baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

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archive for January 2009

it pains me to say

Sunday, January 11th, 2009

Recipe: knorr’s spinach dip

Oh wait. I meant to write: It pains me to type. Because it does. Shoulder and neck hurt like hell, but I’m more than 2/3rds done with my web overhaul. The end is in sight – for me or the web pages, take your pick.

I did manage a short break on Friday and went into town for errands and a couple of important dates. The first of my clandestine meetings sent my heart aflutter!

ten weeks

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this blows

Wednesday, January 7th, 2009

Recipe: boursin chicken

The winds have been fierce for a few days around here. It’s bad enough that my computer monitors are shaking with each gust that hits our house. I was skeptical that we’d even get to ride the lifts this morning as I drove up to our local hill in white out conditions. But… it was the first day of the women’s program and for some reason, when I’m with my betties, the winds and cold never seem to be as bad as when you ski alone.

meeting behind the nordic center

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you may have noticed

Sunday, January 4th, 2009

Recipe: extra-flaky southern buttermilk biscuits

…that use real butter was a little glitchy on Saturday. That was because Mr. Awesome and I were moving my entire online existence to a new commercial server, to better serve you, my beloved readers. There are apparently a lot more of you than we had originally anticipated and the old server was buckling under the weight of the traffic. The old blog address should have an automatic redirect to the new and improved and rightly proper domain: Permalinks and the like have been fixed on this end. Feeds have been updated, although it will probably take Bloglines a little while to update their feed… Google Reader has done so already. If you link to use real butter, you may want to update to the new address ( Otherwise, I hope all changes on urb are relatively transparent for you.

rime ice from this morning

there is snow, and then there is magical snow

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