke dip

18 nibbles at “this may sound cheesy”

  1. heather (delicious not gorgeous) says:

    i still need cheesy, comforting food, so this sounds perfect! and completely agree with you on the facebook detox; for the first time in a very long time, i had to log out. it was just too much. hope you’re doing well.

  2. Veronica says:

    Just a feeling of dread…but seeing friends and cooking is helping. Thanks for all of your the beautiful pictures and all of the wonderful recipes. I would love a Neva hug as well.

  3. Veronica says:

    BTW, I made the roasted delicata squash and loved it. Thanks !

  4. Meghan says:

    Yum! Is there any chance Ben would let you post his brisket recipe? Love that sunrise,.

  5. Helen says:

    Sending love, compassion and solidarity from this side of the Pond. We are incredulous too.

  6. Helen says:

    I’ve been waiting for your post to lift me up. Thank you for Neva and the mountains. I’ve marched and am wearing a safety pin. Will work for tolerance and justice and great food.

  7. Kristin says:

    Your photos, recipe, and attitude are helping me. I felt shattered and now numb….I am afraid it is a temporary coping mechanism. Although I shouldn’t be afraid…I don’t want to be numb, I want to DO something. Thank you for lifting me up!

  8. farmerpam says:

    I, too, have been waiting for your post to take my thoughts to a happy place. It’s been all about comfort food this past week. Shamelessly open about food giving me some sort of comfort, lol. No more baking cheesecake, smashed potatoes with roasted garlic or ale gravy with fresh cheese curds. Did I mention the pasta? Oh, the pasta dishes! No more. Looking forward to any full moon photos you might capture. See? There’s always hope, it’s the one thing Pandora didn’t let out of the box. Onward, through the fog. ;)

  9. Ashton says:

    Like others I checked your blog a few times late last week. Food is comfort in its purest sense. It gives me peace to know that “friends” even those I know only through reading their blog grieved with me. Keep up the good fight.

  10. Thekitchwitch says:

    I made comfort food this weekend, too. Gumbo, pancakes and bacon, popcorn the old-fashioned stovetop way, and chicken Francais. It helped. A little. And you are right about FB right now. Jesus.

  11. Karly says:

    Must. Eat. All. The. Cheese. This dip looks INSANELY good! Need this in my life ASAP!

  12. Martha says:

    Thank you. I’m in a pit mentally and casting about as I try to change a lot of old habits (life long news junky, etc.) I just cannot, for my sanity going forward. But FOOD, that I can do! We’ve started a new tradition: every few weeks we head up to Boulder for an early dinner on a Saturday night (we’re in Morrison). It’s fun to start trying all those great restaurants and wandering around Pearl Street. It’s a start. And a new recipe a week in the kitchen…

  13. Deb in Indiana says:

    Thank you for the beauty and for the yumminess, too. Both are heartening!

  14. Kristin says:

    Took this to a party last night. Thankfully I ate a ridiculous amount when we first arrived, because the dish was scraped clean when we left. I was bummed, because I was planning on having some for the road!

  15. Rose says:

    Eating this now. Deliciously cheesy. Made 2 small pans, one to bake and the other to put in the refrigerator for another day. Thanks, Jen!

  16. Sophie says:

    Echoing all of the sentiments here, I, too, am in a trance…asking myself how do we move forward…but food and your beautiful photos and stories help me forget this nightmare, even for just a quick minute.

  17. Jill Hyde says:

    I participated in an Executive Women 4 Hillary salon, and too feel so numb with our outcome. It’s hard to suck it up and move forward. Thanks for just being you.

    This brisket and your dip look amazing. We have a smoker, and once Tom sees this, I bet a brisket is in our future!

    Ohhhh, Neva doesn’t look like a puppy anymore! xo, jill

  18. jenyu says:

    heather – the cheesy will help with the feels. yeah, FB is getting overrun by so much stupid that I can’t even anymore.

    Veronica – you are so welcome. And Neva is only now learning to give hugs (that is, she will lay her head on your shoulder or head instead of licking your hair now).

    Meghan – I’m sure he would, but I also think there isn’t much to the brisket “recipe” that the guys used. Here’s his video on technique:

    Helen – xxoo

    Helen – good for you! I think taking action is the best thing right now.

    Kristin – I’m doing more volunteer work and donations, but there are many ways to get involved and make changes for the better at the local level :)

    farmerpam – I didn’t bother with the supermoon rise since we had a bank of clouds sitting low on the horizon, although I did see it while driving home that evening. We have another shot at it in December, though!

    Ashton – right on xo

    TKW – I should have come to your house, lady! xo

    Karly – it’s a good one for parties, too!

    Martha – I am also a news junkie. Public radio is on all the time over here, except now it’s less so. I’m finding it easier to focus on things closer to home where I can have some impact. Good on you for trying new recipes and new restaurants! Boulder has SO many.

    Deb – xo

    Kristin – ha ha ha! You can always make more :)

    Rose – smart!

    Sophie – glad to help, but let’s definitely move forward sooner than later. I think – for me, at least – the best thing I can do is look at the local level to get involved in some way and help others.

    Jill – mmm, fun with a smoker! That sounds awesome. xo

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